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  1. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Englebert in Outrage in STL   
    Most of the tweets are gibberish from people that have no clue or are speculating. 
    I have addressed a couple above and could do so on many of them. I understand the questions but they are put forth as rhetorical statements of guilt on the part of the police and that does not always square with the law or procedure. 
    Merely saying someone was a suspect in a robbery that may have just happened means that he fits the general description. I have seen many people stopped and released on scene (and have done so myself) or at times arrested for something else other than the original intent of the stop. When a radio broadcast goes out that a small white car similar to a Honda or Toyota just left the scene, every small white car will likely be stopped in the immediate area. It doesn't mean that they are all guilty, it means they appear to be a possible suspect. 
    Michael Brown might have fit the description without being the person the police sought, if they were actually looking for someone. By saying that someone talked to a store clerk and having him say that Brown was not the person means almost nothing except that he wasn't the person. It does not negate Brown looking like a description given or the police having lawful justification to detain him. 
    None of that means that the police actually broadcast a description or if Brown generally fit that description but it is lawful for such a scenario to exist. The police should still release the tapes of the 911 call of the robbery, the radio broadcasts given to officers, etc. In fact the outside agencies looking into this incident probably already have it but it doesn't have to be immediately be released to the public. Not releasing it is seen by some as an admission of guilt which is incorrect. 
  2. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in African-American parents explain "The Talk"   
    So do I.
  3. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from smitty in Outrage in STL   
    That is not a typical photo however. I have lots of guns and a bit of cash. I have never been inclined to take such a photo and I doubt that many people reading this forum have done so either. 
    It means nothing by itself but it tends to show a bit less of the choir boy image that is being portrayed by some of Brown. In some ways it is the reverse of what is being done to the officer involved and to the police in general. It is taking something that in itself means nothing but one side or the other is using it as proof of guilt. 
  4. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Bobcat1 in Corporate Income Taxes - Close The Loopholes & Lower Taxes?   
    ESO already hit it. 
    A family that is making $25,000 a year for a family of four is living paycheck to paycheck. Heck, many families making $75,000 a year are living paycheck to paycheck. The only difference is the size of the home, the number of vehicles and the quality of food. They are still spending almost every dollar on expenses whether it is bologna or steak. 
    So if we take a family making $25K and remove all taxes except what they spend, they will be taxed on 100% of their income as they are literally spending every dollar that they make. Even if you exempt some things as non taxable, they are still spending every dollar.
    Now let's move up to that millionaire and every area has plenty of them. Let's say a family is making $1M a year. How much of that is being spend on goods (or services if that is taxed) and how much is being put in stocks, the bank and other such ventures where goods are not purchased? They might be spending $200K on actual goods so they are only taxed on 20% of their income. Instead of our current progressive tax where the more you make, the higher your tax rate, we would have a regressive tax where the more you make the less percentage you pay as it is not being spent on goods or services as the "fair tax" proponents want. 
    Of course in our fantasy world we could start taxing savings accounts, 401Ks, IRAs, etc. I am not talking about your interest income from those which is taxable but merely deposits. That is the only way you are going to get those millionaires to pay their "fair share". But who will it hurt? So when that family making $25K a year finally saves $500 and decides to start putting some away..... oops!, they are hit with a 10% tax at the time of deposit so that $500 is not only $450. See how long it will take at 1% interest from banks to make up that loss from merely making a deposit. 
    Simply put, there is no way that we can tax goods and/or services only and have it hurt the rich guy and not destroy the less fortunate. The very rich might make millions or even billions a year but you can bet they aren't spending that money. The poor family on the other hand is spending every cent. 
  5. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from mat in Political Forum   
    Yep. It is great when a warning thread turns into a shining example. 
  6. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Political Forum   
    Yep. It is great when a warning thread turns into a shining example. 
  7. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from smitty in Political Forum   
    Yep. It is great when a warning thread turns into a shining example. 
  8. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Bobcat1 in Political Forum   
    Yep. It is great when a warning thread turns into a shining example. 
  9. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from EnlightenedChosenOne in Political Forum   
    Yep. It is great when a warning thread turns into a shining example. 
  10. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from shovel in Political Forum   
    I asked for this forum to be created after being contacted by Admin about complaints that the Locker Room had more politics that other issues and was turning into a one sided continual diatribe. For that reason the powers in control agreed to try a political forum so that at least there would be a non-political place to post other than sports issues (Locker Room) and someone could ignore politics by merely not viewing the forum. Apparently some people do not have that ability to draw themselves away from a train wreck however. 
    This forum has degraded into the same topics over and over. Even the titles of many threads call out other members or the "other side". That alone should tell you that it isn't about an issue per se but in fanning the flames. Topics such as:
    How we know Smitty is a low intelligence quotient human being
    Big GIrl: your thoughts on unqualified supervisors
    16 threads without a reply
    Teabaggers hate main stream media...........
    Big Girl, what do you think of this analogy
    Other threads are continually posted about our side against your side like "low information voter" threads, Republicans/GOP are criminals or teabaggers are racists.
    In my opinion an example valid political topic would be, should PAISD get a new bond after just passing one a few years ago or even Will Hillary run (but leaving out personal snipes). A person can easily give an opinion that PAISD does or does not need a bond without calling Obama poll numbers into it or mentioning race for the sake of mentioning race. You can answer that Hillary will run and be almost guaranteed a win or that she will likely opt out after not wanting to face examination of her time as Secretary of State or Benghazi issues. There is nothing wrong with either side if respectfully given.
    If it was up to me, I would be deleting threads without the need for explanations that do nothing but post another opinion about one side or the other by posting a link from a politically slanted website that shows Dems/GOP are crooks, Obama lied, teabaggers anything, etc. Especially threads only call out one side or the other or are directed at an individual. If you want to flame, go to another website. There should be some valid political threads without all the silliness.  
      Not so long ago we almost lost all political posting from the Locker Room so this spin-off forum was created as sort of an experiment. It looks like the experiment is about to fail. If admin approves I will start deleting threads (probably a majority of ones created lately) and if people don't like it, they can move on to another website. There are plenty of places to post political opinions on the Internet. I would like the ability to discuss some issues if it can be done with respect and especially if it has some local issue even if it is a national story with local interest like the Keystone Pipeline.    If not, I think Admin will simply delete this forum and not allow any political issues in the Locker Room. 
  11. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Big girl in Political Forum   
    I asked for this forum to be created after being contacted by Admin about complaints that the Locker Room had more politics that other issues and was turning into a one sided continual diatribe. For that reason the powers in control agreed to try a political forum so that at least there would be a non-political place to post other than sports issues (Locker Room) and someone could ignore politics by merely not viewing the forum. Apparently some people do not have that ability to draw themselves away from a train wreck however. 
    This forum has degraded into the same topics over and over. Even the titles of many threads call out other members or the "other side". That alone should tell you that it isn't about an issue per se but in fanning the flames. Topics such as:
    How we know Smitty is a low intelligence quotient human being
    Big GIrl: your thoughts on unqualified supervisors
    16 threads without a reply
    Teabaggers hate main stream media...........
    Big Girl, what do you think of this analogy
    Other threads are continually posted about our side against your side like "low information voter" threads, Republicans/GOP are criminals or teabaggers are racists.
    In my opinion an example valid political topic would be, should PAISD get a new bond after just passing one a few years ago or even Will Hillary run (but leaving out personal snipes). A person can easily give an opinion that PAISD does or does not need a bond without calling Obama poll numbers into it or mentioning race for the sake of mentioning race. You can answer that Hillary will run and be almost guaranteed a win or that she will likely opt out after not wanting to face examination of her time as Secretary of State or Benghazi issues. There is nothing wrong with either side if respectfully given.
    If it was up to me, I would be deleting threads without the need for explanations that do nothing but post another opinion about one side or the other by posting a link from a politically slanted website that shows Dems/GOP are crooks, Obama lied, teabaggers anything, etc. Especially threads only call out one side or the other or are directed at an individual. If you want to flame, go to another website. There should be some valid political threads without all the silliness.  
      Not so long ago we almost lost all political posting from the Locker Room so this spin-off forum was created as sort of an experiment. It looks like the experiment is about to fail. If admin approves I will start deleting threads (probably a majority of ones created lately) and if people don't like it, they can move on to another website. There are plenty of places to post political opinions on the Internet. I would like the ability to discuss some issues if it can be done with respect and especially if it has some local issue even if it is a national story with local interest like the Keystone Pipeline.    If not, I think Admin will simply delete this forum and not allow any political issues in the Locker Room. 
  12. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Bobcat1 in Political Forum   
    I asked for this forum to be created after being contacted by Admin about complaints that the Locker Room had more politics that other issues and was turning into a one sided continual diatribe. For that reason the powers in control agreed to try a political forum so that at least there would be a non-political place to post other than sports issues (Locker Room) and someone could ignore politics by merely not viewing the forum. Apparently some people do not have that ability to draw themselves away from a train wreck however. 
    This forum has degraded into the same topics over and over. Even the titles of many threads call out other members or the "other side". That alone should tell you that it isn't about an issue per se but in fanning the flames. Topics such as:
    How we know Smitty is a low intelligence quotient human being
    Big GIrl: your thoughts on unqualified supervisors
    16 threads without a reply
    Teabaggers hate main stream media...........
    Big Girl, what do you think of this analogy
    Other threads are continually posted about our side against your side like "low information voter" threads, Republicans/GOP are criminals or teabaggers are racists.
    In my opinion an example valid political topic would be, should PAISD get a new bond after just passing one a few years ago or even Will Hillary run (but leaving out personal snipes). A person can easily give an opinion that PAISD does or does not need a bond without calling Obama poll numbers into it or mentioning race for the sake of mentioning race. You can answer that Hillary will run and be almost guaranteed a win or that she will likely opt out after not wanting to face examination of her time as Secretary of State or Benghazi issues. There is nothing wrong with either side if respectfully given.
    If it was up to me, I would be deleting threads without the need for explanations that do nothing but post another opinion about one side or the other by posting a link from a politically slanted website that shows Dems/GOP are crooks, Obama lied, teabaggers anything, etc. Especially threads only call out one side or the other or are directed at an individual. If you want to flame, go to another website. There should be some valid political threads without all the silliness.  
      Not so long ago we almost lost all political posting from the Locker Room so this spin-off forum was created as sort of an experiment. It looks like the experiment is about to fail. If admin approves I will start deleting threads (probably a majority of ones created lately) and if people don't like it, they can move on to another website. There are plenty of places to post political opinions on the Internet. I would like the ability to discuss some issues if it can be done with respect and especially if it has some local issue even if it is a national story with local interest like the Keystone Pipeline.    If not, I think Admin will simply delete this forum and not allow any political issues in the Locker Room. 
  13. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from jv_coach in Outrage in STL   
    1. The police unfortunately are tied up with other things at this point in time.
    2. Did this guy come forward and try to be interviewed by the police or did he seek out the media instead?
    3. Do the police even know that he exists? I can tell from the many investigations that I have been involved with including murders, when you ask who has seen something, everyone was in the bathroom. 
    4. Who determined that this was a "key witness"..... the witness or Chris Hayes?
  14. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from mat in Political Forum   
    I asked for this forum to be created after being contacted by Admin about complaints that the Locker Room had more politics that other issues and was turning into a one sided continual diatribe. For that reason the powers in control agreed to try a political forum so that at least there would be a non-political place to post other than sports issues (Locker Room) and someone could ignore politics by merely not viewing the forum. Apparently some people do not have that ability to draw themselves away from a train wreck however. 
    This forum has degraded into the same topics over and over. Even the titles of many threads call out other members or the "other side". That alone should tell you that it isn't about an issue per se but in fanning the flames. Topics such as:
    How we know Smitty is a low intelligence quotient human being
    Big GIrl: your thoughts on unqualified supervisors
    16 threads without a reply
    Teabaggers hate main stream media...........
    Big Girl, what do you think of this analogy
    Other threads are continually posted about our side against your side like "low information voter" threads, Republicans/GOP are criminals or teabaggers are racists.
    In my opinion an example valid political topic would be, should PAISD get a new bond after just passing one a few years ago or even Will Hillary run (but leaving out personal snipes). A person can easily give an opinion that PAISD does or does not need a bond without calling Obama poll numbers into it or mentioning race for the sake of mentioning race. You can answer that Hillary will run and be almost guaranteed a win or that she will likely opt out after not wanting to face examination of her time as Secretary of State or Benghazi issues. There is nothing wrong with either side if respectfully given.
    If it was up to me, I would be deleting threads without the need for explanations that do nothing but post another opinion about one side or the other by posting a link from a politically slanted website that shows Dems/GOP are crooks, Obama lied, teabaggers anything, etc. Especially threads only call out one side or the other or are directed at an individual. If you want to flame, go to another website. There should be some valid political threads without all the silliness.  
      Not so long ago we almost lost all political posting from the Locker Room so this spin-off forum was created as sort of an experiment. It looks like the experiment is about to fail. If admin approves I will start deleting threads (probably a majority of ones created lately) and if people don't like it, they can move on to another website. There are plenty of places to post political opinions on the Internet. I would like the ability to discuss some issues if it can be done with respect and especially if it has some local issue even if it is a national story with local interest like the Keystone Pipeline.    If not, I think Admin will simply delete this forum and not allow any political issues in the Locker Room. 
  15. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from PN-G bamatex in Political Forum   
    I asked for this forum to be created after being contacted by Admin about complaints that the Locker Room had more politics that other issues and was turning into a one sided continual diatribe. For that reason the powers in control agreed to try a political forum so that at least there would be a non-political place to post other than sports issues (Locker Room) and someone could ignore politics by merely not viewing the forum. Apparently some people do not have that ability to draw themselves away from a train wreck however. 
    This forum has degraded into the same topics over and over. Even the titles of many threads call out other members or the "other side". That alone should tell you that it isn't about an issue per se but in fanning the flames. Topics such as:
    How we know Smitty is a low intelligence quotient human being
    Big GIrl: your thoughts on unqualified supervisors
    16 threads without a reply
    Teabaggers hate main stream media...........
    Big Girl, what do you think of this analogy
    Other threads are continually posted about our side against your side like "low information voter" threads, Republicans/GOP are criminals or teabaggers are racists.
    In my opinion an example valid political topic would be, should PAISD get a new bond after just passing one a few years ago or even Will Hillary run (but leaving out personal snipes). A person can easily give an opinion that PAISD does or does not need a bond without calling Obama poll numbers into it or mentioning race for the sake of mentioning race. You can answer that Hillary will run and be almost guaranteed a win or that she will likely opt out after not wanting to face examination of her time as Secretary of State or Benghazi issues. There is nothing wrong with either side if respectfully given.
    If it was up to me, I would be deleting threads without the need for explanations that do nothing but post another opinion about one side or the other by posting a link from a politically slanted website that shows Dems/GOP are crooks, Obama lied, teabaggers anything, etc. Especially threads only call out one side or the other or are directed at an individual. If you want to flame, go to another website. There should be some valid political threads without all the silliness.  
      Not so long ago we almost lost all political posting from the Locker Room so this spin-off forum was created as sort of an experiment. It looks like the experiment is about to fail. If admin approves I will start deleting threads (probably a majority of ones created lately) and if people don't like it, they can move on to another website. There are plenty of places to post political opinions on the Internet. I would like the ability to discuss some issues if it can be done with respect and especially if it has some local issue even if it is a national story with local interest like the Keystone Pipeline.    If not, I think Admin will simply delete this forum and not allow any political issues in the Locker Room. 
  16. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Account question   
    It's like the Hotel California..... You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. 
  17. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Political Forum   
    I asked for this forum to be created after being contacted by Admin about complaints that the Locker Room had more politics that other issues and was turning into a one sided continual diatribe. For that reason the powers in control agreed to try a political forum so that at least there would be a non-political place to post other than sports issues (Locker Room) and someone could ignore politics by merely not viewing the forum. Apparently some people do not have that ability to draw themselves away from a train wreck however. 
    This forum has degraded into the same topics over and over. Even the titles of many threads call out other members or the "other side". That alone should tell you that it isn't about an issue per se but in fanning the flames. Topics such as:
    How we know Smitty is a low intelligence quotient human being
    Big GIrl: your thoughts on unqualified supervisors
    16 threads without a reply
    Teabaggers hate main stream media...........
    Big Girl, what do you think of this analogy
    Other threads are continually posted about our side against your side like "low information voter" threads, Republicans/GOP are criminals or teabaggers are racists.
    In my opinion an example valid political topic would be, should PAISD get a new bond after just passing one a few years ago or even Will Hillary run (but leaving out personal snipes). A person can easily give an opinion that PAISD does or does not need a bond without calling Obama poll numbers into it or mentioning race for the sake of mentioning race. You can answer that Hillary will run and be almost guaranteed a win or that she will likely opt out after not wanting to face examination of her time as Secretary of State or Benghazi issues. There is nothing wrong with either side if respectfully given.
    If it was up to me, I would be deleting threads without the need for explanations that do nothing but post another opinion about one side or the other by posting a link from a politically slanted website that shows Dems/GOP are crooks, Obama lied, teabaggers anything, etc. Especially threads only call out one side or the other or are directed at an individual. If you want to flame, go to another website. There should be some valid political threads without all the silliness.  
      Not so long ago we almost lost all political posting from the Locker Room so this spin-off forum was created as sort of an experiment. It looks like the experiment is about to fail. If admin approves I will start deleting threads (probably a majority of ones created lately) and if people don't like it, they can move on to another website. There are plenty of places to post political opinions on the Internet. I would like the ability to discuss some issues if it can be done with respect and especially if it has some local issue even if it is a national story with local interest like the Keystone Pipeline.    If not, I think Admin will simply delete this forum and not allow any political issues in the Locker Room. 
  18. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Outrage in STL   
    I am curious what the SOS has to do with any of this. I can see the AG, governor or the chief of the state police but the SOS? 
    Maybe it is election time.......... 
  19. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from thetragichippy in Outrage in STL   
    That is a fairly true statement. If you ask (off the record) police officers from any department, they can mention officers that should not be there. I still don't know any of them that have shot anyone without a great cause and if we only went by "lawful" use of force, many mid to large size departments could kill people every day and be cleared of wrongdoing. 
    The public for the most part has no clue how many deadly force situations an officer faces in a career where the could have been lawful use of deadly force. There are probably 5 or 6 times that I can think of in my career that I could have lawfully used that amount of force and I was lucky to live without doing so. I have watched several videos of officers that died because they went too far in not using lawful force to defend themselves. 
  20. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Outrage in STL   
    ............ and those bumblebee rounds sting quite a bit. 
  21. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Outrage in STL   
    Yesterday I saw a couple of different photos of mothers covering their babies faces against the tear gas (according to the media reporting the photos). 
    My initial thought was how stupid these women were to be at a protest of any kind, much less with a lot of violence, and toting small babies or children. Then they expose defenseless children who they have a lawful obligation to protect to rubber bullets and tear gas. My second thought was that they should be arrested for child abuse. 
    How stupid can some people get? 
  22. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from thetragichippy in Outrage in STL   
    Don't cross police barricades or refuse to comply with lawful orders. 
    Being pregnant, protesting or being a woman is not an exemption from stupidity. 
  23. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from thetragichippy in PAISD looking at $195 million bond   
    Since we have no clue what it is, I guess the speculation can be wide open. If it is poor construction then you have to wonder if a lawsuit is a more appropriate venue. 
    No matter what happened, it appears that someone must have messed up if the construction was not up to code or if the planning was poor. I don't believe that there is some big expansion of student population at play. I think Memorial is losing students, not gaining them. 
  24. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from thetragichippy in Outrage in STL   
    Which is huge either way. 
    I can't tell how many times I have heard that a witness "saw the whole thing" and then start giving a statement like, "I heard a loud crash and ran around the corner to see.............." or "I heard three quick shot and ran outside to see...........".
    My answer is always, "No, you didn't see the whole thing". Most of the time they want to argue but it really doesn't matter in the long run. What they did see might still be very important but it will never be front the start and likely will not show the cause. So many of our witnesses start their story with hearing a noise (gun shot, crash, yelling, etc.) and then looked to see what was happening. 
  25. Like
    tvc184 got a reaction from thetragichippy in Arrest announcement expected - Alfred Wright   
    ......and yes hippy, you got sucked in to arguing with the baiters, trollers and outright idiots.
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