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*East Chambers vs. Hardin updates..EC Wins 42-7/Comments*


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i heard about the punches being thrown just not too long ago.. i left the game early.. as a hardin fan i apologize to the ec ppl for that kind of poor sportsman ship.. idk what started it i was not there but there is no excuse... players should not do that on the field.. but good game plan east chambers.. good win.. hardin you need to step it up if you wanna make the playoffs this year.. 0-2 is not a good start...

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There was poor sportsmanship on both sides. I was standing by the Hardin tunnel when the fight happened about 50 feet from them. What I saw was an EC kid knock #13 down well after the play was over, the Hardin kid got up and pushed the EC kid then other EC kids joined in and the punches started flying. I then went up to the press box and we watched the video. Before you post any negetive towards this, watch the video.

Regardless, congrats to EC, good game plan and a heck of a QB. The defense played a heck of a game too. They're not very big, but make up for it in aggresiveness and great team tackling.

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This was a heck of a game for the Bucs, ........ I witnessed this player cusssing and yelling at players and coaches from EC outside thelocker room at halftime.this negates all the positives this young man has built up. You win with class and loose with class.

Are you sure about this? Man does not sound good.

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Don't forget Kountze! Sorry Warren...

I'm not sure Warren could win in the bye week right now.We aren't playing very good ball .Conditioning is the first problem.The kids play hard but are just flat out matched in the games I've seen.They always play Deweyville tough but realistically that will be there last shot at a W this year.
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Although i may not be a die hard fan of high school football, we need to remember these are young kids.  They use high school football as a building block to establish themselves a men of a very competitive sport.  Emotions will and can happen to anyone on any given day.  Instead of beating this young boy down lets encourage him in rebounding from a hard lesson learned.  We should focus on how he reacts to his behavior on this given night.  I'm sure he will be remorseful and vindicate himself as a well mannered young man.  On that note we need to realize this kid does not put himself on a pedestal.  The fact is YOU the fans blow these kids up, therefore setting them up for failure. 

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Don't forget Kountze! Sorry Warren...

I'm not sure Warren could win in the bye week right now.We aren't playing very good ball .Conditioning is the first problem.The kids play hard but are just flat out matched in the games I've seen.They always play Deweyville tough but realistically that will be there last shot at a W this year.

Man are you talking about Deweyville or Warren cause those are the same things I see at Deweyville. The Pirates don't know how to overcome adversity in a game, last night they played a very good 1st half in bad conditions, however the 2nd half when Kountze took the lead it was like they hung their heads and gave up, all but a few of them anyway.

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Hardin seems out of control right now. The QB is really struggling(understatement of the year), the defense looks good at first and then falls apart, and discipline is a major factor. There needs to be some changes in my opinion. Major changes if necessary, maybe it will bring some kids back to earth. There's a QB and a running back on the JV that have a ton of talent that with a good squad around them maybe can make a difference.

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I am going to put this in public so that there will no misunderstanding by anyone.

If there are anymore posts that mentions a players name, position , or even imply one of those in a negative way the thread will be locked.  I don't know any of the football players from either team, but if even I can figure out who is being talked about then, that is what I consider being implied.  This board is privately owned so the rules of free speech, do have a limit.  Talk football , talk smack, talk about each other (to an extent) but refrain from talking about kids, how they play, if they acted up, and things of that nature.  This site was formed with the idea that local teams that were not covered as much could get as much attention as we could give them.  The player could come in here and see their names or numbers and be proud of what they did.  We all remember how we felt if our name got mentioned in the news or on the radio, lets keep it that way for these kids.  If something that a player did ticked you off, keep it to yourself , that's what we have Coaches for.  So enough said on this subject, its not up for discussion.

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Guest ECBucFan

One thing no one has mentioned is the PHENOMINAL job the kicker, Jose Martinez did. The dude was perfect, with a waterlogged ball, wind, and driving rain all night. Awesome job, JM!    ;D

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Guest ECBucFan

We should focus on how he reacts to his behavior on this given night.  I'm sure he will be remorseful and vindicate himself as a well mannered young man.  On that note we need to realize this kid does not put himself on a pedestal.  The fact is YOU the fans blow these kids up, therefore setting them up for failure.  

Very wise words. It seems to me there was so much hype built up this past year by the Hardin fans, this type of reaction was inevitable. This game and that night is now in the books, and everyone just needs to chill out and move on.  :)  

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