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Posts posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Oh, the tolerance from the left on free speech...as long as they agree with your "free" speech.




    In a blog post Thursday, Mozilla's executive chairwoman, Mitchell Baker, apologized for Mr. Eich's appointment, writing, "We have employees with a wide diversity of views.(some we WILL NOT tolerate) Our culture of openness extends to encouraging staff and community to share their beliefs and opinions in public (obviously not)…But this time we failed to listen, to engage, and to be guided by our community."


    What a load!

  2. i can understand them WANTING to do this for two reasons:

    1. the smoking related healthcare costs for veterans totals over
    a billion dollars a year
    2. Non-smokers make much more fit, in-shape fighters.

    That being said, screw them for considering actually acting on it. Our veterans give up large chunks of their lives (if not their life itself) to serve our country and protect our freedoms. And as far as I am concerned, if a man goes out and gets shot at for me and my country, he can smoke (chew, dip) as much as he wants, and we'll just find a way to foot the bill if he gets sick later. With all of the money being wasted by politicians on both sides of the aisle, the expense of veterans' healthcare should be the least of our worries.


    I agree...one of the few things that the fed gov SHOULD actually be responsible for.


    Be willing to engage the enemy, but don't smoke...smh.

  3. :rolleyes:




    From the article:


    Seagal, who has toyed with the idea of seeking Russian citizenship, said that Putin's “desire to protect the Russian-speaking people of Crimea, his assets, and the Russian Black Sea military base in Sevastopol … is very reasonable."


    Go for it...take Alec Baldwin with you!

    The problem i run into on this site sometimes is that being in the major minority of many issues, i often make one point and end up having to make rebuttals against many different responses. sometimes it makes me come off as more supportive of something than i actually am because i have to reply over and over and over and over again on something to address multiple people. So here it is... I AM pro choice. While some take the view that it is murder, i personally feel that something the size of a walnut inside of a woman's body is still part of her body and her's to do with as she pleases. I understand that many of you will never agree with me on this, and i can respect that. what i have not had a chance to say is that morally, i disagree with abortions. there are certain situations where i don't have a problem with them (such as in rape, known severe mental retardation, and severe health risk to the mother), but i do not agree with abortions as a convenient form of birth control. that being said, i do feel that a mother should have that choice, and i honestly can understand a 15 or 16-year-old making that choice. even though it's a choice i don't like, it's a choice that should be legal... and if you outlaw it, what about women that are raped? What about women who have health issues? I know a woman who became pregnant, then was diagnosed with kidney cancer. she had to choose between taking chemotherapy to survive, or having the baby. she chose to survive (and her husband and child who'd already been born) over an early-term fetus. So despite the fact that morally i disagree with the act, i don't see it as murder, and i feel that it MUST be kept legal for the few circumstances where it is understandable. So while i am in fact pro-choice, i don't want to give you guys the impression that i'm ready to throw parades outside of the clinics or anything like that.


    Just a few verses of what God's view of that "walnut" may be.


    Jeremiah 1:5 

    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”


    Psalm 139:13-14

    For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

    Listen to me, O coastlands, and give attention, you peoples from afar. The Lord called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name.


  5. We sure have "progressed" since Leave it to Beaver aired.




    From the article:


    In the first ever episode of "Leave it to Beaver," Wally and the Beaver set out to buy a pet alligator. "We were going to put it in the toilet because we knew alligators needed water," Mathers said. "At that time, you not only couldn't show a toilet, you couldn't show a bathroom on television. It was prohibited."





  6. That's the conundrum. The right would like to protect them before they're born, then complain about having to support them once they're born. I respect your beliefs against abortion, but I entirely disagree that if all of these unwanted babies were born and Medicaid, WIC, and welfare all increased dramatically that the right would be okay with that.

    Do you listen to you own argument?  You point your finger at the right like we're the bad guys because we may not want to support babies after they're born, but they ARE getting supported.


    I assume you think the left are the good guys because they are all for taking care of the "problem" by killing them.


    There's no conundrum...give them the right to live, like every human being should have, and figure it all out.


    Take the murder "choice" off the table.

  7. And many if not most of those would end up in bad situations, leading to increased crime rates, increased poverty, more government handouts, and... Even higher rates of unwanted pregnancies.

    So we'll just kill them...problem solved!


    That's not yours, mine or anyone's call to make...or shouldn't be anyway.


    So if someone doesn't have an abortion and a child is born in a terrible situation and on gov assistance, should there be an option to "terminate" this child?  No wait, that's illegal...same result, though.


    The same, EXACT result!

    i know you'll disagree, but 55,000,000 extra unwanted children being born into poverty, unloving homes, or orphanages over the last 40 years would've caused a much larger problem for our country than abortions have.

    I do disagree...the complacency we, as a nation, have towards this will at some point have major consequences.


    55,000,000...that's 1,375,000 a year for 40 years.  In no way is that some sort of solution...not one that 1,375,000 a year would agree with anyway.

    oh, you misinterpret. sorry i wasn't clearer. i think it's kind of creepy to power a hospital with medical waste. tumors and amputations included. fortunately, this was only the case at 2 hospitals, it was not a widespread practice, as some would have you believe.


    Sad part is that we could power a lot of hospitals with the aborted babies since Roe V Wade...over 50,000,000


    This story is a little tiny graphic illustration of what's been happening LEGALLY a long time.



    in the matter of safety and disease control, there are only a couple of options. it's not practical to embalm and bury an early-term fetus (nor would most mothers want to), so the logical answer is usually incinerating the remains. my pro-life, conservative step-mother chose to have the remains of TWO early-term miscarriages incinerated rather than face the expense of a funeral for a fetus she'd carried less than ten weeks.

    Your step-mother made some very sensible choices after some very unfortunate instances...this is not what I'm talking about at all.

  11. it's no surprise that every rightwing joke of a "news source" has picked this story up, greatly misrepresenting and distorting the facts. however, if you find the actual facts, it's that aborted babies and miscarriages at a small number of hospitals were treated as "medical waste" and were incinerated along side other medical waste and trash. in a couple of instances, hospitals were using the incinerators to create power for their hospitals. now, thanks to the very misleading title, the image that comes to mind is a big fire with babies being tossed in to create heat for the hospital. what in fact was happening was that hospitals were burning all of the trash, as well as their "medical waste" together in the incinerator that was used to power the facility. the vast majority of this would be the regular trash from the hospital, a much smaller amount would be medical waste such as tumors, amputations, removed organs, etc., and an even smaller amount would be the unwanted remains of either abortions or early term miscarriages. And while i am pro-choice, i do have a problem with this practice. but i also have a problem with the way the story is being portrayed. In the United States, the remains of early term miscarriages are also often incinerated. while some mothers do choose to have some sort of burial or cremation service for an early-term miscarriage, the majority of US early-term miscarriages are also treated as medical waste unless the mother chooses differently. it isn't until a baby is at 24 weeks in the womb that they are considered "stillborn", meaning that either a burial or funeral home cremation is required in the US.


    If you are pro-choice, why would you have a problem with it?


    If you feel it's simply a "choice" for someone to be able to abort a child, then you place no importance whatsoever on the child's life...why would you care how "it" is discarded?


    And that's what happens with abortion...human lives being discarded like unwanted trash...disguised as a "choice".

  12. It shows these people only care about one person and thats themselves! If they weren't up for election they could care less!


    Not sure why the Democrats are so worried about this legislation hurting them..it was touted as something the American people would embrace.


    Shouldn't they be using this to help them get re-elected?



  13. From the article:


    In a heated exchange over whether he and his tax agency employees are cooperating in Congress’s investigations into tea party targeting, Mr. Koskinen said the amount of time it will take to look through and redact private information from the documents could last years.



    “What they want is something that’s going to take years to produce,” he told the House Oversight Committee, which six months ago issued a subpoena for Ms. Lerner’s emails because the IRS wasn’t acting quickly enough.



    Years...really?  This statement is proof that this administration is terribly inefficient or terribly corrupt...or both.   YEARS???  smh


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