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Everything posted by pakronos

  1. PAM also let off the gas and to be honest, coaching happened that game as well lol.
  2. imo, no. they are other players of recent to compare him to. no offense, but earl too old to be compared to a kid still in h.s. school. even though kary vincent played corner thats a good comparison and that might be too old lol.
  3. imo ALL stadiums have trash they sell. PAM has got to be the worse, especially last year. if local stadiums are considered "good", it's because the selling chik fi la smh...and outside the area, more of the same. chik fi la or pappa johns. i rather keep it ol school, sell it cheap. Nachoes, frito pies, hot dog/chill dogs popcorn and bbq links.
  4. now this separates the typical bs at all stadiums
  5. i'm about to ruffle feathers lol...i go the a book store, pick up the mag,look for the teams i'm interested in, just to see the opinion of the mag...otherwise i put it BACK and i purchase a program at the game and chat it up the week going into the game with people that support that school. imo, a waste of money. thats a Monceuxs shrimp basket or some salt & pepper wings...ijs...back before internet and social media, this was a go to...not so much anymore which is probably why sales are down etc...
  6. if you are an established program with the hardware to back it up, it can take a while. La Marque finally has been buried. what kept them around is they would show life for two years then drop off for another 3. when a team has deep runs(semi or state) with multiple championships, people still hold on to the glory days. Lincoln basketball my junior year went down as one of the worse teams in school history(didn't even make the playoffs) but was ranked the next year lol
  7. i plan on being in PA a day early to get my tickets. This game will EASILY sellout with long lines. Going back to the 2016 game, that was probably the most i've see since the stadium at standing room only(despite bob, PAM holds a very packed to the gills 10k) first time i was a freshman when lincoln and tj started playing each other in 89. Hines was a beast in the 2016 game!! Wilson was a surprise, well for me anyways. QB play for PAM will be the focus for PAM to win. I don't expect a blowout. i'm gonna take PAM by 7 or less, IF the qb play is decent. if qb play is poor, the defense might win it by 3 or less. home field is why i'm picking PAM. Due to the magnitude of this game, i wonder if they are possibly thinking about taking this to Lamar lol. go back and look at the replay game of 2016, besides renewing the "rivalry", there was nothing special that would have made this game sellout. i hate the stadium has a ban on umbrellas, real smart PAISD...u can bet it's gonna be a scorcher for the PAM fans pregame due to the sun doing more than kissing!! it will be hugging and doing things i can't say on this site!!
  8. wondering when and who will get the first air conditioned helmets on the high school level lol. LSU should be beast this year since they will be debuting them. this would help with summer practices greatly in my opinion. still gotta hydrate. todays heat is too dangerous, even for the athletes. i like the coaches that conduct night practices. that's game time stuff lol. getting acclimated to the lights etc..
  9. if he or someone that knows how to contact him thats seeing this, ask him to inbox me and leave his contact info. Thank you.
  10. i spoke to a couple of people. Jamie is my girlfriend.
  11. you wanna whats crazy??? over the past 10 months, me and his first cousin has been dating...i was at the draft party feeling uncomfortable lol. i'm glad he got picked up cause on Friday night, i could see the anxiety and frustration on the young mans face. congrats Shug...hopefully we will get talk at the next family gathering.
  12. I would think athlete, but I can see him possibly a qb at the juco or d2 level. Hell Lamar would fit him nice imo
  13. Never liked the play calling for him to run draws on 5 plus yards to go. He’s not fast. I wish him well on the college level.
  14. I’m right here see my own thread … argue with ya mammie lol
  15. First off congratulations to PAM u did your best… hopefully next year things will be better… Longview Hobos… congratulations… u really didn’t impress, but y’all made the plays to win. to the Crosby fan(s) u got bounced way earlier so I’m not sure why y’all bumpin… u look silly… and so what,PAM got blown out. I don’t receive money from paisd based on wins or point spreads. it’s local entertainment. I’m still gonna go to PA every weekend, go to the humidor and to Pour09 in Beaumont . I left Easter eggs for u clowns on the board. My life does not revolve around high school boys. It revolves around my kids… especially the one that’s 8 months old laying next to me. Again, way to play guys. Hopefully the coaching improves more. This is hopefully something they all can learn from. Now we lost, I’m gonna peak in on the basketball team that’s undefeated . And no I’m not about to go read other threads. U want my attention, u come to this thread keyboard warriors
  16. Welp good run boys… defense couldn’t contain the two man show. The turnovers hurt bad and the missed wide open drop took the wind out of them. Seen Morgan do more to get Goode the ball in previous games not so much tonight.
  17. Well we know who still sitting at home… yelling for a friend
  18. Kinda obvious these people have one wr and one rb… u need your best corner on 8 double him and Thornton to shadow the rb and we can shut the offense down
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