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Who has the best fans....

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I do not know about this year, but I was amazed last year of the following WH had for such a small school, they do have good fan support. The student section for HJ is the loudest I've seen yet, but I think they got in trouble by one of the refs at the BBH tourney and they let it get to them, they aren't as loud as they were at the first of the year. They might have had someone say something to them, I don't know???? Most people who play them hate to hear the student section and always complain to the school becuase of their constant taunting, but it is usually a lot less than you would hear at most college games, I would hate to see the complainers to go to a A & M game as a visitor, they would really be mad. I'm all for school spirit I think it's great to see people drive over an hour away to support their school.

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Did PAM retain the rights to the Lincoln fans when it closed?  No one can hang with that bunch.  I still remember it from when I was in school...just get them started and all you heard after a Lincoln run and an opponent timeout out was them clapping in unison chanting "We are from the Beehive"  over and over.  After that there is no more comparison.  They also went anywhere.

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Guest orangeman

Gotta go with West Hardin as far as small schools. They have shown up in LARGE numbers everywhere WH has played. They filled up the HD visitors side and spilled over to the HD home side. Did the same thing at Big Sandy and Goodrich.

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Guest allsportsfan

I have been invoved in 1A all my life, and West Hardin this year has the best 1A fans I have ever seen in basketball.

Not saying they are better than all of those mentioned. Never seen them.

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Props to all of the fans who go out and support their athletes!  I know it means a lot to the players when their fans get loud in support for them.  From what I've seen, WH fans show up in the largest numbers and are the loudest, but I've only seen the teams we've played, so I can't say they're the loudest of all of the schools.  I will say when we were at Goodrich, a few (not all) of the fans were making gestures at our fans and bowing up and pulling on their shirts like they wanted to fight or something...pretty immature (of course, when they lost, they made a bee-line for the door!).

Go Oilers!:)

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