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Caleb Malveaux BIG NED #49

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[quote name="Mr. Happy" post="1288145" timestamp="1349121280"]
[b]I don't think either team sent 22 choir boys out there to play last Friday.[/b]  It was a bad play, but it's time to move on.
[/quote]Correct... If your team is not a little bit nasty your not winning much.JMO
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[quote name="pirate68" post="1288284" timestamp="1349129588"]
[quote author=Mr. Happy link=topic=103966.msg1288145#msg1288145 date=1349121280]
[b]I don't think either team sent 22 choir boys out there to play last Friday.[/b]  It was a bad play, but it's time to move on.
[/quote]Correct... If your team is not a little bit nasty your not winning much.JMO

I think that's a pretty sad and sorry attitude.....just MY opinion.
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[quote name="nederlandmary" post="1288316" timestamp="1349133654"]
[quote author=pirate68 link=topic=103966.msg1288284#msg1288284 date=1349129588]
[quote author=Mr. Happy link=topic=103966.msg1288145#msg1288145 date=1349121280]
[b]I don't think either team sent 22 choir boys out there to play last Friday.[/b]  It was a bad play, but it's time to move on.
[/quote]Correct... If your team is not a little bit nasty your not winning much.JMO

I think that's a pretty sad and sorry attitude.....just MY opinion.
[/quote]Whats sorry about it? I did not say go out and intentionally try to hurt someone. What I mean by nasty is playing with an attitude and playing to the whistle. If anyone thinks that Vidor was the only team that did something at the bottom of a pile or after the play was over is just being a homer
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Its no big deal when the Pirates get accused of "cheap shots".  I know that our coaches teach cut blocks down field...its legal, but I hate it as a fan.  Most schools dont teach this and while at Clear Brook we were told we couldnt do it.  I think it sets up players for injuries, but again, its just my opinion.  The UIL has ruled that it is legal or Vidor wouldnt be doing it. 

I do agree that I didnt see any choir boys out there Friday night.  All teams do stuff in the pile and it is pretty much expected.  I do know that no player is targeted for injury.  The play the dad mentioned was flagged and it should have been.  My hope for the player is that he fully recovers and helps Nederland go into the playoffs and represents our district well. 
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[quote name="robanadana" post="1288450" timestamp="1349142798"]
To incenuate that is to say Jeff Mathews and his coaches teach dirty football and that infuriates me. Why can't you win with dignity instead of crying about everything like spoiled children?
[/quote][quote author=robanadana link=topic=103966.msg1288447#msg1288447 date=1349142536]
Heal quickly young man. Great game! There were plenty of cheap shots to go around puppies; two and one very blatant late hit on Montana. I guess y'all cry about everything...especially when you're hanging racist banners around our schoolyard. Classy...
[/quote]Wow!!!! I guess you would be the one crying now. Maybe try losing with Dignity, and who gives a rats a$$ what infuriates you? LOL!!!! ;)
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This is a chicken shit thread of comments by Nederland fans,
Let's shut the F up, now!!!! We won, refs called the penalties, leave it.  couron Body Slammed Montana on the blocked punt cyz it wuz between the whistles
It was a Physical game like most in the state don't play, anyone seen the weenie axx 70-63 games. Get over there it we play hard nosed football down here, live with it.
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Robadana our you serious. They have found no evidence where the sheet came from. In fact last I heard they were questioning 2 Vidor residents. Know that is odd and probably just a rumor but before you go call Nederland RACIST  you better be 100% sure it was Nederland people . Next question is my son Brock Pryor was chop blocked 3 times watch the game and see. Then after the game he was spit at by a man walking back to the locker room as was Kolby Curon.  So please don't say stupid sht. Caleb was walking around at practice today and looks to be suiting up tomorrow. GO DOGS
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[quote name="robanadana" post="1288447" timestamp="1349142536"]
Heal quickly young man. Great game! There were plenty of cheap shots to go around puppies; two and one very blatant late hit on Montana. I guess y'all cry about everything...[b]especially when you're hanging racist banners around our schoolyard. Classy[/b]...

This made me spew my coffee this morning!!!  LOL, I think it is so hilarious that Vidor would resort to those tactics just to get their team extra motivated to play.  Well, that didnt work...LMAO!     
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[quote name="robanadana" post="1288447" timestamp="1349142536"]
Heal quickly young man. Great game! There were plenty of cheap shots to go around puppies; two and one very blatant late hit on Montana. I guess y'all cry about everything...especially when you're hanging racist banners around our schoolyard. Classy...

Rob, lose with some class and dignity, please...for the past two seasons, you have run your mouth before the game only to be served up a heaping dish of crow both times...i was hoping that you might learn a lesson after being proven wrong again, but apparently you ain't smart enough for that...as for the accusation and assumption that Nederland actually hung those banners, I can promise you that you don't know that for sure...I would bet money that those were put up by someone from Vidor as a cheap attempt at motivation (which did not work)...I won't apply your actions to Vidor as a whole, because I know many fine Vidor people, however, I do know for a fact that some Vidor so called adults cursed at and "flipped off" our cheerleaders bus...now that's class...again, I don't apply that to all of Vidor, because I know better...many very fine people there, but don't cast accusations at Nederland people when you have shown some classless actions of your own...I will look forward to your 2 weeks of trash spewing again next year!
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THE GAME IS OVER. this thread has gone way south. supposed to be about wishing a young outstanding football player a speedy recovery back to health. glad to hear he dressed for practice yesterday. i dont like seeing these young men getting injured no matter how it happens. Best of wishes to BIG #49. you were a beast Friday night.
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[quote name="robanadana" post="1288447" timestamp="1349142536"]
Heal quickly young man. Great game! There were plenty of cheap shots to go around puppies; two and one very blatant late hit on Montana. *Mod edit * - do not make unsubstantiated accusations

[size=14pt]So Vidor ISD Police Department solved who spray painted the grass and hung that nasty sign up... Great Police work... [/size]
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[/size][quote name="dustoff03" post="1288648" timestamp="1349182455"]
THE GAME IS OVER. this thread has gone way south. supposed to be about wishing a young outstanding football player a speedy recovery back to health. glad to hear he dressed for practice yesterday. i dont like seeing these young men getting injured no matter how it happens. Best of wishes to BIG #49. you were a beast Friday night.

[size=14pt]agreed lets move on. I hope and pray that Malveaux gets well soon[/size]
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[quote name="Razor" post="1288616" timestamp="1349179957"]
[quote author=robanadana link=topic=103966.msg1288447#msg1288447 date=1349142536]
Heal quickly young man. Great game! There were plenty of cheap shots to go around puppies; two and one very blatant late hit on Montana. *Mod edit * - do not make unsubstantiated accusations.

Rob, lose with some class and dignity, please...for the past two seasons, you have run your mouth before the game only to be served up a heaping dish of crow both times...i was hoping that you might learn a lesson after being proven wrong again, but apparently you ain't smart enough for that...as for the accusation and assumption that Nederland actually hung those banners, I can promise you that you don't know that for sure...I would bet money that those were put up by someone from Vidor as a cheap attempt at motivation (which did not work)...I won't apply your actions to Vidor as a whole, because I know many fine Vidor people, however, I do know for a fact that some Vidor so called adults cursed at and "flipped off" our cheerleaders bus...now that's class...again, I don't apply that to all of Vidor, because I know better...many very fine people there, but don't cast accusations at Nederland people when you have shown some classless actions of your own...I will look forward to your 2 weeks of trash spewing again next year!
[/quote] Our football players were also boo'd when they went off of the field from warm up, per a football player from Nederland!
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[quote name="godawggo" post="1288727" timestamp="1349188634"]
[quote author=Razor link=topic=103966.msg1288616#msg1288616 date=1349179957]
[quote author=robanadana link=topic=103966.msg1288447#msg1288447 date=1349142536]
Heal quickly young man. Great game! There were plenty of cheap shots to go around puppies; two and one very blatant late hit on Montana.*Mod edit * - do not make unsubstantiated accusations

Rob, lose with some class and dignity, please...for the past two seasons, you have run your mouth before the game only to be served up a heaping dish of crow both times...i was hoping that you might learn a lesson after being proven wrong again, but apparently you ain't smart enough for that...as for the accusation and assumption that Nederland actually hung those banners, I can promise you that you don't know that for sure...I would bet money that those were put up by someone from Vidor as a cheap attempt at motivation (which did not work)...I won't apply your actions to Vidor as a whole, because I know many fine Vidor people, however, I do know for a fact that some Vidor so called adults cursed at and "flipped off" our cheerleaders bus...now that's class...again, I don't apply that to all of Vidor, because I know better...many very fine people there, but don't cast accusations at Nederland people when you have shown some classless actions of your own...I will look forward to your 2 weeks of trash spewing again next year!
[/quote] Our football players were also boo'd when they went off of the field from warm up, per a football player from Nederland!
OMG really?!?!?!?!? Good lord what is the world coming too where fans are booing players. Wow.
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