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Humble Summer Creek 28 Beaumont Central 12/Final


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I'm going to say this.  Our coaching staff is just as pathetic as the 3 stooges staff we had between 2011-2012.  I mean, Summer Creek brought both of their safeties up yo stop Whaley and we didn't attempt not one long pass.  Just swing passes and stuff and our receivers were tackled immediately.  We only have 3 run plays.  One of them is the sweep run to Whaley that haven't worked in 3 years against ANYONE. well, it does work against Lumberton.  We have no play calling creativity.  Then, you have trouble getting those simple arse plays in and get a play clock violation or have to use a time out.  We have so many 3 and outs, it's just sad.  Our defense plays good, but when they're on the field the whole game, they are bound to get burned.  I've seen NO improvement over 3 games.  Non.  It's time for a sideline change.  Or at least give up the headsets.  It's time for someone to just be the game manager and get an OC in place that knows x's and o's.  It's time to call it what it is.  A basic 3 year playbook.  And it shouldn't be anything new.  When you were OC a couple of years back for a High school about 30 minutes east of here, your offensive play calling sucked and that fan base also let it be known.  


District starts in 2 weeks.  Up first, GCM on the road.  Will anything change? probably not.  So don't let the end result of this game surprise you, because it won't surprise me.  


Get it together , Jags, in spite of horrible play calling....

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I'm going to say this.  Our coaching staff is just as pathetic as the 3 stooges staff we had between 2011-2012.  I mean, Summer Creek brought both of their safeties up yo stop Whaley and we didn't attempt not one long pass.  Just swing passes and stuff and our receivers were tackled immediately.  We only have 3 run plays.  One of them is the sweep run to Whaley that haven't worked in 3 years against ANYONE. well, it does work against Lumberton.  We have no play calling creativity.  Then, you have trouble getting those simple arse plays in and get a play clock violation or have to use a time out.  We have so many 3 and outs, it's just sad.  Our defense plays good, but when they're on the field the whole game, they are bound to get burned.  I've seen NO improvement over 3 games.  Non.  It's time for a sideline change.  Or at least give up the headsets.  It's time for someone to just be the game manager and get an OC in place that knows x's and o's.  It's time to call it what it is.  A basic 3 year playbook.  And it shouldn't be anything new.  When you were OC a couple of years back for a High school about 30 minutes east of here, your offensive play calling sucked and that fan base also let it be known.  


District starts in 2 weeks.  Up first, GCM on the road.  Will anything change? probably not.  So don't let the end result of this game surprise you, because it won't surprise me.  


Get it together , Jags, in spite of horrible play calling....

those sensitive folks from Orange wont like this. 

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Mr.  Souija, 

i usually dont reply to ur comments but I have say something. U are the insensitive person I ever met.  Coach Toby Foreman suffered a seizure 4 hours before kickoff and u have audacity to sit here and talk about play calling.  First of all he did not call one play tonight.  So to ur wish the OC did his job.  He only showed up at halftime to be supportative to his kids that he love dearly.   These coaches did what they could with what u had.  Getting ur team together after traumatic experience is already a lot.  U have no idea what these endured today.  Those kids did a great a great job considering the circumstances.

 If u feel u can do a better job. lamar university is accepting applications everyday. I get of tired of people on this blog bashing the coaches and players after a loss. After a loss it's always the coaches fault.  U have no idea the hardwork and sacrifice these coaches do to help these kids. The time they put in is crazy.  The time sacrificed for the team instead of being at home.  And it's a choice not because they have to do it.   Some of the coaches are doctors, father figures, mentors, counselors, and much more.  As far as the coaches keep running ur mouth because I must remind u that central was 5-15 before coach foreman and his staff arrived.  U only can do so much.   U coach and prepare while the kids apply there knowledge on the field.  Each year he has made progress and is doing a good job.  U wonder why central can't keep a good coach because people like u are inpatience, cruel, and don't See the big picture.   This is game 3 for god sake.  This season is not over.  These games don't count.   We have 7 starters missing and will be back for district.  So relax.   These kids will continue improve and they will be ok. Instead of criticizing how about u go up to the field house and encourage these kids and coaches with positive words.   

If ur going to continue to be negative about the coaching staff and the jags. How about u sit home and don't attend any more games because  the fans, team, and coaches don't need ur negative spirit floating around.   We have too many wanna b coaches sitting in the stands already.  this is somebody life ur talking about and ur sitting talking about firing him.  Very insensitive and very poor taste.  But pp like u hide behind these blogs and run they mouth about nothing.   I support coach foreman and he will continue to make a difference in these kids lives.  The kids love him and that's all that matters.  So go head send ur email because nobody cares about what u got to say.  We all know he wasn't ur first choice in the first place and that's ok too.   




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Fan has a right to post what they think on this site or say so in the stands that comes with being a fan and being a coach, I don't thing anyone on here hates Toby or anyone on CHS coaching staff. Fans just wanted a win. lol so for the fans that you think should stop going to games maybe coaches family members need to stop reading this site, Oh Lamar do still offer classes and if a coach pick PE or SPC Edu then he needs to change his major also if he can't take what a fan has to say about his or her coaching. .As a family member or who never you are, this is a community school and sometimes they do get caught up with the Friday night lights  and that is with every school in Texas,  So if you me or Toby and his staff leave Central tomorrow they will still play Friday  smh, and remember the coaches get paid on the 10th and 25th. Now I'm not saying anything about the fan or the coaches I'm just saying less get ready for District. and don't get upset because everyone thinks they now what we need to do to get ready, its just a game.

But if this is a VENT out letter ,the only problem I have with things at CENTRAL is if the coaches family and Central staff have a problem with the type of players students and/or FANS. It should also be a problem when  CENTRAL COACHES and the Principal is trying to coach, teach and lead our children and don't think Central High School is good for their own children to attend. Their kids attend other schools in the district , Write about that. relmore


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Mr.  Souija, 

i usually dont reply to ur comments but I have say something. U are the insensitive person I ever met.  Coach Toby Foreman suffered a seizure 4 hours before kickoff and u have audacity to sit here and talk about play calling.  First of all he did not call one play tonight.  So to ur wish the OC did his job.  He only showed up at halftime to be supportative to his kids that he love dearly.   These coaches did what they could with what u had.  Getting ur team together after traumatic experience is already a lot.  U have no idea what these endured today.  Those kids did a great a great job considering the circumstances.

 If u feel u can do a better job. lamar university is accepting applications everyday. I get of tired of people on this blog bashing the coaches and players after a loss. After a loss it's always the coaches fault.  U have no idea the hardwork and sacrifice these coaches do to help these kids. The time they put in is crazy.  The time sacrificed for the team instead of being at home.  And it's a choice not because they have to do it.   Some of the coaches are doctors, father figures, mentors, counselors, and much more.  As far as the coaches keep running ur mouth because I must remind u that central was 5-15 before coach foreman and his staff arrived.  U only can do so much.   U coach and prepare while the kids apply there knowledge on the field.  Each year he has made progress and is doing a good job.  U wonder why central can't keep a good coach because people like u are inpatience, cruel, and don't See the big picture.   This is game 3 for god sake.  This season is not over.  These games don't count.   We have 7 starters missing and will be back for district.  So relax.   These kids will continue improve and they will be ok. Instead of criticizing how about u go up to the field house and encourage these kids and coaches with positive words.   

If ur going to continue to be negative about the coaching staff and the jags. How about u sit home and don't attend any more games because  the fans, team, and coaches don't need ur negative spirit floating around.   We have too many wanna b coaches sitting in the stands already.  this is somebody life ur talking about and ur sitting talking about firing him.  Very insensitive and very poor taste.  But pp like u hide behind these blogs and run they mouth about nothing.   I support coach foreman and he will continue to make a difference in these kids lives.  The kids love him and that's all that matters.  So go head send ur email because nobody cares about what u got to say.  We all know he wasn't ur first choice in the first place and that's ok too.   




This have started before last night.  Same thing would've happened had he been healthy and coached.  Where do you think the playbook derives from?  Where does the play call tendencies come from?  I mean, I have family members that has a history of seizures.  I wish him speedy recovery.  But I never said I wish he quit, get fired or anything else.  I simply said relinquish the headsets in offense and possibly incorporate new plays or more plays.  3 running plays what we run and maybe 2 pass plays.  That's it.  Summer Creek figured that out before the first Quarter ended. Last week (when he was in the sidelines) Memorial figured it out before the first Quarter ended.  Last year, King scouted us and knew our playbook.  I guarantee you that scout session lasted every bit of 2 minutes.  Last year, it took Nederland one half to figure it out.  Which is probably why we got shut out for an entire half.  I can go on.  See the pattern?

You see what the focus of my rant is on.  Actually, I didn't find out about his illness until later, but I can assure you, this would have happened has that not occurred.  

Like I said before, it will only work on the Lumbertons, the GCM's, the Baytown Lee's in our district.  If this keeps up, we'll be embarrassed by Nederland, Port Neches-Groves, and the light years better, Ozen.....

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I will say this, they do get kids recognized and give kids a better opportunity at getting a scholarship where they can play ball for 4 more years and get a free education, which hits close to home since I have a few high schoolers.  And the kids in the program will go all out and run through walls for him.  But X's and O's are not his/their forte.....

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OTHER things that we need to clean up on:

1. Blocking.  If we expect to let Whaley dominate and even give the QB a chance, our big nasties have GOT to do a better job.  I was under the impression that the bugs love to run block.

2. Run 'north to south'.  When you weigh ove 200 lbs, there is NO reason to be running away from defenders.  You give defenders a play off when they can drag you down vs. Having to take you on head on.

3. Backup qb, work on the deep ball accuracy.  Later in the 4th, we did FINALLY attempt passes downfield, but every pass was either thrown too high or the receiver had to come back to the ball.

4. Defense, no more offsides penalties.  Early in thus game, you were successfully stopping this team and they give you a hard count on 3rd or 4th down and you jumped and kept those drives alive.  Teams know you like to get off the ball, but gotta hold your horses a bit.

Shout out to the backup QB.  When flushed out of the pocket and running to the sidelines, he threw it out of bounds.  Very smart move that I wish more young qb's do.  You don't lose yards when you do this.

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In some cases, a coaching staff has to "simplify" things, if you know what I mean. Not saying this is the case at Central but I have seen it at other places.

Also, good coaching staffs will not show their entire playbook early in season.

I know what you mean.  This may be the case to 'certain teams' that may come through that has problems comprehending the playbook.  I understand that, but this is basically the same plays that everyone in the stands including myself have been able to predict for 3 years and counting...

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I know what you mean.  This may be the case to 'certain teams' that may come through that has problems comprehending the playbook.  I understand that, but this is basically the same plays that everyone in the stands including myself have been able to predict for 3 years and counting...

i was feeling like BISD owed me a check on September 5th 2nd half. 

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I will say this, they do get kids recognized and give kids a better opportunity at getting a scholarship where they can play ball for 4 more years and get a free education, which hits close to home since I have a few high schoolers.  And the kids in the program will go all out and run through walls for him.  But X's and O's are not his/their forte.....

He Is a great recruiter though gets tons of Odom and Southpark players to come to Jag Land. Should look Into beIng college recruiting coordinator for sure. IJS

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I hope he feels better but those Jag Fans will make hIm sick for sure If they don't turn things around for district. Tough group to deal with at tImes. Payers for Toby.

...same thing with those Pear Orchard guys.  I've been in the know And sad with the Ozen congregation and I think the Ozen faithful are far worse than the Central folk.  Another story, another day...

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Exactly.  You have no idea how accurate this statement is...

No we just know this Is Suggs 2nd year and 1st year wIth a full staff. It's a process but we made the playoffs same as Central last year and came home just a they did. Central has been getting whatever players they want the past few years so the talent Is there. Too many Superstars and Coaches egos can make it hard to gel! Good Luck Jags!

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He Is a great recruiter though gets tons of Odom and Southpark players to come to Jag Land. Should look Into beIng college recruiting coordinator for sure. IJS

Definitely not as true as you think.  If that's the case, then all staffs do it, including yours and West Brooks.  And btw, I can assure you that the bulk of Central's talent comes from the North and South end and NOT the Pear Orchard.  Maybe within the last 5 years, maybe 5 pear orchard kids played in central team.  Now that I think about it, your star player NOW isn't a Pear Orchard kid.  Matter of fact, he was zoned to Central being that he went to ML King in middle school...


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