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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content] Israel hating Russia preaching to the Israel hating UN about Israel's possible war crimes, smh.
  2. The post is very American, we are free thinking revolutionaries that should question everything, even the possible flaws in our system of justice. Makes sense that you would find fault in free thinking as a democrat, your party squashes any ideas outside your insane little box.
  3. [Hidden Content] From the article: Hunter Biden's Thursday indictment on federal charges in California revealed more than just his alleged failure to pay taxes over a years-long period, but rather what he was actually doing with the millions he was making in that time frame. According to the indictment, filed by DOJ Special Counsel David Weiss in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, Biden spent hundreds of thousands of dollars specifically on "adult entertainment" and "women," including a sex club membership and strippers. Here are the 5 most salacious details contained in the indictment: 1. Biden allegedly spent a total of $872,172 on "various women" and "adult entertainment" From 2016 to 2019, Biden allegedly spent $683,212 paying what the indictment described as "various women," including people he had romantic or sexual relationships with, and $188,960 on adult entertainment, including a sex club membership, exotic dancers and strip clubs. "Between 2016 and October 15, 2020, the Defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes," the indictment read. The total $872,172 was just a portion of the millions Biden allegedly spent in those years, before ultimately receiving financial support between Jan. 2020 and Oct. 2020 that still did not go to the Internal Revenue Service. 2. Biden allegedly failed to identify payments to a stripper and escort as personal expenses, rather than business Biden met with his accountant in California on Jan. 28, 2020 and reviewed the general ledger for his business entity, Owasco PC, to confirm line item accuracy. "While he reviewed the schedules for ‘Office Expenses’ and ‘Professional and Outside Services,’ the Defendant affirmatively identified, with a yellow highlighter, personal expenses that should not be deducted as business expenses," the indictment read. It added that he failed to identify a $1,500 Venmo payment made on Aug. 14, 2018 to an exotic dancer at a strip club as a personal expense, rather than business. "The Defendant described the payment in the Venmo transaction as for ‘artwork.' The exotic dancer had not sold him any artwork," the indictment read. Biden also allegedly failed to identify an $11,500 payment to an escort for spending two nights with him as a personal expense. 3. Biden allegedly claimed money paid to sexual and romantic partners were wages to reduce tax burden According to the indictment, Biden allegedly directed his personal assistant in 2018 to place three women "with whom he had romantic or sexual relationships," and a fourth woman related to one of the three, on his business payroll, as well as provide them with healthcare benefits. The indictment said Biden knew the wages, which totaled $86,000, were "a false deduction," but that he failed to inform his accountants. "These payroll expenses were treated as business expenses on Owasco, PC’s Form 1120, reducing the amount of income to the Defendant and, as a result, his individual income tax liability," the indictment read. 4. Biden allegedly falsely claimed stripper and sex club payments were business expenses In the Jan. 28, 2020 meeting with his California accountant, Biden allegedly falsely identified payments from his personal bank account and other wire transfers as business expenses. "Many of the expenses the Defendant circled were not, as he knew, business expenses. Instead, they were personal expenses generated during what he described in his memoir as a ‘bacchanal’ in 2018," the indictment read. Biden allegedly circled one payment for $1,248 for airline tickets for an exotic dancer to fly from Los Angeles to New York in Sep. 2018. "The Defendant wired money to JP Morgan Chase to pay personal expenses and falsely represented to the CA Accountants that these wire transfers were business expenses," the indictment read. "In truth, the wire transfers from the Owasco, PC account to JP Morgan Chase were to pay for personal expenses." One such wire transfer in July 2018 was for $18,000 to an individual not named in the indictment, of which $10,000 was for a "golf member deposit." "In fact, at the Defendant’s direction, the $10,000 was used to purchase a membership in a sex club," the indictment read, noting he visited the club with the individual he wired the money to. 5. Biden allegedly spent thousands on his business line of credit at a strip club The indictment stated that Biden used his business line of credit "to pay personal expenses and falsely represented to the CA Accountants that it was for business expenses." "In truth, the Defendant had used the business line of credit to pay for luxury hotels, restaurants, high-end clothing, and other personal items in New York and in California during 2018, among others," it read. This allegedly included $3,947 in payments to M Street Management, a Washington, D.C. strip club, in Jan., and a $774 Venmo payment to an exotic dancer in April.
  4. Oh, there is, Wendy's is much more efficient.
  5. Oh, I stopped debating you long ago, I'm simply trying to educate you now. 🙂
  6. The democrats are lining up the next bogus assault as we speak.
  7. [Hidden Content] It's unbelievable to me that legislation like this is required. From the article: Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., is out with a new bill aimed at preventing child welfare agencies from denying prospective adopters who say they will raise kids in a manner consistent with the minor’s biological sex. "The Biden administration is cruelly preventing countless children in the foster care and adoption system from going to loving homes just because parents are opposed to irreversible sex change procedures on kids," Banks told Fox News Digital. "This isn’t a liberal or conservative issue. This is just plain wrong, and every sane person knows it."
  8. They really don’t, trying to reasonably debate with UT alum has proven to be a waste of time.
  9. Yep, "discretionary" funds = loose cash we can divide amongst our pet projects. Remember "shovel ready" jobs, smh.
  10. [Hidden Content] From the article: President Biden's trillion-dollar infrastructure package included billions of dollars to fund an ambitious plan to construct a massive nationwide electric vehicle (EV) charging network, but has yet to yield a single charger two years later. Overall, the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) earmarked $7.5 billion for electric vehicle chargers — $5 billion for the so-called National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program and another $2.5 billion in discretionary funds for charging and fueling infrastructure — as part of the federal government's ambitious effort to expand EV ownership and reduce carbon emissions.
  11. He was definitely not a perfect cop, 18 complaints against him, couple of formal reprimands and involved in three shootings, one fatal. I understand none of this makes him guilty but it seems to show an aggressive approach to his job, which was on full display that day. Believe me, I'm not at all defending Floyd, but I believe the actions of Chauvin was a factor in his death on that particular day.
  12. Wasn't this the same group that said the next ice age was coming in the 70s? Pretty sure it was. Also, I think at one time, 80% of the scientists thought the earth was flat...how did that one pan out?
  13. Maybe when someone says I can't breathe you take your knee off their neck. I can just about guarantee that there are untold numbers of cops that would have produced a different outcome if they had come up on the scene. He was a bad cop with a bad history that came on the scene and was gonna show the younger cops how it's done. Apparently, a jury of his peers looked at the evidence and agreed. Floyd would have likely died at a later date due to his lifestyle but I don't believe it would have been that day except for the action of Chauvin. I'm a huge supporter of the cops but they need to police their own and get rid of trash like this. He should have never still been in uniform.
  14. I agree and it was in jest, it was pointing out that Big girl said there were only trace amounts in his system, as if that was ok.
  15. Would a 90 year old woman died if treated that way? Probably yes. He (Chauvin) should be responsible for his actions. This was a conviction of a pathetic cop that finally went too far.
  16. Agree, I said the same thing when it happened. Floyd was an addict and had problems but Chauvin had a history of bad behavior and there’s no doubt in my mind Floyd would not have died THAT day if he hadn’t had a knee on his neck for a prolonged period of time. It’s just a shame that everything has to be about race and as you pointed out and I have in the past as well, the race hustlers only appear in situations like this and don’t care about the real issues that are responsible for many more deaths among young black men.
  17. Maybe not, but our President sure is.
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