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From 'no crisis' to 'breaking point': Mainstream media changes its tune on border crisis amid illegal immigration surge


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13 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

Low IQ republicans complain about “main stream media” yet -



Fox News: 2,434,000 total viewers (+1 percent); 463,000 A25-54 (-5 percent)

CNN: 988,000 total viewers (-6 percent); 323,000 A25-54 (-12 percent)

MSNBC: 1,802,000 total viewers (+10 percent); 352,000 A25-54 (-5 percent)

You're forgetting about ABC, CBS, NBC, the NY Times, WaPo, etc.

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6 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

The snowflakes who harp on democrat spending but then are relatively quiet whenever a Republican president runs a trillion dollar deficit (after saying he could balance the budget LOL)

Yeah, no one here has ever complained about Republicans spending too much...the green deal alternative would be much worse, and not much would be going for defense or security.

How does it feel to be a fence straddling coward that never chooses a side to stand with?

One more question I'm sure you won't answer.

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40 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

The snowflakes who harp on democrat spending but then are relatively quiet whenever a Republican president runs a trillion dollar deficit (after saying he could balance the budget LOL)

I have asked this before with no response so I am not expecting anything substantive but will try anyway.  Do you feel as though the President has been in office long enough to have achieved a balanced budget?

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51 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

The snowflakes who harp on democrat spending but then are relatively quiet whenever a Republican president runs a trillion dollar deficit (after saying he could balance the budget LOL)

Here is another question I am sure you wont answer but I will try anyway.  Speaking of "relatively quiet" can you tell me why you weren't screaming and yelling when the Fed deficit increased 34% in 2016?  It's obvious that you are "very concerned" about the deficit.  However, I guess you practice "selective budget deficit concerns" which is somewhat less than "enlightened".

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I got a question you are sure to run from. When you posted the viewership numbers, did you think the board members where so stupid that they/we would not noticed that you left off the bigger mainstream media outlets? Were you intentionally attempting to manufacture a false narrative in the hopes that we would fall hook, line, and sinker to such propaganda? Or was the real reason you posted misleading data was that you yourself didn't understand the context...and though you had a "gotcha" moment. I'm leaning towards the latter, and am curious as to your feelings of why the laughter continues.

And I am very surprised that you would bring this topic back to the top, considering it contains your blunder and obvious humiliation.

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4 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

All I see is snowflake tears 

Fox News is #1 in viewership, why are you crying brother 

If all you see are snowflake tears then you are obviously staring at a mirror.

Why do you think I'm crying? What tidbit of evidence led you to this conclusion? Was it the voices in your head?

Where does ABC, CBS, and NBC rank? Did you purposely leave those off in order to move Fox News up to #1...in essence, manufacturing fake news? I'm guessing someone pulled your puppet strings and fed you those stats, knowing you were not bright enough to catch on to the real picture.

Why do you continue to embarrass yourself? Is it natural stupidity, or stupidity brought on by extreme hatred? 

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30 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

You guys cry all the time about the big bad “main stream media” despite being #1 in viewership. Now that’s stupidity!

Let's see if we can dumb this down for you:

ABC Liberal

NBC Liberal

CBS Liberal

MSNBC Liberal

CNN Liberal

Fox News Conservative

Did you purposely leave off ABC, NBC and CBS? Or did you conveniently forget that those channels exist?  

Who did you refer to as stupid? It's like a kindergartner calling his teacher stupid. How embarrassing that you can't understand simple math.


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30 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Let's see if we can dumb this down for you:

ABC Liberal

NBC Liberal

CBS Liberal

MSNBC Liberal

CNN Liberal

Fox News Conservative

Did you purposely leave off ABC, NBC and CBS? Or did you conveniently forget that those channels exist?  

Who did you refer to as stupid? It's like a kindergartner calling his teacher stupid. How embarrassing that you can't understand simple math.


Reminds me of Maxine Waters demanding that bankers do something about student loan defaults until they let her know the federal government took over all of those in 2010.

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2 hours ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

You guys cry all the time about the big bad “main stream media” despite being #1 in viewership. Now that’s stupidity!

Nothing stupid about it at all. Fox has been #1 for 15 years. It’s nothing new. And as for us being brainwashed, that is the one thing you hate most about conservatives, the fact that we free think. Fox gives us the facts. Communist stations feed you libs propaganda that you slurp up with a tablespoon. That is the epitome of brainwashed. Your futile attempts at reversing the labels is comical, to say the least.

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19 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

Lmao I busted out laughing, can’t make this up 

I can understand the first part of your post. Unintelligent people often laugh to mask their lack of understanding. The second part of your post is a flat out lie. You make stuff up all the time.

After all of your blunders, illogical and baseless rationale displayed on this thread alone, you still feel embolden with the condescending attitude? Now that is entertainment.

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2 hours ago, Englebert said:

Let's see if we can dumb this down for you:

ABC Liberal

NBC Liberal

CBS Liberal

MSNBC Liberal

CNN Liberal

Fox News Conservative

Did you purposely leave off ABC, NBC and CBS? Or did you conveniently forget that those channels exist?  

Who did you refer to as stupid? It's like a kindergartner calling his teacher stupid. How embarrassing that you can't understand simple math.


You forgot Facebook and Twitter which are known for blocking conservatives.  I don’t have numbers, but those each have more daily users than all of the others combined.  

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