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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Typical...when you can't win, ridicule. I've told you this before...one day you may be as smart as you think you are, but I doubt it. I'm out...back to my blue collar world series game.
  2. And it's all caused by man, right. Is it possible the earth warms and cools without our help...I'll answer...yes. Remember the ice age threat from the 70's...what happened? I bet that was NASA backed as well. From the article: "97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree... You really are infatuated by academia.
  3. Thanks for proving my point...99.9%...lol...smh. Ivy League...your infatuation with higher education that it is the be all, end all is laughable...blue collar drives the country.
  4. Liberal theory... no study required.
  5. Once again... Saying a prayer is not ruling over anyone...someone wants to say a satanic prayer, have at it. Christians need to quit being so timid about their Christianity.
  6. Saying a prayer after a game is not the same as compelling kids to say God is a myth in a classroom... rational folks can actually tell the difference.
  7. This debate showed the blatant bias of the liberal media...oops. Last thing libs want anyone to know is their true intentions.
  8. If you get tired of the Comedy Channel, there's always MSNBC. [Hidden Content]
  9. It certainly turns Obama off...he has called the Constitution a "Charter of negative liberties".
  10. Correct...Tea Party supporters won't answer the phone anyway...they're at work.
  11. No sarcasm...fences work. Take it down and see how that works out.
  12. Wow...fences do work...maybe that's why they have one around the White House. [Hidden Content]
  13. Bush comes out and says he doesn't like the guy that is challenging his brother...earth-shattering news. There are lots of folks in Washington that don't like him...one of the reasons so many conservatives do.
  14. Cruz has you worried, no doubt. You're even using Bush as your source.
  15. What's sad is that when a scandal is generated for a Republican candidate, it sticks. Hillary stays in a constant state of scandal, but democrats and the press don't care, and deflect very well. Of course, low information voters required.
  16. I wouldn't necessarily call it a voter scam either but this will get more than 6000 votes...it will get votes from anyone that supports this kind of nonsense. When it comes to the Democrats, everything is about getting votes...nothing is driven by their goodwill.
  17. Cities that provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants and ignore federal law would never figure out a way for felons to vote, right?
  18. From the article: As we increasingly fantasize about new technologies that will save us from our own driving errors — cars that will brake for us, or spot cyclists we can't see, or even take over all the navigation — we should anticipate that, at first, those benefits may mostly go to the rich those that can pay for it. Life ain't fair...boo hoo.
  19. Teflon getting chipped away.
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