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He has shown every young boy and girl of color in this country that it is truly possible for them to ascend to the highest position in this country. Before Pres. Obama, I'm not sure that was the case. So yes, he has.

And despite those of you who are consumed with vitriol for this man, and are highly offended when your motives are questioned, rest easy knowing that this aspect has been a great advancement for our country. And his election itself shows that a lot of folks in this country no longer care about skin color. We are moving closer and closer to the late, great Dr. King's dream.
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Then I would hope someone could convey that to Harry Reid.  Mr. Reid recently stated ( in a tantrum over the Hobby Lobby decision) that he intended to ensure that, in the future, decisions regarding womens health would not be made by 5 white men.  ( Last time I looked, Clarence Thomas did not fit that description)  I am going to guess that there are a lot of people, who upon hearing that, will believe that is a step in the right direction even though it is just as much of a lie as standing on the senate floor saying he "heard" that Romney hadn't paid income taxes in 10 years.  Sometimes those types of statements breed "vitriol".  I have been a frequent critic of the President and also a frequent critic of Reid and Nancy Pelosi and yet I have NEVER heard a single complaint about my criticism of Reid and Pelosi.  From those circumstances, am I to conclude that criticism of Reid and Pelosi is acceptable but criticism of the President is not?  If that is the case, I need additional clarification.

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He has shown every young boy and girl of color in this country that it is truly possible for them to ascend to the highest position in this country. Before Pres. Obama, I'm not sure that was the case. So yes, he has.

And despite those of you who are consumed with vitriol for this man, and are highly offended when your motives are questioned, rest easy knowing that this aspect has been a great advancement for our country. And his election itself shows that a lot of folks in this country no longer care about skin color. We are moving closer and closer to the late, great Dr. King's dream.


This is one reason Obama may not have made things better, and not to his fault...instead of saying those of you that "disagree strongly with his liberal policies" , it is now replaced by those of you that are "consumed with vitriol for this man."


...and it is a widespread attitude (real or for political advantage) on the left.


I disagreed with Clinton's policies (remember Hillarycare?) just as strongly as I do Obama's, but was never accused of being racist for it.


The left better figure out a way to get over it and deal with it because conservatives will always oppose radical, liberal policies, no matter what the skin color of those pushing it.

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This is one reason Obama may not have made things better, and not to his fault...instead of saying those of you that "disagree strongly with his liberal policies" , it is now replaced by those of you that are "consumed with vitriol for this man."


...and it is a widespread attitude (real or for political advantage) on the left.


I disagreed with Clinton's policies (remember Hillarycare?) just as strongly as I do Obama's, but was never accused of being racist for it.


The left better figure out a way to get over it and deal with it because conservatives will always oppose radical, liberal policies, no matter what the skin color of those pushing it.

Man, who really cares what yall oppose. Your party needs new blood. Yall need to focus on getting your party up to par. Yall focus all the attention away (smoke screens) from yourself, I'm guessing because it hurts to look in the mirror.  :D  Hey, did yall see on the news  yesterday the people lined up to hear the President speak while in Austin? All those people and all those different colors of people.

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Man, who really cares what yall oppose. Your party needs new blood. Yall need to focus on getting your party up to par. Yall focus all the attention away (smoke screens) from yourself, I'm guessing because it hurts to look in the mirror.  :D  Hey, did yall see on the news  yesterday the people lined up to hear the President speak while in Austin? All those people and all those different colors of people.


So you think the GOP should be made up of more people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Sheila Jackson Lee, Barrack Obama, Hillary "I'm not Rich" Clinton...man this list could get long in a hurry. Really? Is that what you are suggesting? NO THANKS!

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Then I would hope someone could convey that to Harry Reid. Mr. Reid recently stated ( in a tantrum over the Hobby Lobby decision) that he intended to ensure that, in the future, decisions regarding womens health would not be made by 5 white men. ( Last time I looked, Clarence Thomas did not fit that description) I am going to guess that there are a lot of people, who upon hearing that, will believe that is a step in the right direction even though it is just as much of a lie as standing on the senate floor saying he "heard" that Romney hadn't paid income taxes in 10 years. Sometimes those types of statements breed "vitriol". I have been a frequent critic of the President and also a frequent critic of Reid and Nancy Pelosi and yet I have NEVER heard a single complaint about my criticism of Reid and Pelosi. From those circumstances, am I to conclude that criticism of Reid and Pelosi is acceptable but criticism of the President is not? If that is the case, I need additional clarification.

Clarence Thomas is quite possibly the worst justice in the history of the Court. That opinion is shared by many, many lawyers from both sides of the bar.
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Clarence Thomas is quite possibly the worst justice in the history of the Court. That opinion is shared by many, many lawyers from both sides of the bar.



I am not sure why many many on one side of the bar because he consistently rules on that side. I am assuming that those lawyers think their own opinion is wrong? 

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If Clarence Thomas is "quite possibly" the worst justice in the History of the Court, then there is no doubt that Harry Reid is the worst Speaker in the history of the House. (despite the fact that Mr. Thomas competency/perceived compency has nothing at all to do with the point I was making about Mr. Reid)
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Mr. Reid recently stated ( in a tantrum over the Hobby Lobby decision) that he intended to ensure that, in the future, decisions regarding womens health would not be made by 5 white men...........


Assuming that is what he said, therein lies the problem. The SCOTUS is not supposed to rule on women's health. They are for make rulings on the law. It is not supposed to be a body performing think tank debates or social engineering but a legal device to rule on constitutionality of a law. 


But, that would not fit the mantra of the left. 

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So you think the GOP should be made up of more people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Sheila Jackson Lee, Barrack Obama, Hillary "I'm not Rich" Clinton...man this list could get long in a hurry. Really? Is that what you are suggesting? NO THANKS!

there you go, ignoring YOUR problems and putting it back on someone else. smh

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I am not sure why many many on one side of the bar because he consistently rules on that side. I am assuming that those lawyers think their own opinion is wrong?

I am speaking of lawyers that actually care about the process and respect the position. Lawyers have jobs to do when they are in any court. However, the best ones do truly care about "justice." A SC Justice who practically sleeps through oral arguments, rarely ever asks a question, and obviously decides almost every case based upon what result he desires rather than the facts of a particular case is a disgrace to the process.

Craig - I know you are trying to be funny but I am a WASP and much "blacker" than Clarence Thomas.
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Dove, regarding the crowd of people lined up to see the President in Austin- did you also see how many showed up to see him in Denver, where, a few years ago, a vast throng cheered this man who was going to part the waters?

Just another example of how Austin, Texaa is one of the true jewels of this country.
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Dove, regarding the crowd of people lined up to see the President in Austin- did you also see how many showed up to see him in Denver, where, a few years ago, a vast throng cheered this man who was going to part the waters?

He has parted some waters and they still showing up to see and hear him. See, thats what happens when you only get your information from what YOU wanna hear. Reminds me of the last election, or was it the first, or was it both? Hmmm? Fox had ????? OHHHH !!! Romney winning and yall got all excited.

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I am speaking of lawyers that actually care about the process and respect the position. Lawyers have jobs to do when they are in any court. However, the best ones do truly care about "justice." A SC Justice who practically sleeps through oral arguments, rarely ever asks a question, and obviously decides almost every case based upon what result he desires rather than the facts of a particular case is a disgrace to the process.

Craig - I know you are trying to be funny but I am a WASP and much "blacker" than Clarence Thomas.

Not trying to be funny. Just trying to figure out how so many "on both sides" can believe Thomas is the worse ever and that NOT be about race; but when so many think obama is the worst president ever, it HAS to be about race.

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maybe so! But I know a lot of Blacks don't like him because of his policies.

I don't even care about his policies so much. I disagree greatly with Scalia yet I respect the guy. Thomas is a waste of space and an embarrassment to the Court. A friend of mine (then a young, very bright, very attractive Jewish girl) clerked for him upon graduation from law school. She was, and remains, a devout Republican. If it is possible, she has less respect for the man than I do.
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Not trying to be funny. Just trying to figure out how so many "on both sides" can believe Thomas is the worse ever and that NOT be about race; but when so many think obama is the worst president ever, it HAS to be about race.

It doesn't have to be. I think it IS more often than some of you care to admit (to yourselves or others). As for Obama being the worst ever, you guys simply are severely misguided. I use the word misguided because you only have to go back 6 years or so to find the dolt who holds that honor.
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Sorry, but from an economic standpoint, you couldnt be more off base. And please dont bring up the sub prime mortgage debacle which turned into a terrible recession because the seeds for that debacle simply werent sown by Mr. Bush. If you dont mind, please tell me what actions Mr. Bush took that made him the worst President ever. Oh, and one more thing, much of Mr. Obamas legacy has yet to be realized from the "Affordable" ( joke) Health Care Act. I am betting it will do considerably more economic damage to the country in the future than it has already done. I, of course, am biased but I have no recollection of Bush telling anywhere near the number of lies in 8 years that his successor has in 6.
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