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Posts posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. you can say THAT as many times as you want, but you are still wrong.  or please tell me which homosexuals you've talked to that told you so.  i'd love to talk to them and see how they're different from the probably 2-3 dozen or so i've talked to.  God creates people who are schizophrenic that go crazy and kill people.  God creates people that are mentally retarded, and sometimes because they aren't smart enough to know right from wrong, they commit crimes. These people are born with abnormalities that lead them to sin. How is that different from someone being born with an abnormal sinful sexual impulse? Hell, we're all born into sinful sexual impulses.
    but on a more simple note, everyone God creates is destined for a life of sinful behavior.  God created you knowing you would sin, and (I don't know you personally, and cannot talk for you) and knew that many (most?) that he created would not only sin, but would indulge in some form of sinful lifestyle.  maybe you guys know somebody, but growing up active in the church, i had a lot of guys that i was great friends with, and we would talk about sexual sin, thoughts, masturbation, etc. in the context of our religion and sin, and i didn't know a single guy who was born with the ability to control sinful, lustful thoughts.  So why is so hard to understand that the same God who made people incapable of forgoing lustful thoughts (and a vast majority incapable of forgoing lustful actions) might create some who struggle with something a little different?


    Mentally retarded is not sinful behavior and neither are mental disorders, homosexuality is...BIG difference.  That's not me saying this, that's God's word.


    Read what scripture has to say about homosexuality and then try and make sense of why God would create someone that way when he makes it clear how he feels about it.


    Sorry, but Scripture trumps however many homosexuals you have talked to that give their perspective on it.


    Yes, we are all born with a sinful nature (in our soul) and fight temptations daily...big difference than being born with a genetically structured sin nature we can do nothing about.

  2. children are not "made" gay.  you can't be "influenced" into becoming gay.  it's not contagious, and it's not a choice.  you either are or you aren't.  so i'm not really sure how children in a home with two loving dads or moms are worse off than children living in foster care or a state run school or with a crackhead mother who can't take care of them. 


    but that being said, i'm really curious, unless you were raised by gay parents, how you'd have such a strong opinion on how badly damaged these poor kids would be growing up in that situation. 


    You can say that as many times as you want but it is not true.


    You admit it is a sin and you still believe that God would create someone to be destined for a life of sinful behavior...think about it, makes no sense.

  3. With all due respect, in that election, with the state of the country at the time, an ultra-conservative would've lost much worse than McCain did. A "squishy moderate" was the GOP's best chance. Palin killed what nominal chance he did have, although I'll admit the GOP had very little chance to begin with.


    I agree an "ultra-conservative" wasn't going to win that election but an "ultra-liberal" did.


    Would you say that was a wise choice?  


    Seems to me we need some "ultra-conservative" policies right now. (smaller fed gov, actual spending cuts, not just a slowed rate of increase)


    We made a poor choice for President TWICE and I can see it happening again.

  4. Palin is great because she "has some accomplishments", but Biden is a boob.  Doesn't he have a few "accomplishments"?


    Did I say she was great because of her accomplishments...no.


    I said I didn't understand the hatred towards her and how she is dismissed as an idiot when she has manged some accomplishments.


    Biden has accomplished stuff as well, but he is a boob, everybody knows that.

  5. I read several stories on it before I commented which is my usual practice. At least one of them (I remember one was from Fox News which is also the source in the OP) said that he went to the bedroom, saw the boy and then went back to get his gun. Several of the articles mentioned the ensuing argument, again giving a good chance that he and the girl told that he was invited in. 
    At least a couple involved interviewing neighbors that said that the kids had a saying not to go around that house because of fear of the father. I can  see that it was for good reason but it also might show some of the insight to a person that was enough of a loose cannon that the neighborhood kids talked about him.

    If he left that room to get his firearm that sounds more like an angry father than a father that felt like his daughter was in immediate danger IMO.
  6. Feel free to do anything that you believe you can get away with.


    TX law does not allow deadly force for trespassing and this kid was not even doing that. 


    I have a hard time wondering why so many are fervently defending the father for killing what we know was an innocent kid. Maybe the kid lunged for the gun and caused his own death but short of that, I can't see a justification for killing him. 


    I can just about assure you that if this kid was the child of a parent in this forum, we should be seeing a huge difference and outcry on how a person that was guilty of nothing but having a stupid girlfriend got the death sentence by a guy that was in such fear for his child that he left the room to go get a gun and come back. If I thought that a guy was armed and a danger to my child, I have a hard time believing that I would leave the room, probably with my child in there that I claim that I am worried about. 


    Yes I am looking at it from a law enforcement standpoint and the law and I have said more than once this guy will probably get away with the shooting but that does not mean that what he did was right or legal. 


    TVC, where did you see an article that said he left the room?  I can't find it.


    I don't see how he could have left the room with the daughter still in the room with this guy if that is what he did.

    which should've helped him a lot. Palin's nom for VP killed any chance he had.


    McCain or any other Republican had no chance in that election...people wanted a "change" so many voted for a one term Senator with no experience and a radical past with radical associates/mentors.


    Look how that turned out!


    Palin didn't cause McCain to lose IMO (we will never know) McCain lost because he was McCain...a squishy moderate.  People elect Presidents, not vice-presidents.


    If I use that logic then Obama won because he picked the boob Biden, right?  I don't think so.

  8. I hardly ever listen to celebrities and their opinions except for Ted Nugent (because he is so down to earth). Most of Hollywood and Rock Stars are a different breed and can AFFORD to think differently because a lot of what they try to convince you to do does not affect them. Do I really care what Adam Levine and J-Lo's moms want for their kids? J-Lo is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, yet she needs Obamacare? C'mon people. Let's think past our noses.


    Good advice...bet the reality is that these types of ridiculous advertisements will sound like a great idea to many.

  9. So we did not descend from the more primitive hominids such as Aripithecus, Australopithcanes, and Neanderthals?  That would be a contrary view to what most scientists (and the general public) currently believe to the true.  Can't deny the evidence.  One day the Big Bang and Human Evoluation will no longer be considered just theories (most people already believe in them now).

    I believe we were created and did not evolve from lower life forms. The evidence is not there and that's why they are still searching for the missing link, and I don't think they ever will find it JMO.

    There are plenty of scientists that disagree with evolution but I'll give you many more agree with it because they want answers so they create a theory to provide those answers because the alternative which is Faith in a Creator is nonsensical to them.

    I don't' think I'm denying the evidence, I just don't think it's' there.
  10. Who's worried?  I find the discoveries about our universe and planet very interesting.  And I'm not trying to disprove God or discredit the Bible.  I just wanted JV_Coach's opinion on the Big Bang as it relates to his views of Christianity and the Bible.  I know he takes the stories of the Bible literally, but picks and chooses what be believes about science (such as evolution & dinosaurs).  I would think that as science continues to progress, the gap between what the Bible says, and what scientist say will continue to widen.  Just something to think about.


    Don't forget evolution is simply a theory, not proven scientific fact.


    Take some slime, frogs, whatever and add billions of years and BAM ...you have humans.


    Myself, I like the version that we were created in God's image.   :)

  11. I might get booted, but it will be the first time.  Obviously, you don't read very well.   The mods told you that it was an accident, but I guess it is just another conspiracy.  Are the mods now fabricating stories?


    Obviously I can't read very well (you never disappoint)  :)  My mistake if you weren't booted.

  12. Check it out PAMFAM10...follow up on our discussion last night.




    Just a few quotes from the article...only three but there are many more.


    1)    "One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."

    President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998


    2)    "We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the US Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."


    — Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl Levin (D-MI), Tom Daschle (D-SD), John Kerry (D — MA), and others Oct. 9, 1998


    3)   "We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."


    — Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

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