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Everything posted by LCMAlumtiger32

  1. You are really sensitive. If you think you’re bothering me you’re not. I explained to you where i reside. I have family on the current LCM team now😂. But you are accusing me of being negative on going for 2 which i dont think it does at all. Ive been on this site for years if you dont like whats said on here dont read it
  2. I agree i was just wondering it sounded a like a good game. Ill take my bandwagon team and move on we are now 6-0 😂
  3. 😂 You probably didn't even go to school at LCM. How is asking a person their opinion on going for two or a extra point negative? Im not a band wagon fan i live in silsbee. My kids go to school there. I was actually impressed how LCM did keeping it close because they beat Jasper.
  4. I agree Livingston should be in the top 4. But honestly i dont know about LCM. I wouldn't at all be surprised if they missed the playoffs
  5. Liberty by 7. Jk Wos takes this one. Coach T sitting on the stang side this week
  6. I agree but LCM and WOS isnt in the same district and he refused to sign off on two players. I guess he is trying to keep parents/kids jumping ship.
  7. Samething would happen if WOS spilled in to BC. Better coaching and holding the kids accountable probably would be productive. Coach Hickman wont sign off tho lol
  8. Yep i took a picture. Even wearing a silsbee shirt 😜
  9. @OleMoe was probably coaching the game snd calling the plays
  10. I agree cant get deep in the playoffs with the lack of dicipline
  11. Its all nonsense. If they would have taken care business this game could have been put away early.
  12. Its embarrassing to see all these bone headed flags. If Silsbee wants a chance at state they need to be more discipline
  13. Yes i think Lumberton and Vidor for 1 and 2. Buts it early im looking at pre district standings and matching up teams. I still think the district is very weak and will not make a far playoff run.
  14. Yes Livingston is. 0-4. The three teams they have played are 4-0 and one 2-2. LCM beat BC and HJ 0-4 and 2-2 with wins over two 3 a programs. Legacy beat livingston 42-28 that is who beat jasper and LCM plays this upcoming week. If LCM knocks them off ill say im wrong and LCM is the real deal
  15. I have lumberton beating LCM, splendora huffman. I thnk livingston and vidor are 1, 2 and 3 in district. Huffman and LCM playing for 4th spot.
  16. I do… if the qb dont get blocks up front it will be a long night. Nac man handled lumberton. Tyler Chapel hill beat NAC 42-21 last week. Our district doesnt have shot getting past east texas
  17. Pre district teams have been soft. WOS will be a good test where silsbee is at
  18. Im sure he will come up on varsity but not in qb role. What other position would he play?
  19. Not bashing last year QB. His mechanics throwing the ball was different. I wish we ran the qb some on draws and midline.
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