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Posts posted by stevenash

  1. 6 hours ago, UT alum said:

    I would north what our parents and  grandparents thought about the government telling them how much sugar, gas, rubber, nylons, etc. they could buy back in WWII? Or was there maybe a shared sense on community in beating a common enemy? Stop stirring paranoia and start considering the task we must undertake as a nation to beat an invisible and totally indiscriminate enemy. You’re doing patriotism a disservice.

    Tell me please, was half the country plus the media blaming the War on the President?  Were they attempting to vilify him at every turn?  As for beating the invisible enemy, it would appear that Pfizer and operation warp speed are making very good progress on this.   I also love the FACT that about 3 weeks ago, the President stated that relief was just around the corner and he was immediately mocked/criticized regarding that statement.   I would say that a 90% effective vaccine coming much sooner than all of the "scientific experts" said was possible is a pretty good effort.   I hate to disappoint you, but there is NO WAY on earth that the upcoming vaccine can be credited to Biden, Schumer, Pelosi etc.

  2. 5 hours ago, Hagar said:

    I’m all for avoiding Covid, but when you have a Church that can hold three hundred people, but you only allow 25 in, does that make sense to you?   If Cuomo put a percentage, that’s one thing, but just throwing out a max of 25 is ridiculous.  And the link I posted was from a sitting SCOTUS Justice, hardly some wild eyed Doomsdayer.

    Btw, I was Honorably Discharged from the US Army, and my son was from the US Marines.   I’m offended you question my patriotism.

    You must remember that only the left has the right to be offended.

  3. 24 minutes ago, MouthBreather2k21 said:

    I need y’all good ole boys to fight the CENSORSHIP I experience on this board, with the same passion y’all argue about MSM censorship! 😘

    There is no censorship.  You simply havent grasped the fact that you must conform to certain standards on this board.  But I understand why you dont because you and your ilk believe that your cause is so noble that all methods to achieve said cause are acceptable.

  4. 17 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

     I’m sure trump and his best available lawyers will come with all they can. It has nothing to do with being middle of the road. It’s all about facts trump lost no fraud has been proven and if fraud is found it won’t be nowhere close to the votes trump needs. Go down with the ship if you want. Biden will be the 46th president.

    Does this mean  it is time for the right to burn buildings and steal flat screen tvs?

  5. 17 hours ago, Bobcat1 said:

    I agree with you on the hoax - I think they meddled, I think they do and so do we every election.  It was not not to the extent it would have changed the outcome - I don't think he should have been impeached, but what he did with Ukraine wasn't right. How "wrong" was it?  Not up to me, it was up to congress.   

    I thought we were talking about voter fraud?   Trump's campaign can't even prove it.      

    Republican allies are asking him for proof also.  I think we all are, but it's easier to spew lies than to find it, I guess. 

    Do you mean like Russian Collusion, Quid Pro Quo, and calling soldiers losers?

  6. 39 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    If your sons have a criminal record like Floyd, you have a right to be concerned.   On the other hand, if your sons are law abiding citizens and obey the Police, they have no more to fear than anyone else.   When a cop had me “spread’em” against the car, I did it.   I didn’t mouth off.  Didn’t punch him.  Didn’t run off.  I did what I was told.   

    The difference is that you were taught by your parents how to conduct yourself rather than being taught defiance.

  7. 13 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    I think that propaganda message you’re repeating worked in Dade County with the Cuban and Venezuelan population which made up for the most of why in Florida terms Biden got destroyed there. Branding is one thing trump is great at. 

    This is all propaganda but the Trump Russia Collusion was legit?

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