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Beaumont Central 36 Vidor 21/Final


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Didnt know man amongst boys phrase was derogatory nowadays. Noted! (Sarcasm of course) 


Pretty sure we all called MQ a man amongst boys, I called Leckeldt (sp) the same before for Vidor. I think the scoreboard may have affected someones feelings. There's always next week. 



Btw: Congrats to Central again, I gave you guys hell weeks ago, I'll gladly eat my crow. Stay healthy and get some payback versus King in a few weeks. 

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Nothing was meant derogatory...

Anyway, I may have missed the "incredible play" call that you all are referring to.  I was sitting on the 50.  From what I saw Boudreaux attempted to hand off to Whaley but the ball fell to the ground.  Boudreaux picked it up in the end zone and rolled out to find an open #18.  Educate me to the penalty because I don't think he passed the line of scrimmage.  I may be wrong though...

The Vidor/Lumberton game will be a big one for both teams...#5 is a gamer.

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where on earth is Vidor passing game? I mean cuz all I ever seen from them is running the ball. How can they have any expectations when they're literally grounded?

How can you expect to pass the ball when ever play you set up under center, have to fake two hand offs, roll to the side, and all with a defense that is run blitzing you every play? How about just once maybe, set up in the shotgun? You can still run the ball. But you got give the kid a fighting chance. Our play calling is predictable and routine. Anyone who watches film of half a game will have us down. I saw one play last night that was somewhat "new". Everyone in this district knows to stop Vidor, all you have to do is play assignment defense. Stay in your spot and you stop the big play. I just think the slot t has run its course, we need something different, something that will keep defenses from packing the box against the run. 

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How can you expect to pass the ball when ever play you set up under center, have to fake two hand offs, roll to the side, and all with a defense that is run blitzing you every play? How about just once maybe, set up in the shotgun? You can still run the ball. But you got give the kid a fighting chance. Our play calling is predictable and routine. Anyone who watches film of half a game will have us down. I saw one play last night that was somewhat "new". Everyone in this district knows to stop Vidor, all you have to do is play assignment defense. Stay in your spot and you stop the big play. I just think the slot t has run its course, we need something different, something that will keep defenses from packing the box against the run. 

I think the Slot-T is fine, but needs some tweaking to incorporate more passing out of it.  Maybe something like Livingston was doing with their version of it a few years ago.  Have some shotgun formations, but also run out of the shotgun so defenses won't know for sure the play will be a pass.  It can be done and should be done.   Pirates are averaging over 33 points a game with it this year and are always over 300 yards rushing.  They were second in district in offense last year and should be somewhere in that vicinity again this year.  Penalties and fumbles have stopped this offense at crucial times so much this year that you have to factor that into the overall offensive output as well.  IMO, the defense is what needs the overhaul.  


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I think the Slot-T is fine, but needs some tweaking to incorporate more passing out of it.  Maybe something like Livingston was doing with their version of it a few years ago.  Have some shotgun formations, but also run out of the shotgun so defenses won't know for sure the play will be a pass.  It can be done and should be done.   Pirates are averaging over 33 points a game with it this year and are always over 300 yards rushing.  They were second in district in offense last year and should be somewhere in that vicinity again this year.  Penalties and fumbles have stopped this offense at crucial times so much this year that you have to factor that into the overall offensive output as well.  IMO, the defense is what needs the overhaul.  


I agree with your last statement. If y'all are scoring 33 points a game on average, and still losing.... Sounds like offense is doing just fine to me. 

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I think the Slot-T is fine, but needs some tweaking to incorporate more passing out of it.  Maybe something like Livingston was doing with their version of it a few years ago.  Have some shotgun formations, but also run out of the shotgun so defenses won't know for sure the play will be a pass.  It can be done and should be done.   Pirates are averaging over 33 points a game with it this year and are always over 300 yards rushing.  They were second in district in offense last year and should be somewhere in that vicinity again this year.  Penalties and fumbles have stopped this offense at crucial times so much this year that you have to factor that into the overall offensive output as well.  IMO, the defense is what needs the overhaul.  


I agree with you about the defense, particularly the secondary. Biggest problem by far. But on the offensive side, run a variation of the slot t and read option. You got to send at least one player out on a pass route each snap. When you line up and have everyone on the line blocking, the defense knows what's coming. The 33 points a game is blown up by the 83 on Lee. Yeah we eat up the field with yardage, but when it comes down to beating the top teams in district, we fall short. This offense isn't going to get you far in the playoffs either of you make it there. Just seems the offense has been in a rut every since Dubose left. I don't get the no huddle in the first quarter, but you huddle with the clock running out before half and almost don't score because of it. But hey, that's another discussion. 

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I agree with you about the defense, particularly the secondary. Biggest problem by far. But on the offensive side, run a variation of the slot t and read option. You got to send at least one player out on a pass route each snap. When you line up and have everyone on the line blocking, the defense knows what's coming. The 33 points a game is blown up by the 83 on Lee. Yeah we eat up the field with yardage, but when it comes down to beating the top teams in district, we fall short. This offense isn't going to get you far in the playoffs either of you make it there. Just seems the offense has been in a rut every since Dubose left. I don't get the no huddle in the first quarter, but you huddle with the clock running out before half and almost don't score because of it. But hey, that's another discussion. 

True about a change since DuBois left.  Also we seem to have several young coaches with not a lot of experience. I do think an effective passing game, using the shotgun at times, instead of always having to roll the QB out to pass will cure whatever shortcomings the Slot-T has.  As I mentioned in the previous post, Livingston had a nice version of it when Chevoski Colllins was their QB.   (BTW, throw the Lee game points out and offense is still averaging 26 points a game.)

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I agree with your last statement. If y'all are scoring 33 points a game on average, and still losing.... Sounds like offense is doing just fine to me. 

Be careful criticising our defense.  It's more about them being good ole guys than good coaches in Vidor.  Stats and records mean very little to this regime.

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True about a change since DuBois left.  Also we seem to have several young coaches with not a lot of experience. I do think an effective passing game, using the shotgun at times, instead of always having to roll the QB out to pass will cure whatever shortcomings the Slot-T has.  As I mentioned in the previous post, Livingston had a nice version of it when Chevoski Colllins was their QB.   (BTW, throw the Lee game points out and offense is still averaging 26 points a game.)

I think we agree on a lot of the same things. We have to lose the "one dimensional" tag if we ever want to compete year on year out. Vidor has some good kids coming up and could be a special group. Hate to see the trend continue. 

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I think we agree on a lot of the same things. We have to lose the "one dimensional" tag if we ever want to compete year on year out. Vidor has some good kids coming up and could be a special group. Hate to see the trend continue. 

My point from last night.  Our Junior teams, Junior High, Freshman and JV seem to always be successful and produce talent every year.  Something happens when this group gets to Varisty level.  

Take away MQ, what has our current regime accomplished over the past decade?  Honestly.

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Be careful criticising our defense.  It's more about them being good ole guys than good coaches in Vidor.  Stats and records mean very little to this regime.

I have not criticised anyone. I haven't seen your defense play, and actually it's your own supporters who I have seen criticizing your own defense. My statement was only saying that if you score 33 points a game then it sounds like your offense is actually doing pretty good to me.

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...about the Central/Vidor game.  I didnt attend, but have been keeping up with this thread.  We won, clinched a playoff spot....  Cool.

But I don't like that at a point of the game, when we have our foot on Vidor's neck, we have 2 consecutive drives where we go 3 and out.  We can't do that against really good teams that we'll face in the playoffs... I assume that we came very predictable at this point.  Because I'm sure Vidor don't have the personnel on defense to CONSISTENTLY make plays.  We gotta keep the throttle on.  Also, I didn't like that the last 2 or 3 weeks, we have been playing good on defense, then bam, we give up a big play...  73 yard run to Vidor this week, like a 60 yard run to Ozen, 70 yard Nederland run, and that 70 yard GCM pass.  Now defense plays good, for the most part,  it we have to not allow these big plays because this may be the difference maker.  We have a team that were about to play in the playoffs that has a player that thrives off of big plays.  gotta get better and prepare.


Good game, Jags...

Edited by BMTSoulja1
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My point from last night.  Our Junior teams, Junior High, Freshman and JV seem to always be successful and produce talent every year.  Something happens when this group gets to Varisty level.  

Take away MQ, what has our current regime accomplished over the past decade?  Honestly.

If I can answer this question for you without ruffling your feathers...In the middle school league for Beaumont and Port Arthur, nobody runs that style of offense.  My son and his freshman teammates had never seen that style of offense Thursday night when they played Vidor, so they got spanked 36-0.  JV (sophomores and Juniors) had played against it, so they were a little more successful winning 20-14.  And we all know how the Varsity went...

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I think it might be time for some changes in Vidor. 

I think you are spot on. Changes need to be made, you cannot run the same 4 plays week in and week out. These people can talk stats and yards and points scored all they want. Win / Lose is the stat that counts. Cannot play a soft defense, cannot bring timeouts home with you, takes forever to get one of your 4 plays in. Anyone who has watched this team for a quarter and see what's coming down I-10. I agree 100% changes are in order. 

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If I can answer this question for you without ruffling your feathers...In the middle school league for Beaumont and Port Arthur, nobody runs that style of offense.  My son and his freshman teammates had never seen that style of offense Thursday night when they played Vidor, so they got spanked 36-0.  JV (sophomores and Juniors) had played against it, so they were a little more successful winning 20-14.  And we all know how the Varsity went...

Not sure if I agree with your assessment, Big Ford. The problem isn't the offense. If it were, we wouldn't score 28+ points a game on most teams and average 350+ yards a game. We have a ball control offense by design. People would shut us down and limit us to 14 or less if it were. We scored 21 on you, 30 on Nederland, 27 on GCM, 26 on Ozen. I'm not gonna count Lee. We should win those games....

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Not sure if I agree with your assessment, Big Ford. The problem isn't the offense. If it were, we wouldn't score 28+ points a game on most teams and average 350+ yards a game. We have a ball control offense by design. People would shut us down and limit us to 14 or less if it were. We scored 21 on you, 30 on Nederland, 27 on GCM, 26 on Ozen. I'm not gonna count Lee. We should win those games....

You are correct, 24-28 points a game should be enough to win games against all but the most prolific offenses.  Vidor's offensive numbers/TDs and, I believe, won/loss record, would be  better, but costly penalties and fumbles  have killed numerous promising drives this year.  Just last night, Duff had the long run down to the Central 2 or 3 yard line in a one score game that was called back due to holding.  Another that comes to mind is the lost fumble at the Nederland 22 down by six.   Defense is much more of a problem than offense.  We give up too many big plays.

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Nothing was meant derogatory...

Anyway, I may have missed the "incredible play" call that you all are referring to.  I was sitting on the 50.  From what I saw Boudreaux attempted to hand off to Whaley but the ball fell to the ground.  Boudreaux picked it up in the end zone and rolled out to find an open #18.  Educate me to the penalty because I don't think he passed the line of scrimmage.  I may be wrong though...

The Vidor/Lumberton game will be a big one for both teams...#5 is a gamer.

Whaley had the ball, it wasn't a fumbled handoff. It was a solid lick that knocked the ball into the endzone at least a yard past the line of scrimmage. I was right the line of scrimmage due to having to make a consession stand run.

Edited by vp93
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If I can answer this question for you without ruffling your feathers...In the middle school league for Beaumont and Port Arthur, nobody runs that style of offense.  My son and his freshman teammates had never seen that style of offense Thursday night when they played Vidor, so they got spanked 36-0.  JV (sophomores and Juniors) had played against it, so they were a little more successful winning 20-14.  And we all know how the Varsity went...

I would agree to a point but the defense for the freshman is really what won that game. I think central only had 3 maybe 4 first downs.

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This is the same offense that took us 3 rounds deep. The only difference is the defense that year was pretty stout and had some big boys on both  sides of the line. More play action passing on 1st down would be nice though. 

This is not the same offense. That was DuBose's offense, this years is nothing like it. That was also a special group of kids with MQ. I'm not saying ditch the entire offense, but you got change it up. These kids have seen this offense for 6-8 years by the time they get to varsity. Vidor peewee runs this offense. Teams know what to expect and what to do. The advantage of this offense is gone. Yes, you are going to eat up the yards and the clock, but when you are down it does you no good. 

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This is not the same offense. That was DuBose's offense, this years is nothing like it. That was also a special group of kids with MQ. I'm not saying ditch the entire offense, but you got change it up. These kids have seen this offense for 6-8 years by the time they get to varsity. Vidor peewee runs this offense. Teams know what to expect and what to do. The advantage of this offense is gone. Yes, you are going to eat up the yards and the clock, but when you are down it does you no good. 

you know Montana wasn't the only one on that team right?? We had 3 running backs also. I mean if that year was all Montana what happened the next when year when it was just him? 1 and done. I'm not trying to discount how good Montana was. He was one of the best players we've had but I am saying he wasn't the key for that offense clicking. Our defense was on point that year. Plus when Matt died it gave them something to play for that meant more than anything to them. Like my brother says (he was the starting tailback that year) the reason that tram was so good that year was because they believed in themselves and they legitmately believed they could beat everyone they played.

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