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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content] democrats are truly a pathetic lot. Not a single democrat wanted to hold this clown accountable for lying to Congress and the American people. From the article: The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to censure Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for pushing claims that former President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign colluded with Russia — a vote that made Schiff just the third member of the House to be censured since the turn of the century. The resolution passed 213-209 in a vote — every Republican voted for it except for six who voted "present," and every Democrat voted against it.
  2. Why would we be the laughingstock while we were energy independent for the first time ever and minority unemployment at its lowest ever? The laughingstock is your stumbling bumbling fool of a President and his political whore sidekick. (Crude I know but it’s true) You have already shown that you really have no clue about what’s going on with your claim that border crossings are at an all time low. I notice you never responded to my post that crushed that lie, lol.
  3. Yep, they’re everywhere, and we’re supposed to pick a candidate those morons approve of. We’re done for cause they ain’t getting any smarter.
  4. I guess you didn’t bother to look at the article, biden is ahead of DeSantis in these polls, and you guys said he was a slam dunk if we could just get rid of Trump. Like I said, dumb voters.
  5. Remember, he's a Republican, guilty until proven innocent.
  6. Not talking about Trump, man, you are ate up with it.
  7. Look at the numbers, it's not the candidate that is the problem, it's dumb voters.
  8. Remember, this is about Hunter, try not to focus on Trump if possible.
  9. I’m not sure who is more pathetic, Joe, his crackhead son, or the idiots that voted for this.
  10. Some folks think this shows the unbiased search for justice from the DOJ and that no one is above the law, lol.
  11. lol, no one is taking the bait, probably need to find a new hobby.
  12. Comey, McCabe, Page and Strzok...I could go on with more names. It's not hard at all to say the feds are / were biased, hopefully that is improving, at least these folks are gone. But don't forget, they literally lied about the Steele dossier to Congress so I don't hold the same feeling of no bias as you do.
  13. Check out the Joe Rogan podcast with him, very interesting. I've heard several folks in the media say that his speaking will hurt him (not even what he is saying but his voice) as a candidate and I don't doubt it, we seem to have folks that are more concerned with presentation than substance, sadly.
  14. I think Hunter's actions were simply too much and too visible to be ignored, even though they tried for a while. And I'll hold judgement on the ballsy law enforcement comment because I doubt very seriously that anyone else will be charged, especially the "Big Guy".
  15. 🤣 I thought this was about Hunter at first. More TDS on display.
  16. Somehow that excuse is used to show how intelligent they are, lol.
  17. He didn’t say anything about Trump, he referenced the voting record. You’re the one that made the incorrect assumption about Trump, who seems to live in your head because every one of your posts is about him.
  18. Lol, you knew he was talking about you, huh? Don’t complain, you been doing it for years, thicken that snowflake skin up.
  19. I guess we have a different perspective of respect for the office. [Hidden Content]
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