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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. It’s not Trumpism, lol, it’s looking at actual results.
  2. I really have no words, none of this is true and any rational person knows this. You can't point out any policies where Obama rebuilt the economy because there were none. He was the one that proclaimed high unemployment was here to stay, nothing to do about it, Trump came in and said BS and made him look like the unqualified fool he was while bringing unemployment to record lows, including the lowest unemployment for minorities ever (how racist of him) as well as having us energy independent for the first time ever If you only received crumbs under Trump, you are a very poor money manager, his tax policies were good for everyone, I see you hold to the democrat playbook on class warfare, gotta hate those rich folks. Illegal immigration was lower than at any time and there was nothing brutal about it, you must have forgotten that it was Obama that built the cages. Putin feared Trump because he knew he would act, why do you think he waited until Joe and the idiot were in office to invade Ukraine? He knew he would have another coward like Clinton that would be afraid to act. We received the useless vaccine that everyone said we had to have because of the actions Trump took to ramp up production, you know this and if you disagree, show me a timeline of how things occurred to back up your claim, you can't. As far as the racism and xenophobia, all lies made up by the left, absolutely nothing to it. Biden however, has a track record of racism, you just choose to ignore it because he's a democrat. Border crossings are a fraction of what they used to be? Really? [Hidden Content] Biden treats the office with respect, what a joke, he has used his time in office to make money with his crackhead son and crooked brothers while selling the American people out. You have shown yourself to be ignorant of current events.
  3. What a pathetic answer…list the policies you disagreed with, it’s a very simple request, unless you’re like most TDS sufferers that never got past their hurt feelings to even know the policies. And while you’re at it, list the policies of Biden you agree with, you know, an actual adult debate rather than what’s been happening. I don’t really think you can do that, prove me wrong.
  4. But you haven't been watching Joe Biden for 50 years leaching off the government and making racist remarks, giving the eulogy to a KKK member and proudly passing laws that put minorities in jail for many years for small crimes? Here comes the stupid whataboutism comment, but you hypocrisy is glaring that you find fault in one and can ignore the other. And you can't accuse me of being a red-hatter like the silly little troll because I'm not, I'm simply smart enough to see an injustice without letting my emotions cloud my judgement.
  5. Very sharp guy, reminds me of Jordan Peterson, you can't out-debate them, probably because they are speaking truth and the other side isn't.
  6. The democrats love Cuba and Venezuela, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez were their heros. Might be why they're emulating their behavior.
  7. Wow, just hanging out at the park, very sad.
  8. [Hidden Content] From the article: Grassley said that a copy of the FD-1023 document provided to the House Oversight Committee was "filled with redactions," while the version he and Comer had read "had maybe two or three half-inch redactions, not whole sentences redacted."
  9. I think we’re actually seeing unhinged occurring, lol.
  10. Don’t think so, two responses from Democrats, this is funny and I’m confused that this is even a story.
  11. Doubtful, but being innocent of bogus charges usually does. A democrat cover up has shown to be effective also.
  12. Sure you can, not a fan of either myself. Not a fan of Trump because he is a rude crude dude, not a fan of Biden because he has replaced very successful policies with policies that are very harmful to the country. Won't bother listing any because it has been posted many times. There is a big difference on the reasons folks are anti-Trump (emotion driven) and anti-Biden (policy driven). Even if someone is anti-Trump, I can't see how any American that pays attention to politics (that's one of our main problems) is not concerned with the treatment he has received from Democrats and the press. It has been proven that the Democrats at the highest level actually made up evidence to try and get him removed from office...and no one cares because they don't like the guy. Problem is this isn't changing, some folks want to blame a candidate when the fault lies with 81 million folks that voted for the train wreck we have now and weren't aware of the consequences because it's nothing more than a popularity contest to them, and that problem is only getting worse, our voting base is simply getting more dependent and less informed.
  13. You’re arguing with someone that doesn’t think the Bidens are guilty of wrongdoing, I would have to say further debate is a waste of time.
  14. Not holding my breath on that one, I was just jabbing the TDS crowd.
  15. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time. 🤞🤞 lol
  16. But democrats aren't REALLY trying to take our guns. smh
  17. [Hidden Content] than half of Target's,These changes are hurting Target. From the article: Target’s stock has lost about a fifth of its value over the past two and half weeks. It’s not about what you may have heard. If you follow right-wing media or Twitter, you may have seen a lot of coverage recently about Target’s stock price falling because of outrage over its Pride Month clothing. It’s conceivable that some investors sold Target because of the negative coverage on Fox News and other right-wing outlets. But Target’s stock went on a nine-day losing streak and hit a three-year low this week because of broader changes in the US economy, the possibility of a recession, and Target’s over-exposure to discretionary merchandise, according to corporate executives and retail and investment analysts. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  18. Yep, the selective mining approval has always amused me. EV owners are literally putting the Congolese people in slavery, I understand not knowingly, but they are.
  19. That you still seem to believe there was Russia collusion, which has proven to be a paid for scam by your party, but still think the Hillary email scandal, Benghazi, and crackhead Hunter’s business ties to the big guy were simply vast far right conspiracies.
  20. Which is odd to me, the regulations say they must be easily accessible but I've done the same thing, had to dig them out of storage and no problem. I guess there are some that may enforce it more to the rule.
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