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    #1stangfan reacted to lostaussie in West Orange Stark vs Madisonville   
    I know exactly what you are saying. We are 9-2, which for 98% of the teams in this state would be incredible. In Gilmer that's not good enough. Probably not in WOS either...........but as I have gotten older and tried to get wiser............I have tried very hard to enjoy it for what it is, as long as it lasts. Winning Championships is freaking hard, and I applaud everyone who does it. Those who do it multiple years in a row are truly special. Be thankful that your kids compete year in and year out like ours do. It's a pride thing in the community and I understand that. But for the fans the most important thing is to "enjoy the ride" as far as it takes you. Some years it takes you to the ocean, you get to feel the sand between your toes and the sun shines bright. Sometimes you run in the ditch. Every group is different......... enjoy them for what they are. I'm thru preaching now.
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    #1stangfan got a reaction from Gasilla in West Orange Stark vs Madisonville   
    Also, reading the Silsbee thread reminded me that last year Carthage barely escaped a first round defeat at the hands of Silsbee. Carthage won state. There are no bonus points or style points to help a team in the next rounds. A win means you still play and a there are no moral victories to help a team build for next week....just win baby!!
  3. Like
    #1stangfan got a reaction from griff in West Orange Stark vs Madisonville   
    Well said.  Last year is last year and we just need to be thankful that we were able to witness it.  The two years prior, WOS got into some tougher games and were still able to play in the final game. I am not saying it is a given WOS will be there this year.  I do trust this coaching staff that has a proven track record and do think these athletes have not yet reached their full potential as a team. This young teams growth was also stunted by Harvey...some coaching, growing up and teachable moments were lost.  Let’s enjoy each step this years team climbs and I truly hope that I am driving to Dallas in December.  If not, I still have to doff my cap to one hell of a run and hope that it is the starting point of another!  
  4. Like
    #1stangfan got a reaction from studd88 in West Orange Stark vs Madisonville   
    Well said.  Last year is last year and we just need to be thankful that we were able to witness it.  The two years prior, WOS got into some tougher games and were still able to play in the final game. I am not saying it is a given WOS will be there this year.  I do trust this coaching staff that has a proven track record and do think these athletes have not yet reached their full potential as a team. This young teams growth was also stunted by Harvey...some coaching, growing up and teachable moments were lost.  Let’s enjoy each step this years team climbs and I truly hope that I am driving to Dallas in December.  If not, I still have to doff my cap to one hell of a run and hope that it is the starting point of another!  
  5. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to WOSgrad in West Orange Stark vs Madisonville   
    I do cringe when I see what seems to be a default 40 point win prediction every time the Mustangs take the field.  Last year is last year and it seems like those that make those predictions are expecting Jack Dallas, KJ Miller, Mo Joseph, Jeremiah Shaw, T Brown and others from last year's team to pop out of the Mustang inflatable.  They won't...they've graduated and are on to the next phase of their lives (which all of them seem to be doing real well in).  Cornel Thompson realizes that, Eddie Dyer realizes that, Mike Pierce realizes that.   It might be time for some of us to realize that.  Last year's team and their accomplishments will go down in the annals of Texas High School Football History.  It probably won't happen again in our lifetime, it might not happen ever again.
    So when I see Eddie criticized for not doing things on offense that the Mustangs did last year, I find that patently unfair to him.  Jack Dallas and Chaka Watson are two different young men.  There are parts of the offensive playbook that he opens up for Chaka to execute that he would have never dreamed of asking Jack to do.  By the same token, there are parts of the play book that he would open up to Jack that he would never ask Chaka to do.  Why?  Not because one is any less of an quality quarterback than the other, but because they possess different skill sets which lend themselves to different parts of the Mustang playbook.
    Would I like to see some of the same things as last year? Of course.  But the current personnel package needs to have plays called that fit in their skill sets, not the skill sets of Jack or KJ or Keion or Jeremiah.  And last Friday painted the Mustang's offense further into a corner.  I don't know of any team that would be able to lose the services of their starting quarterback and expect the offense to run smoothly.  It doesn't happen in the NFL, it doesn't happen in the NCAA and no, it doesn't happen in West Orange, Texas.  Tyrone Wilson will do great things when it is his turn, but to expect him to at this point to do the same things as Chaka is just as unfair as expecting Chaka to be a carbon copy of Jack.  And to expect Eddie Dyer to call the same plays for those 3 different young men is the height of stupidity.
    The end result is that the Mustangs won, just as they have done for every week that they have played since the middle of 2015 for 37 straight games and 14 straight playoff games.
    Now that is not to say that I don't believe the 2017 Mustangs are a top notch ball team.  They are on a path to play for a 3rd straight state championship.  All I am saying is that there is no need to blow a gasket and demand wholesale changes in a great coaching staff because they aren't beating teams by 30-40 points!
  6. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to TxHoops in Earl Thomas and Orange   
    There are idiots in every town in America. Orange, like many, has clear territorial divides and some of all ethnicities prefer it that way.  I have never shied away from any segment of town.  I feel just as comfortable in the “Navy Addition” as where I live in the unincorporated area of Orange. I grew up in East Texas in a town with no diversity, and I much prefer it here.  I have represented people from all parts of Orange and know I have done it well.  I have friends in the areas of Orange that some white folks wouldn’t step foot after dark.  But that is fear and ignorance and not taking the time to know and understand their neighbors.  Maybe it is because of the ties I have made in my profession, but I know many of those folks to be as good and loyal to me as any of the folks in my actual neighborhood, more so probably if truth be told.  
    There were plenty of truths in the article, but much like Buzz Bissinger as referenced by WOSgrad, this author definitely had an agenda.  I love the town I have come to call home and hope to see a recovery, both from recent disaster and from a struggling economy.  Because what I have found beyond what the author pointed out, is a community that is resilient, neighborly, and more often than not willing to lend a helping hand.  
    And what should have been abundantly clear to the author is the fact that despite the subject of his article spends his seasons in one of the most aesthetically pleasing spots in all of this country, when he has a choice of where to lay his head (i.e., the offseason), it is right back in Orange, Texas.  I wonder why?
  7. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to WOSgrad in Earl Thomas and Orange   
    Rather than continue to post my thoughts, I am going to post what I saw on facebook from a friend of mine and a fellow WO-S graduate.  He posts here from time to time and I know many others know and respect him as much as I do.  That, plus I really can't improve on this as setting out the feelings regarding this "article.":
    "As I was riding back from the game last night, we made the Bucees stop in Waller. Christmas music was playing via my IHeart Radio 92.5 Beaumont. my wife and son were all nestled in their slumber on the last leg from Bucees to Pflugerville. I was thinking about the article that was the latest rendition from the left coast regarding Earl Thomas. Deep down, it felt like the writer had more of a “twist” he was really spinning. To me, the celebrity of this was not really focused upon. I regret that twist on our hometown. We are no different than communities all around the country. We are not without blemish. My hometown struggles to land the next DuPont that carried Orange for years; helping many small business startups we knew as kids. My mind thought of many. The evolution of the market changes, and current global financial paradigms, certainly play a part of growth struggles. However, painting us as a town devoid of “good”, is distasteful. I am not blind to racial struggles, nor socio-economic divides. However, I’ve lost count on how many posts I’ve read about the incredible love, unity, and joint heroic efforts, performed by OUR citizens. In turbulent times, we usually find out who we are at the core, when the “waters get deep”. Everywhere I travel, I’m proud to tell people I’m from Orange, Texas. Even far away in travels, I don’t say Houston, as some people tend to do for geographic identity. It’s always, and only, Orange. So, I guess I feel that the article simply trashed who we really are. Those who know me best, know that I’m not silent when the time comes to stand for truth. Well, this time is no different. Orange, Texas is a wonderful community. It’s diverse. It’s a place where kids are all really friends. It’s a people proud of hard work and accomplishments. We are not the To Kill A Mockingbird idiots. We are a wonderful story of people who make their way. We are a people that are a whole lot more alike, than a FEW want it to be. I love my town. I can’t be silent on letting us be painted in a light that goes beyond the smudges on our shirts, without stating all the beauty of who I know Orange folk to be. Don’t be concerned too much about the few instances of bad vs the incredible stories, of incredible families, friends, events, heritages, etc..... In the book Friday Night Lights, the author went to Odessa and took full advantage of ripping that town. Some truths were stated. But, he made a killing at the expense of some incredible people. I felt this way in this article I read yesterday. Stay off all my homies in Orange. We are better than that!!!! Not without blemish, but so much more than that “agenda” in the article. I love you Fruit City."
  8. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to MackLewis in Earl Thomas and Orange   
    ESPN is more like MSNBC than the ESPN most of us grew up with.
    No doubt there is racial tension in Orange, it’s all over the south, and it’s not a 1 way street like the liberal media wants you to believe.  There’s as much racism in Port Arthur and Beaumont than in Vidor.
    Earl, and anyone else his color has a greater chance or being robbed or worse in Orange, than in Vidor.
    This poorly written story makes Orange look much worse than what it is.
  9. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING in West Orange Stark vs Madisonville   
    And can somebody plz tell me y they haven't thrown a screen past all yr
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    #1stangfan reacted to GUNHO in West Orange Stark vs Madisonville   
    Mexia defense was pretty good or seemed to be.Could have been because we were so predictable after Chaka got hurt and they just honed in on us but they had good pursuit.The fumble at the 4 was due to a bad hand off.Wilson had a few like that and the other was a good defensive strip at the 25.I to was disappointed in our offense but when the guy that leads your team goes down or is limited it is what it is.Our defense did another great job...Mexia was no threat.Sometimes it takes a game like this to register what the coaches preach day after day. 
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    #1stangfan reacted to MadMustang in West Orange Stark vs Madisonville   
    My thoughts are to be the best,  you have to beat the best!  Tradition, class, physical football, expecting to win are all things we strive for each day.  We are in the second year of our new mindset and new expectations and strive to become a perennial contender like WOS. Average has become the enemy here!   We have the utmost respect for your team, coaches, and community.  We will show up and play with the expectations  to win and give our best and see where we are at versus the best!  What a great opportunity and gauge for where we are and where we wanna be in the near future.  God Bless WOS and Madisonville and lets do Friday night football proud with a great hard fought game!  
  12. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to Goblin in West Orange-Stark 17 Mexia 3/FINAL   
    A win’s a win and this will be the 7th consecutive year WO-S will play in December.
  13. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to WOSgrad in Earl Thomas and Orange   
    Aside from the stories about Earl, his dad and grandfather,  I find nothing great about this article.  Sounds like a hit piece that is in the form of a sports story.
    Typical ESPN
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    #1stangfan reacted to MMstangfan in West Orange Stark Mustangs vs Mexia Blackcats   
    On the nail, why not try to emulate WOS . It’s a proven formula. Never can be sure how Mexia will react. I believe they will make mistakes being over hyped up. And you can’t make mistakes against the Mustangs , they will capitalize . Cornell will have them ready , gotta come out focused and execute .
  15. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to griff in West Orange Stark Mustangs vs Mexia Blackcats   
    Correct. They run the same offense as WO-S. Mexia has sufficient size and speed with a couple of good playmakers. Their QB can get loose and make big runs. They will take shots with downfield passes. No slot-T or wing-T plodding offense to defend Friday night. This team is not to be taken lightly. They are as good of a second round opponent as we have seen in the last several years. Mustang fans...don't be spoiled over the success we've enjoyed the last three seasons. We have to earn every win. The Mexia head coach has a resume that includes a state championship at Cedar Park in 2015. It's been a solid turnaround for Mexia this year because of him. Everyone should expect a competitive game tomorrow night. 
  16. Like
    #1stangfan got a reaction from camsdad in Trash Talk   
    Lucky for us (ladies and gentlemen), we have the quintessential genius on the board!!
  17. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to RanchHand in Trash Talk   
    Skipper's house flooded again (it hasn't been long since he moved back in it) and I think his insurance isn't helping out much this time around.  I'm really surprised he hasn't been on here but I think this flood and storm crap is just taking its' toll on everybody.
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    #1stangfan reacted to ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING in West Orange Stark Mustangs vs Mexia Blackcats   
    Everyone show up by 6:30 that u can't go wrong 
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    #1stangfan reacted to BMTSoulja1 in Enterprise Top 10 Rankings: End of Regular Season   
    Point taken.  No prob...
    Still, no Evadale, but Vidor is in the rankings.  I would've put Buna or East Chambers over them. Again, Newton not being #1 is a knee slapper.  I've explained already why Newton should be over them.  And West Brook Should be higher because one of their losses were to a team that made the state title game and Lufkin...evidently, Lufkin is the real deal because they're still rolling... 
  20. Like
    #1stangfan got a reaction from pakronos in Heads up on WOS Mustangs first playoff game   
    The 2000 WOS vs Lincoln was certainly a good one!
  21. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to Hupernikomen in West Orange-Stark 32 Liberty 0/FINAL   
    Left at halftime.  WO-S schemed Liberty's offense to perfection.  I have heard of 10 men in a box..this was 11 men within 3 yards of the ball..no where to run, no where to hide.  Nose guard was a submarine  and the ends were jack knifing on the edge.  Very impressive defensive game for WO-S.  The WO-S offense doesn't have near the same feel as last year's team, but still plenty of weapons and they run downhill really quickly.  Good job Stangs.
  22. Like
    #1stangfan reacted to griff in West Orange-Stark 26 Hardin-Jefferson 13/FINAL   
    For the first time in forever, HJ had a QB who could throw. Two consecutive 30+ yarders including the first TD was impressive. Beyond that, they had the one breakaway run for a TD in the second half. That is the offensive game summary for HJ. The WO-S defense held them in check. However, this was easily the best HJ team we've seen since 2014. 
    I noticed that Chaka went under center for the final drive. We might see more of this by necessity, but it is better that he be in shotgun. It's easier for him to read the defense and make quick decisions/reactions. The best case for us is to get the center snap FIXED and ASAP. If we don't, someone will knock us off in the playoffs. 
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    #1stangfan reacted to ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING in West Orange-Stark 26 Hardin-Jefferson 13/FINAL   
    Yeah 10 4 on that about the center and the mistskes but there will be games like this where everything seems like its going to crash and burn but these r the games good teams find ways to win. They never said that they were going to win by whatever, the public did that, get the win try to fix the mistakes and move on 
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    #1stangfan got a reaction from SFA85 in West Orange-Stark 26 Hardin-Jefferson 13/FINAL   
    20-6 WOS
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    #1stangfan reacted to WOSgrad in West Orange-Stark 57 Hamshire-Fannett 7/FINAL   
    21-0 WO-S on a 10 yd TD pass. 8:39 left in the 2nd
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