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Posts posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. It will never happen but if zero-liability voters couldn't vote it would destroy the Democrats.


    That's why they will do everything they can to make sure plenty of folks STAY on welfare...sad.

  2. Nothing yet. It may take a while before the media and civil rights groups bring their small minority agenda to the forefront in the name of equality and political fairness.



    Nothing yet. It may take a while before the media and civil rights groups bring their small minority agenda to the forefront in the name of equality and political fairness.


    Did my sarcasm not come across?   :)

  3. First off, it's also been allowed in several places. I also didnt claim that people EVERYWHERE outside of setx would disagree with the mindset here. You're putting an awful lot of words in my mouth tonight. And secondly, while the topics are kind of related, it's not the same issue.

    They are two different issues...I was pointing out that traditional values are not so radical just yet...even in many more progressive areas.
  4. On an interesting note, I did poll ONE conservative lumberton parent about this issue, and he answered that he would be tentatively open minded to it, but would want the option to discuss it with his child first.

    Not a choice to be left to a middle schooler.

    How would that go anyway?

    Son. How would you like to have a cross dresser as your teacher?

    Sure. Dad...what's a cross dresser?
  5. I'm plenty in tune with this area. I grew up here, I even attended ETBU for 4 years, which really dials you into the mindset of conservative east texas. That's why I knew that the parent they interviewed who had a problem with this would have a strong country drawl and the prerequisite camo hat before I saw the interview. Thats also why i agreed with you that my viewpoints might seem radical to some in setx. I don't disagree with you that there will be plenty of people in SETX who would raise a stink. But you said this teacher would be welcomed in very few places. I disagree. Your viewpoint is VERY southeast texas. I'm not criticizing that, but a good chunk of the country does not share the ideologies of this area. I'm not claiming to have polled parents from Lumberton... But don't believe that the viewpoints of some parents from lumberton will line up with people in all places.

    If folks from all over agree with your views, why has something like homosexual marriage been voted down regularly...even in places like California.
  6. SOME lumberton parents have a problem with it. I only brought that up because you called me a "radical" for not having a problem with it. So I asked two non-political people and one conservative person around me and they didn't care either. So maybe I'm not as radical as you think, or maybe you're not quite as in tune with "most places" as you might believe.

    Right...I'm sure if you polled most parents they would have no problem with cross dressers teaching their kids.

    Pretty sure I'm more in tune with this than you are...at least in Southeast Texas.
  7. I just talked to my wife and mom, neither of whom are politically active, and neither had a problem with this. Interestingly enough, I also talked to my 60-year-old conservative stepdad, who votes republican and dislikes Obama as much as you guys, and his first question: was she doing her job? Second question: did she dress inappropriate? No? Then why would I care. His kid went through lumberton schools, coincidentally enough.

    Lumberton parents who have kids involved in this disagree with your group.
  8. That might be a radical viewpoint in parts of southeast texas, but not in large parts of the country. I wouldn't want her teaching sex ed, if that makes you feel any better. I saw on Facebook she's got a degree in physics and is also a pilot. Certainly sounds more accomplished than most of the seat fillers that districts use as subs.

    An accomplished cross dresser...well, why didn't you say so.

    And you're wrong...cross dressing middle school teachers would be welcomed in very few places.
  9. was his/her performance on par with other subs?  did he/her dress appropriately or in a provocative outfit?  did he/her try to push an agenda on the kids, or simply perform his/her duties? those are all questions i'd need answered before i was bothered by this.

    Wow...the MAN that dressed as a WOMAN and was in charge of middle school kids would only bother you if they dressed provocatively or pushed their agenda on the kids.

    Now who's the radical?

    I guarantee you not too many parents would want their kid in that environment.
  10. Same for me.  I hope Cruz gets the nomination just so I can watch the birthers backtrack.     .


    You won't hear a word from them since Cruz is their guy...just like you didn't hear any backtracking from the Bush surveillance critics about Obama expanding the U.S. surveillance program because he is their guy.

  11. I'm not applauding him, just stating an opinion.  In MY opinion, it was one of the few things that he did that actually helped his cause.  I'd say those that voted for him twice are pretty much on par with those that claimed a conspiracy theory about his location of birth.  neither proved to be particularly intelligent.


    I'd say there were a few more "non-particularly intelligent" folks that voted for Obama than were pushing the birther issue.

  12. Waiting to release his birth certificate might be one of the few things Obama has gotten right, as it took attention off of his 1st term failures and in the process made a lot of people on the opposite side look ridiculous.


    So you applaud him for a political tactic that managed to mask his failures...hmmm.


    IMO, the people that looked ridiculous are the gulpers that were fooled by this and voted for him again.


    Sadly, the joke is on all of us!




    You can get different interpretations depending on which expert you go with.


    I will agree with you one one thing...anyone that was playing the birther card on Obama had better throw it down on Cruz.


    Speaking of hypocrisy...I'm sure the national media will scrutinize Cruz in the same fashion they did Obama over this.

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