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Whole lot of complaints about Refs


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Fans have always complained about refs. It seems like it is part of the job of a fan to raise a little cane when the guys in the stripes are not looking at things from our point of view. I have seen a few bad calls this year and more than a few missed calls. The final play of the 'Cats last game the Refs did not throw a flag on an obvious penalty. Weather they did not see it or weather they decided not to call it just because it would not have made an bit of diference in the outcome of the game is anybody's guess. It does seem like there are a lot more complaints this season. You expect it sometimes from the losing side but some games it is even comming from the winners. I have read on more than one fan that the refs were "againt them" were "cheating" even that they refs were being bought off. I can't believe that these refs have any direct interest in who wins. Are n't they are agreed upon by the coaches before the game? I think that there are no conspericies involved but there does seem to be a growing problem. IMO some of them just suck but they do spread it around. In your opinion is it one of the following.

1. Fans are just more sensitive due to the importance placed on HS football in this area?

2. H.S. athletes are playing at a higher level and refs are not keeping up?

3. Refs just lack skills / training?

4. Refs really are bias, taking bribes, blind, ignorrant, (insert opinion here)

5. No problem at all.

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I can sum this is up for you ref haters. The numbers keeps dropping for officials in all sports. People do not have the time they used to have to be officials because as we all know, most of us work longer hours than we used to and businesses are not as tolerant of employees leaving early to go do games. Also respect has just gone out the door and the guys I know are fed up with it. If it is not fun to officiate a contest, then why would you keep going out there ? I can tell you it is not for the pocket change we are paid. A school with 3000 kids has a much bigger talent pool to draw from than a school with 500. All states are having this problem and all sports are having this problem. I can say that bias from officials is the least part of any of this discussion. I do not know how many times when someones learns that I am an umpire, the first thing they ask what school do I ump for. I tell them it is not a school but over 40 schools that the local chapter I belong to covers. I really think many folks think the same way that officials are for a school not understanding they really don't care who wins. Have there been bias officials ? Sure there have but that percentage is so low it is almost immeasurable. People look for excuses why their team lost and officials are easy targets. Most fans do not know half the rules either which makes them blame officials also. I may not agree with all the calls I see my brother TASO officials call, but I respect them and understand what they are going through. For any of you that think that the UIL taking over officials is going to solve this, then you are in for a rude awakening because they do not care about educating officials and the numbers of that officiating pool is really going to be small then.
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[quote name="kville68" post="892331" timestamp="1288488197"]
Fans have always complained about refs. It seems like it is part of the job of a fan to raise a little cane when the guys in the stripes are not looking at things from our point of view. I have seen a few bad calls this year and more than a few missed calls. The final play of the 'Cats last game the Refs did not throw a flag on an obvious penalty. Weather they did not see it or weather they decided not to call it just because it would not have made an bit of diference in the outcome of the game is anybody's guess. It does seem like there are a lot more complaints this season. You expect it sometimes from the losing side but some games it is even comming from the winners. I have read on more than one fan that the refs were "againt them" were "cheating" even that they refs were being bought off. I can't believe that these refs have any direct interest in who wins. Are n't they are agreed upon by the coaches before the game? I think that there are no conspericies involved but there does seem to be a growing problem. IMO some of them just suck but they do spread it around. In your opinion is it one of the following.

1. Fans are just more sensitive due to the importance placed on HS football in this area?

2. H.S. athletes are playing at a higher level and refs are not keeping up?

3. Refs just lack skills / training?

4. Refs really are bias, taking bribes, blind, ignorrant, (insert opinion here)

5. No problem at all.


2, possibly with some schools im sure...
but, mainly 3... and 4 (blind / ignorant)...

but lately the source of these specific refs have supposedly been coming from Houston...
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Refs are really a necessary commodity especially for losing teams...When you run out of the normal excueses...We gave up the ball too much...Our defense didn't show up..We couldn't make the short yardage play on 4th/1....We gave up too many long plays...I got news for you..That's how you lose Football Games... Or you can always go back to the oldest one in the books..."The Refs Beat Us"...
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The bribery accusation always cracks me up.  I see that in posts at least a couple of times of year in this forum or the baseball forum. related to my hometown.  Someone makes the comment "somebody's rich daddy must have paid the officials off."  If it were that easy, wouldn't it be done every time??

Officials are human and they do make mistakes.  It's also easier to see the whole field from the stands.  Try being eye level with the players close-up and catch every single thing.  I don't think it's possible.

I will say there have been some things I've seen at the STJFL level that make me wonder.  Last year, a kid from the opposing team kicked one of our linemen right in the huevos 3 FEET in front of the ref's line of sight and no penalty was called...although the ref did blow his whistle once said lineman charged the other kid, lol.

When my son gripes about the officiating in whatever sport he's playing at the time, I tell him to deal with it.  You're going to have good and bad calls all throughout sports.  If you don't like it, you need to quit them all and run track.
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Little League, i'm pulled out of stands to ump the bases......pop up behind 1st base, right on the line mid RF.... I give the hand sign and point fair, thought i did a nice job.

game over and a young mom meets me at the fence and commences to cuss me out, brutal language like i never heard before.

why?.....she accused me a cheating and as prove  " I seen you motion for their player to go to second on that fly ball down the line"
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I can say that I use to be one of those guys that gave Ref all kind of greff. I have call basketball and baseball games for years,so I look at it as part of the game. Untill now.... My daughter is now a TASO ref and now I have a real hard time setting in the stands when she is calling a game. I see people attacking her just like I use to , and it takes ever thing I have to keep for coming to defend her ;) So for all you guys that are realy on the refs, just think how you would fell if that was one of you kids that you are screaming at.
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If you dominate from the start to the finish of a game and dont leave it in the hands of the ref the better off you are. You see some suspect calls but you cannot let the players fall into the "ref got us trap". At the end of a game 9 times out of 10 you can go to the stats and they will speak for theirselves.
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I don't believe that Refs are for or against any team. I do think that like anything from a mechanic to a doctor there are good ones and bad ones. No disrespect to any of the good ones ;D it just seems the complaints this season are a little louder and more often. At Diboll I dont think a flag was thrown against the Lumberjacks until the second half and only a couple after that. Now I am not griping.....  it was a blowout anyway but it looked like the refs were cutting them more than a little slack. Holding is holding if you are up by 7 or down 30. It just gets the fans worked up.
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[quote name="BADSANTA" post="892802" timestamp="1288543557"]
SETX refs suck the worst

These comments crack me up!  Have you ever tried to officiate a game?  If you are able to give such criticism,  then I would think that you should be able to call games.  Join TASO and increase the performance level that you say is so bad............I mean by looking at your screen name, you must suck at being Santa so why not become a ref and change it to Refssogood ;D
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IMO refs haven't called offensive holding enough and PI too much. Seen some horrible calls on ST involving roughing and running into kickers. But no one is perfect. If y'all want to gripe go to the classes and get out there and do it better. Tough job, I wouldn't want to do it. I think if they went to 6 or 7 man crews it could be a better way to make sure they get the calls correct. But then schools will complain about cost. For most places nothing is ever gonna change, most teams don't get calls on the road and officials want to call playoff games so they IMO make sure to call a "fair game"  favoring the playoff team.
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