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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. CNN is making some major changes, I would assume from a major drop off of viewership.
  2. The democrats have the advantage of a low information base that is either clueless about this of just don't care. Living proof of this lives on this very forum.
  4. They love your attitude, nothing to see here, move along citizen. It absolutely amazes me that folks like yourself have no concern over a move like this.
  5. 87,000 new IRS agents gearing up for “enforcement” and still more concerns for Trump. 🤦‍♂️
  6. [Hidden Content] More tragic results from the democrats...from the article: David didn’t agree with or support Black Lives Matter. He never understood Black Lives Matter, because it never actually did anything to help Black lives. The same year David was killed, over a dozen children were shot in St. Louis, and never once did Black Lives Matter show up. Their lives mattered. Fifty-five businesses were looted or destroyed the night David was murdered, many of them Black-owned. Their livelihoods mattered. My husband was a Black man who selflessly served his community for over 40 years. His life mattered. Ultimately, David was murdered because the people who are supposed to protect our streets — active-duty police officers — were ordered not to do their jobs. It is clear that the anti-law enforcement sentiment that has been fueled in this country by Democrat and left-wing activist rhetoric has gone too far. Yes, there are bad cops out there, but addressing bad policing by ordering no policing at all is not a solution. It is extremist, it is dangerous, and it cost my husband his life.
  7. Strength and prayers for the Phillips family.
  8. [Hidden Content] From the article: Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming called "large portions" of the Republican Party "very sick" in an interview recapping her failed bid to stay in office. 😭
  9. [Hidden Content] Well, imagine that, biden does like fences after all...especially free ones. From the article: After spending much of his summer vacation on Kiawah Island, South Carolina, President Biden is heading back to his multimillion-dollar beach house in his home state of Delaware, where he’s building a taxpayer-funded security fence at a cost that’s ballooned to nearly $500,000. Biden is expected to arrive at his $2.7 million summer house in the North Shores community of Rehoboth Beach on Saturday after spending the last couple nights in Wilmington, Delaware, according to data released by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). On Wednesday, Biden was briefly at the White House signing of the $739 billion Inflation Reduction Act into law. In September 2021, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) awarded $456,548 to a Sussex County company to construct a security fence around the home.
  10. Sorry, the politicians that opposed segregation in the 60s were still democrats. The democrat party was full of good old boys like Bull Conner, and you’re still here defending them.
  11. Again, I don’t agree with your interpretation of conservative. As always, we can agree to disagree.
  12. If we’re honest, a bunch of kooks in the modern day KKK pales in comparison to the card carrying members that were also democrat politicians. You are doing some serious fact twisting.
  13. I know you weren't the one that brought the flag up but if a flag is to be part of the argument, why no mention of the Antifa flag wavers that are actually destroying cities? Many folks wave it in defiance of others that have deemed it racist, just like they brand all the statues are racist. Personally, I wish folks would quit paying attention to the snowflakes, you have a right to be offended, it doesn't mean something has to be done about it.
  14. So what party were all the southern governors and politicians that blocked segregation? Many of them backed by the KKK, sorry, the Democratic party up into the 60s and 70s is the same party that pushed back against slavery pre-1860. They are still fans of slavery, it's just better disguised as welfare and public housing.
  15. Pretty much, add to that doubling the staff of the IRS, arming some, and earmarking 45 billion for enforcement. The federal government is definitely making a statement, sadly many aren't listening or paying attention...and many are focused on "gotta get Trump".
  16. [Hidden Content] From the article: The Department of Justice filed a motion on Monday opposing the release of the affidavit that was used to justify the search of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home. "If disclosed, the affidavit would serve as a roadmap to the government’s ongoing investigation, providing specific details about its direction and likely course, in a manner that is highly likely to compromise future investigative steps," the 13-page filing says. 🙄
  17. lol What does it matter if you’ve never seen an antifa flag , they exist and the folks that stand behind them are much more dangerous and destructive than anyone waving a confederate flag. These folks are also the party of biden…deal with it. …and 1,23, cue Trump comment.
  18. The Republican party does not fly the confederate flag. You can't help yourself, can you? Can't make a post without Trump taking over. I'll play the game, which party flies the Antifa flag? That sure ain't Republicans out there burning cities to the ground...that's your party. I'm quite sure you don't want to play the game of listing quotes from folks calling for harassment and violence.
  19. [Hidden Content] The gift from biden and the democrats just keeps on giving...to others. From the article: Canadian officials celebrated the new law as a windfall for Canada and its green energy manufacturing sector, which will benefit from Americans receiving tax credits for purchasing electric vehicles made in North America, a fact not lost on critics of the legislation. "Using your taxes to boost the Canadian automobile manufacturing sector is not going to reduce inflation in the United States, but it is quite a gift to Canada, the same country that sued the U.S. in the WTO to get us to remove country of origin labels from our beef and pork," Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., said Wednesday in response to Trudeau.
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