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Stevenash, if you actually read my posts you'd see that I am fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

Therefore, I obviously (or maybe not to obviously to you), believe his economic policies haven't been the greatest. However, I do not entirely blame him for the current economic environment. Enlightened individuals like myself understand the developed markets will slow down while emerging and frontier markets begin undergoing substantial growth similar to what we experienced post WWII.

Wow, this is getting exciting.  Enlightened/chosen, does that mean you agree with many of Mr. Obamas social stances but that economically speaking, you are just like me and believe his policies SUCK?

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IF you understand the developed and emerging markets so well, just let me know why this recovery is the weakest since World War II and GDP, which normally averages around 4% in a recovery, is still hovering in the 2% area.  Following that, I will want to discuss the second differential with you as it applies to technical analysis for the developed vs the emerging markets

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Because we're in a new low growth environment and it'll be that way for a long long time (I personally think we're double dipping)

Next question!

IF you understand the developed and emerging markets so well, just let me know why this recovery is the weakest since World War II and GDP, which normally averages around 4% in a recovery, is still hovering in the 2% area.  Following that, I will want to discuss the second differential with you as it applies to technical analysis for the developed vs the emerging markets

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Some people have views that generally identify with the liberal movement while simultaneously having views that identify with the conservative movement.

Yes, that is possible. Yes, it happens all the time. Yes, most normal people are like this.

If you actually took time to read the quote to which you replied to, you'd see that pamfam was describing a scenario I mentioned above.

It's not always black and white.

Smitty, I ask you, if someone is pro life and pro gay marriage, which party should they identify with?


I would need more than two stances to decide.

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The Great Recession never ended, federal reserve intervention only prolonged the inevitable.

Are you really trying to show me up discussing finance and economics? If I recall correctly, you're a financial advisor or something similar, aka glorified salesman.

You may be right about the double dipping.  What has caused this new low growth environment and why will we be in it for a long time?  And one more thing.  How does this long low growth period get credited to Mr. Bush?

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The Great Recession never ended, federal reserve intervention only prolonged the inevitable.

Are you really trying to show me up discussing finance and economics? If I recall correctly, you're a financial advisor or something similar, aka glorified salesman.

Pat answer not backed up by facts.  Or another way to put it, veiled opinion!!!

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My party affiliation isn't a secret. You're just too stubborn to see that there can be a middle ground.Not a lot of middle ground between socialism and liberty.  

It's called being a "moderate". You mix in a little bit of both parties. If one political party is bad and the other is horrible then mixing them together would be like the pharmacist who mixes rat poison with cyanide trying to heal a broke leg.  

I am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. â€‹ That is impossible although it sounds good but in reality it is impossible. For you are claiming that  government should be fiscally disciplined and at the same time be undisciplined.   

Groundbreaking revelation right? Not really. Your thinking is what led to the Founders to break away from a king.

I'm glad I can be of assistance to the small town folk here today. Stay tuned and I'll try to educate you commoners more often. â€‹Pompous puke  


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I just admitted the economy is terrible and the teabaggers bash me for having the same opinion as them.

I can't make this up folks.. small town setx folks for ya!

So your genious is to bash people from this area as small town as opposed to supporting your assertions!!  Huummm!!!  What are we small town folk to make of this???? 

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Jv_coach, thanks for the laugh. Another teabagger in denial who will be crying his eyes out in 2016 when Hillary wins in a landslide.

You appear to be like a rock group or sports team groupie with Hillary and the Dems!!!  "Look, my team is better than you team and because I support them i am better than you" seems to be your life purpose!!

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ENlightenedChosen- far be it for me to try to show you up.  I am just a glorified salesman and it is well established what expertise you have with the financial markets.  That's why I think you should play along with me and let me make a fool out of myself and you can, simultaneously validate your economic acumen.  Humor me and tell me why this is the worst recovery from an economic decline in your lifetime and even longer.  And if you are as truly compassionate and tolerant as your crowd portrays itself, you ought to get satisfaction imparting your knowledge to others about the financial markets.

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It'll be okay, just keep cold calling and pitching your crappy index hugging mutual funds.

I believe in you.

ENlightenedChosen- far be it for me to try to show you up.  I am just a glorified salesman and it is well established what expertise you have with the financial markets.  That's why I think you should play along with me and let me make a fool out of myself and you can, simultaneously validate your economic acumen.  Humor me and tell me why this is the worst recovery from an economic decline in your lifetime and even longer.  And if you are as truly compassionate and tolerant as your crowd portrays itself, you ought to get satisfaction imparting your knowledge to others about the financial markets.

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If the middle class is broke, its because a lot of the middle class is not working.  Income has dropped 8.3% per family since the current President took office.  So obviously HIS (not George Bush's) policies are not working.  More taxes, Obamacare, and additional regulations are not, under any circumstance, a prescription for getting an economy moving again.  In fact, they are a prescription for hindering whatever recovery takes place.  But, I guess it is far more important to raise taxes on the producers and give more money to the idle.  The results scream loudly that these methods do not work(6 years worth) and yet our President wants to do more of the same to a greater degree.  Furthermore, with all that is going on in Iraq and the possibility that oil might go to $150 per barrel, the last thing we want to do is work on the Keystone pipeline and become about 85% energy self sufficient and employ many more people and , resultantly, infuse many more dollars into an ailing economy.  If you have time, Enlightendchosen, please tell me where I am wrong in my contentions.  I anxiously await your input.

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I thought the wealth was supposed to trickle down though? The super rich are doing better than ever.



If the middle class is broke, its because a lot of the middle class is not working.  Income has dropped 8.3% per family since the current President took office.  So obviously HIS (not George Bush's) policies are not working.  More taxes, Obamacare, and additional regulations are not, under any circumstance, a prescription for getting an economy moving again.  In fact, they are a prescription for hindering whatever recovery takes place.  But, I guess it is far more important to raise taxes on the producers and give more money to the idle.  The results scream loudly that these methods do not work(6 years worth) and yet our President wants to do more of the same to a greater degree.  Furthermore, with all that is going on in Iraq and the possibility that oil might go to $150 per barrel, the last thing we want to do is work on the Keystone pipeline and become about 85% energy self sufficient and employ many more people and , resultantly, infuse many more dollars into an ailing economy.  If you have time, Enlightendchosen, please tell me where I am wrong in my contentions.  I anxiously await your input.

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Yes, you are a real moderate.  Your words are straight from the party line.  So you would prefer to make sure the super rich aren't doing so well rather than trying to help the middle class find work?  Lets tax the super rich until they don't have any more inclination to invest or employ.  We will add to the bureaucracy to distribute ( social welfare) and invest ( Solyndra) those additional monies that are brought in.  God knows those two things are a lot more productive than leaving the $ in the hands of Apple and Exxon.

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When will the wealth trickle down from the super rich to middle class?


Yes, you are a real moderate.  Your words are straight from the party line.  So you would prefer to make sure the super rich aren't doing so well rather than trying to help the middle class find work?  Lets tax the super rich until they don't have any more inclination to invest or employ.  We will add to the bureaucracy to distribute ( social welfare) and invest ( Solyndra) those additional monies that are brought in.  God knows those two things are a lot more productive than leaving the $ in the hands of Apple and Exxon.

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    • Wow. Do you actually believe your little scenario has any chance of alleviating you of your moral immaturity? Deflection at it's best...or worse. You seem to be a sad case. If you died today, I would be remiss if not attributing your cause of death to severe TDS, and of course, Covid. Look at that. I just made a joke about your death. You did not get offended. Nobody was offended. Not one person will accuse me of being hateful towards fellow human beings. But yet, you hate Trump because he made a similar crude comment about McCain. You tried to attribute that comment as evidence Trump hates the military. What grade level of schoolchildren do you think is laughing at you for that "less that adolescent" (hint, hint) comment. You used one crude comment in an attempt to justify your TDS. Now, when called on it, you try to deflect the whole topic. You are certainly not having any fun with this, but you sure are providing entertainment for the board. It's a shame you can't join in on the fun. I think even Big Girl might be to the point of giggling at the shamelessness you are exhibiting.
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