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Everything posted by pakronos

  1. he in his feeling along with the rest of crosby losers whining they coulda shoulda woulda...he mad cause them basketballs came out early.
  2. yawn...must suck to be at home wishing your team was playing.....go watch some basketball lol...oh we dominating that too........sucks to be code brown..
  3. the t shirts from a few years ago, PA vs Errbody is more true this week than ever lol
  4. i read some of the stuff and to be honest, just HIGHLY confident fans, then its you and a couple of others who actually had concerns and facing an unknown team have you being a little cautious. thats not saying yall scared, but being real cause of some injuries and discipline issues (we have those flair up time to time with the flags) honestly this might come out to clock management and take what the other team gives you. THIS GAME ISN'T THE TIME TO PANIC OR BE CUTE! if PAM keeps it simple, it makes it easier for the boys to get into a rhythm. so far the staff has been pretty good at fixing things in the second half.
  5. football speed and track speed are completely different. well we got the dub fairly easy against them and they wasn't an issue for PAM...i see yall had a close one with them, but to be fair, to different lancaster teams. crosby fans are idiots. again track and football speed are totally different. we played in a monsoon so bad the field turf was literally lifting up and PAM just had the turf replaced this year. for 3 weeks they have played much better during heavy rain AND didn't just run the ball, but was efficient in passing it too. i bring up the speed due to the last two teams the QB looked liked he had cement boots on. the Frisco QB got one in on PAM, but they was on him all night with no problem keeping him contained. our linbackers are just as quick as our DB's. if i'm worried about anything on defense is our corners are short and against bigger wr's the jump ball becomes a problem if they don't get the timing down. to be honest, i think both teams are pretty much staring in the mirror. i think yall dominated region 2 and yall district cause of the speed yall have and probably depth. IF PAM loses this one, it will be less than 21, but thats a moot point causing loosing by one still sends the titans home. no moral victories from me. making it to rd 3 has surpassed my expectations. that doesn't mean imo to let this be it and leave it all out there and let them coyotes know they ain't that good lol(not worthy of wolves) jk ya man. you are a very realistic fan compared to most and i respect that.
  6. Have anyone noticed that these last two teams from up north have been fundamentally sound, but slow?? maybe LV is use to those teams that don't have any speed and thinking PAM are like those teams lol
  7. yeah the TE killed us in the 1st half and like i said, that guy was on his grown man stuff lol. his body was atleast a college sophomore size. if the weather forecast holds up, we going to be ok imo. i like us in the rain. i guess LV don't realize we have speed sideline to sideline lol
  8. I agree. If we can get 2-3 stops and score preferably TD’s, but score, then slow the game down in the second half if we up two td’s. Still play aggressive, but eat clock. If we down 7 or less in the 4th, I like us as well.
  9. Well 70% chance of showers Friday with most of the heavy stuff in lufkin… that’s a plus for PAM considering it’s been like this every week for them.
  10. Well forecast for lufkin Friday is 70%… so far PAM had been stellar in cold rain
  11. This is one thing I stick with PNG about… don’t change your name!! People are soft… and smashmouth I’m not gonna entertain that cause I’m not sure if u joking or serious lol
  12. Same with PAM, but over here in Galveston county, the rain has been coming down pretty hard. Until recently
  13. Just curious do u guys know how the injuns are preparing this week with all the rain? Not sure about PAM. I would imagine gym during the athletic period with basketball going on after school… today looks like a good day and maybe tomorrow. Thursday is gonna be rough
  14. Hmmm they are avg… white #3 imo is the best one. Don’t let the int number fool u. In one game the opposing qb literally was throwing it right to them with no wr around… 7 times lol. They are fast though
  15. Doesn’t mean a guaranteed victory, but most of the seniors have been playing together on the same team since pop Warner…
  16. Imo, this has been the easier path… no way we was beating smithson valley or manvel. Reg 3 is a lot tougher. And those teams that beat pam 1st rd, not including shadow creek,got a lil help in the playoffs due to some upsets that cleared the way
  17. To add, during the playoffs, everyone has been passing against them. I’m thinking LV get alot of yards first half, but not second half
  18. Tale of two halves. They make adjustments at halftime that has been working well against the run. Wilson gets the ball out quick if Morgan calls for screens and plays to the side line
  19. No u dragged Crosby by co signing on cougtalk post… soooo I’ll be running my a$$ where??? Lol. Whatever. I actually go to the games and drive 2 hours to go to home games bs people that live there that don’t go a$$clown . Maybe I’ll stop by your cabin trap house when I go pick up my car in Huffman and give u a PAM shirt… I know u wanna root for someone… lonely over there… isn’t it… code poo
  20. Well the video footage didn’t lie…he sent the nazis in, they attacked, and that was that. While walking to the capitol, he put out the tweet trying to make himself look good and innocent
  21. Oh and ccred, I been to the games. Didn’t go to this one due to a birthday date night with my lady, but atleast I supported them… u and the code brown fans jumped ship while y’all was getting knuckled dragged by the district lol… Porter was more deserving than code doo doo brown lol.
  22. Ok troll… let me break it down for your hillbilly Smokey mountain self… my rants were due and directed to coaching and other fans… not the team… I might criticize some plays as do everyone on here does. Let me put this part in caps… I DONT CELEBRATE MEDIOCRITY WHEN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DOMINATE EVERY TEAM ON THAT CUPCAKE SCHEDULE WE HAVE. Morgan has consistently found ways for 4 years over thinking and losing the games that matter… the 1st round. That’s what my “hating” was about and to those that support that… NEVER BEEN AGAINST THE KIDS! Unless they do bone headed stuff like fighting etc. again have a seat on that couch and watch YouTube Friday of YOUR DISTRICT CHAMPION… loser lol
  23. Never was a hater. PAM is like my child… I can say what I want, but I’m not gonna let some team that been sitting out for 2 weeks trying to hype next year only to have more excuses. Now like I said… y’all got spanked… have a seat and watch CROSBY DISTRICT CHAMPION CONTINUE TO PLAY AFTER THANKSGIVING… code brown lol
  24. They actually take after Southern… those kids will kill u if u tell them they a mini grambling lol. That TE would give any team fits. If you gonna gash PAM with the run, u will only do it first half. They adjust really well. Again, PAM had some penalties that helped wake. Seems LV struggles to get going.. PAM do not struggle to get going. Don’t be surprised you find LV down 21-7 after one qtr. it’s the second qtr PAM seems to flounder sometimes.
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