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Senator Cruz Introduces Constitutional Amendment for Term Limits


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10 minutes ago, baddog said:

Here's a good spot for this question, which has been asked by several on here but never answered, even from people who claimed Obama as "The Best" president. What has made Obama such a great president?

He wasn't the best, case closed. Ppl that say he was the best never read a history book. 

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5 minutes ago, Englebert said:

So throwing the race card is your attempt at trying to justify Obama's legacy. He is the worst president ever, and a different thread on this forum outlines just a few examples of that analysis. But hey, blame it on his looks. We already know you wouldn't vote for Cruz because of his looks. I guess to justify your predisposition you have to project those same faults onto others to rationalize your realities.

Please with the race card. An overly used ploy to dismiss biased attitudes. His work justifies his legacy. The good and the bad. 

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4 minutes ago, Remmus said:

I don't think he's either...but certainly not the worst. Guys like Nixon and Johnson can run for the worst. 

Well, that was about the size list I was expecting.

Nixon had foreign policy and got us out of Vietnam. I couldn't care less about Watergate. Messed with my tv viewing forever.

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11 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Please with the race card. An overly used ploy to dismiss biased attitudes. His work justifies his legacy. The good and the bad. 

If you are going to use, own it.

Most people on this board have become pretty adept at recognizing the race card when used and have become jaded. After all, we pretty much get called racist on a daily basis.

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11 minutes ago, Englebert said:

If you are going to use, own it.

Most people on this board have become pretty adept at recognizing the race card when used and have become jaded. After all, we pretty much get called racist on a daily basis.

The ppl calling you racist can own that card. 

I get that ppl are called racist unfairly when they disagree. It's an easy way to Label and dismiss. Sorta like calling liberal or race card. 

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9 minutes ago, Remmus said:

The ppl calling you racist can own that card. 

I get that ppl are called racist unfairly when they disagree. It's an easy way to Label and dismiss. Sorta like calling liberal or race card. 

So saying that people who disagree with Obama's policies and presidential performance do so because of his looks is not calling those people racist in your mind?

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14 minutes ago, Englebert said:

So saying that people who disagree with Obama's policies and presidential performance do so because of his looks is not calling those people racist in your mind?

Nope.  They might be prejudice and biased tho.  

Racist are the fellars that oppose race mixing, want to separate their tribe from all others.  David Duke is a racist.  Farrakhan is a racist.  

Most of us fall into the prejudice or biased camp.  It's really human nature.  So if you see a group of 10 young black males hanging around your corner, what are some of the thoughts we have?  Or if there's a group of white guys with bald heads and combat boots on?  Some of this is based on past associations and our instincts are to protect ourselves.  But in the two scenarios above the group of kids could belong to a church missionary group.  The white guys could have shaved their heads to support cancer awareness.  We all judge on physical queues and sometimes that gets us into trouble.  It also can cause us to only see negatives and not good.   

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33 minutes ago, Remmus said:

You've been waiting on that day since I first came to the forum.  "He thinks we're all racists."  I don't.  Racism is an overly used word in our society that only accurately describes ppl on the fringes (both sides).  Being prejudice or biased is more of the problem.  

I'm not waiting on that day...I enjoy the rap.


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13 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Nope.  They might be prejudice and biased tho.  

Racist are the fellars that oppose race mixing, want to separate their tribe from all others.  David Duke is a racist.  Farrakhan is a racist.  

Most of us fall into the prejudice or biased camp.  It's really human nature.  So if you see a group of 10 young black males hanging around your corner, what are some of the thoughts we have?  Or if there's a group of white guys with bald heads and combat boots on?  Some of this is based on past associations and our instincts are to protect ourselves.  But in the two scenarios above the group of kids could belong to a church missionary group.  The white guys could have shaved their heads to support cancer awareness.  We all judge on physical queues and sometimes that gets us into trouble.  It also can cause us to only see negatives and not good.   

Try and spin it all you want, but you called everyone that disagrees with Obama's policies a racist. A racist is someone that believes his race is superior to all or another race. By saying one disagrees with Obama because he looks different is implying that one can't agree with someone that is from a race that they deem inferior.

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11 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Nope.  They might be prejudice and biased tho.  

Racist are the fellars that oppose race mixing, want to separate their tribe from all others.  David Duke is a racist.  Farrakhan is a racist.  

Most of us fall into the prejudice or biased camp.  It's really human nature.  So if you see a group of 10 young black males hanging around your corner, what are some of the thoughts we have?  Or if there's a group of white guys with bald heads and combat boots on?  Some of this is based on past associations and our instincts are to protect ourselves.  But in the two scenarios above the group of kids could belong to a church missionary group.  The white guys could have shaved their heads to support cancer awareness.  We all judge on physical queues and sometimes that gets us into trouble.  It also can cause us to only see negatives and not good.   

How on earth has this country survived all of these years?  Does the bias/prejudice of which you speak happen only in this country or in every other country?  Do the white guys with bald heads and the young blacks hanging around your corner have those same judgmental tendencies to which you refer or are the only guilty ones Caucasian Christians?

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5 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Try and spin it all you want, but you called everyone that disagrees with Obama's policies a racist. A racist is someone that believes his race is superior to all or another race. By saying one disagrees with Obama because he looks different is implying that one can't agree with someone that is from a race that they deem inferior.

You got the wrong implication.  You can have zero problem associating with, living next to, or working with people of other races, but when you see a Black guy in the head job ...some people will look find only faults associated with their prejudgments about that scenario.  "There he goes with the welfare and entitlements...just like I thought.  You know how THOSE people are."  That's really not racist and I understand that too many will be quick to say it's racist.  It's really prejudice.

I also said you can disagree all day long.  That's normal political discourse.  I have issues with extreme statements because those are usually found coming out the mouths of the ones on the fringes.  

You seem to like to call "spin."  Seems too easy to me.  

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8 minutes ago, stevenash said:

How on earth has this country survived all of these years?  Does the bias/prejudice of which you speak happen only in this country or in every other country?  Do the white guys with bald heads and the young blacks hanging around your corner have those same judgmental tendencies to which you refer or are the only guilty ones Caucasian Christians?

Of course.  Next question.  This isn't only a problem of one group.  I said WE ALL do it.  Its just as wrong for a black person to say "all white people are xyz..."   Completely false.

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20 minutes ago, Remmus said:

You got the wrong implication.  You can have zero problem associating with, living next to, or working with people of other races, but when you see a Black guy in the head job ...some people will look find only faults associated with their prejudgments about that scenario.  "There he goes with the welfare and entitlements...just like I thought.  You know how THOSE people are."  That's really not racist and I understand that too many will be quick to say it's racist.  It's really prejudice.

I also said you can disagree all day long.  That's normal political discourse.  I have issues with extreme statements because those are usually found coming out the mouths of the ones on the fringes.  

You seem to like to call "spin."  Seems too easy to me.  

If you want to spin it that way. I believe I have the correct interpretation. Either way, you are calling people that disagree with Obama's policies either racist or prejudice. Both are highly insulting and tiresome.

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Off the subject even further, here's an interesting insight (IMO) from a Northern transplant. What I've noticed here in Texas is we pretty much divide people up into three groups: White, Black, Mexican (or is that Messcan...kidding).  Would you agree?  So if you're from Cuba or Puerto Rico once you arrive in Texas you're pretty much assumed to be Mexican (and that pisses off Cubans and Puerto Ricans).  Whites from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds (Germans, Nordics) are just white people.  Blacks are a bit easier but we have African Americans and a pretty large group of people recently moving here from Africa who really don't share the same culture with AA's and also some from various islands (also with different cultures).

Things are more complex up North because whites there typically identify with there ethnic heritage.  Italian and Irish are the biggest, but also Anglos to an extent.  All other minorities do the same.  So we have pecking orders and inter-racial tension within each group.  I believe some of the elitist northern whites mainly come from your "high-bred" anglo-whites.  They pretty much look down their noses at everyone and can certainly come off as acting superior to Southern whites.

This same kind of interplay goes on with blacks.  You have African Americans who are typically educated, law abiding, and upwardly mobile (some here might call them "upidy").  Then you have black folk that shy from white people and just want to go along to get along.  Then there's the n-word (the one that ends in "a" and not "er").  I'll call them "ninjas."  African Americans can't stand ninjas.  Sorta like how Cubans and Puerto Ricans can't stand Mexicans (generally speaking).  Ninjas get all the news time and create trouble for the Martin Luther King African Americans.  Some will make the mistake that ALL blacks are like the ninjas.  They are not.  Africans recently here from Africa tend to look down on all varieties of U.S. born blacks. 

So that's you're racist rant.  Learn. 

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5 minutes ago, Englebert said:

If you want to spin it that way. I believe I have the correct interpretation. Either way, you are calling people that disagree with Obama's policies either racist or prejudice. Both are highly insulting and tiresome.

Be insulted by prejudice.  It fits for some.

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16 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Off the subject even further, here's an interesting insight (IMO) from a Northern transplant. What I've noticed here in Texas is we pretty much divide people up into three groups: White, Black, Mexican (or is that Messcan...kidding).  Would you agree?  So if you're from Cuba or Puerto Rico once you arrive in Texas you're pretty much assumed to be Mexican (and that pisses off Cubans and Puerto Ricans).  Whites from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds (Germans, Nordics) are just white people.  Blacks are a bit easier but we have African Americans and a pretty large group of people recently moving here from Africa who really don't share the same culture with AA's and also some from various islands (also with different cultures).

Things are more complex up North because whites there typically identify with there ethnic heritage.  Italian and Irish are the biggest, but also Anglos to an extent.  All other minorities do the same.  So we have pecking orders and inter-racial tension within each group.  I believe some of the elitist northern whites mainly come from your "high-bred" anglo-whites.  They pretty much look down their noses at everyone and can certainly come off as acting superior to Southern whites.

This same kind of interplay goes on with blacks.  You have African Americans who are typically educated, law abiding, and upwardly mobile (some here might call them "upidy").  Then you have black folk that shy from white people and just want to go along to get along.  Then there's the n-word (the one that ends in "a" and not "er").  I'll call them "ninjas."  African Americans can't stand ninjas.  Sorta like how Cubans and Puerto Ricans can't stand Mexicans (generally speaking).  Ninjas get all the news time and create trouble for the Martin Luther King African Americans.  Some will make the mistake that ALL blacks are like the ninjas.  They are not.  Africans recently here from Africa tend to look down on all varieties of U.S. born blacks. 

So that's you're racist rant.  Learn. 

Based on that rant, you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about racial ethnic groups. Seems you look at situations in the eyes of skin color or ethic background. That's exactly what the Liberals accuse all White folks of doing. Most of us red-neck, Black-hating, Mexican-hating, racists, bible-thumping, gun-clinging klansmen don't particularly give a damn about ethnic makeup. Frankly, we would like to be left alone to live our lives as we see fit without the government dictating to us how that should be accomplished. And we can definitely do without the elitist Liberals projecting their own racist views upon us. Simple as that.

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5 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Based on that rant, you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about racial ethnic groups. Seems you look at situations in the eyes of skin color or ethic background. That's exactly what the Liberals accuse all White folks of doing. Most of us red-neck, Black-hating, Mexican-hating, racists, bible-thumping, gun-clinging klansmen don't particularly give a damn about ethnic makeup. Frankly, we would like to be left alone to live our lives as we see fit without the government dictating to us how that should be accomplished. And we can definitely do without the elitist Liberals projecting their own racist views upon us. Simple as that.

Easy answer.  Not true, but see it as you will.  Those high bred Northern anglos probably have some of those prejudices tho.  My point of that rant is don't pile everyone into one group because its just not that easy.  The topic I was on was prejudice so I gave you a short dissertation as to probable causes.  "Seeing everything by race" is a conservative talking point.

I could do without racist period.  Not just the liberal ones.

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2 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Easy answer.  Not true, but see it as you will.  Those high bred Northern anglos probably have some of those prejudices tho.  My point of that rant is don't pile everyone into one group because its just not that easy.  The topic I was on was prejudice so I gave you a short dissertation as to probably causes.  "Seeing everything by race" is a conservative talking point.

I could do without racist period.  Not just the liberal ones.

You are asking me to not pile everyone into a group while you explain what constitutes your groups. Wow.

And my answer was exactly that, the explanation that though we are constantly accused of it, us White Southerners don't care what group someone falls into. We pretty much have two groups: those that want to live and let live, and those that want to dictate to us how we should conduct ourselves. We don't particularly care for the second group, no matter skin-color, ethnic background or geographic location.

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Probably doesn't feel good to be prejudged based on one small segment of your group.  I heard a lot of "red-neck, Black-hating, Mexican-hating, racists, bible-thumping, gun-clinging klansmen " from people up North (some in my family) but having come here and getting to know many Texans, it's clearly false.  Sorta like the lesson I get from hanging out with conservatives.  I had some light bulb moments that dispelled prior beliefs.

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9 minutes ago, Englebert said:

You are asking me to not pile everyone into a group while you explain what constitutes your groups. Wow.

And my answer was exactly that, the explanation that though we are constantly accused of it, us White Southerners don't care what group someone falls into. We pretty much have two groups: those that want to live and let live, and those that want to dictate to us how we should conduct ourselves. We don't particularly care for the second group, no matter skin-color, ethnic background or geographic location.

Who's group? 

You're second statement fails the sniff test.

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