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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I know all about the case, you’re the one that needs to read the article. Low information voters, smh, the demise of this great country.
  2. I agree with baddog, you don’t even know what this is about, all you see is Trump, must be guilty. Not to worry, you have lots of folks just like you that have no interest in justice.
  3. Very thoughtful from someone that started the thread with this post: For all you “free thinking revolutionaries” out there, I’m done with your fascist rhetoric and fawning after a chicken hearted wannabe dictator. This is my last post. Choke on it.(though I reckon few, if any of you have the guts to watch all of it). lol
  4. Not if it was actually humor, which it was. You have a good evening, you’ve got enough issues to deal with without me adding to them.
  5. lol, typical liberal, always mad with no sense of humor. By the way, you haven’t quit this place, your TDS simply won’t let you.
  6. A wise man’s heart inclines him to the right, but a fool’s heart to the left. Ecclesiastes 10:2
  7. Democrats make a mess of everything they are put in charge of.
  8. Thanks goodness it's not true, would hate to lose an American treasure like the view, or the daily insight of the panel of geniuses.
  9. He was the sabre-rattling bad boy terrorist of the day prior to that. Didn’t hear a peep from him after. There is peace through strength, sadly this administration can’t figure this out.
  10. I didn't say you said no culpability, you simply said there were no convictions in Brandon lee's case and there probably won't be in this one either. If that's true, there is no culpability in the eyes of the courts. I look at it much simpler, you picked up a gun, pointed it at someone, pulled the trigger and killed someone. Maybe there are others you were depending on to make sure the gun was safe, but it falls on you also. I'm not arguing with you and I understand you are laying out "what ifs" from the legal standpoint.
  11. [Hidden Content] From the article: The White House is halting the permitting process for several proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal projects over their potential impacts on climate change, an unprecedented move environmentalists have demanded in recent months. 🤦‍♂️
  12. There were no convictions in Brandon Lee's case, right? That's what you said. Somehow a bunch of "professionals" allowed someone to be killed by a weapon that should have been safe. Same thing will happened with this case. More than likely no one will be held responsible here either...no culpability. 2+2 does equal 4.
  13. Well, I guess anytime someone gets killed in a Hollywood firearm accident, there should be no culpability because there are no expectations for personal responsibility from anyone involved. Sounds good.
  14. Myself, I don't think it's a silly argument at all to expect someone to be personally responsible for a firearm you are handling, even if you're a Hollywood elite. I'm sure Halyna Hutchins's family would agree. You shouldn't get to apply different rules for a crime and have no personal responsibility when you kill someone simply based on you being an actor with incompetent firearm knowledge. But, I'm sure when it's all settled, reasonable expectations won't be applied here.
  15. But what are your thoughts on this, I understand it's a news article, but if true, the FBI seemed to be specifically looking to verify that the weapon couldn't be fired without pulling the trigger. What would cause them to do this besides preparing to dispute claims made by Baldwin.
  16. Apparently the FBI didn't think his explanation made him look that good. [Hidden Content] From the article: For months, actor Alec Baldwin has said that he did not pull the trigger of a gun that fatally shot a crew member while they were filming in New Mexico. But new forensic evidence may tell a different story. The FBI recently finished and sent a report to the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office, which is handling the investigation. Officials found that the weapon, meant to be a prop, could not be fired without pulling the trigger.
  17. If only they could figure out how to keep them from catching on fire and killing folks. Not to worry, EVs are giving folks in the Congo plenty of steady slave labor.
  18. [Hidden Content] From the article: Electric bicycles caused a record number of fires, injuries and deaths in New York City last year as Democrats continued to push for greater adoption of the device as a solution to global warming. Overall, e-bikes sparked 267 fires which caused 18 deaths and 150 injuries in the city, according to New York Fire Department (FDNY) data shared with Fox News Digital. The figures represent the highest levels of each statistic, with e-bike related deaths increasing 200%, fires increasing 21% and injuries increasing 2% in the city year over year.
  19. Agree, as soon as the democrats figure out they need to pick a smooth talking shyster like a young bill clinton, the squishy moderates and fickle independent voters will be theirs, they won't even have to cheat.
  20. [Hidden Content] Nothing to see here, folks...move along. From the article: The University of Pennsylvania, home of President Biden's think tank, recently tripled its donations originating from China, records reviewed by Fox News Digital show. The Washington, D.C., office of Biden's think tank, the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, previously found itself under a microscope after confidential documents were found at the center. The discovery led to questions regarding Chinese donations to the University of Pennsylvania, which harbors the think tank. New records obtained by Americans for Public Trust (APT) and provided to Fox News Digital show that the University of Pennsylvania recently saw its donations from China exponentially swell from its previous reporting period, and some of the money has come from individuals and institutions with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
  21. [Hidden Content] Remember we were told to "follow the science", smh. What's sad is lots of folks would still line up to take instructions from crooks and fools like him. From the article: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public face of the U.S. coronavirus pandemic response, told lawmakers this week that the social distancing recommendations forced on Americans "sort of just appeared" and were likely not based on scientific data.
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