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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. People are assuming that by combining LC-M with WO-S there would have to be one high school. That is not true. If LC-M was having financial problems and needed to combine with someone, that does not mean that the new school board would combine the schools. They could choose to keep the schools the as they are but under one school board instead of two. Districts don't combine in order to make new football teams or to have fewer schools.
  2. Nederland, PN-G, Lumberton and Dayton are all in the same situaion. If they win out, they go to the playoffs. They still all control their own destiny.
  3. Someone had to go way back in the archives to drag this one up.
  4. HAHAHAHA!!! I am so far right wing that I probably make you look like Teddy Kennedy. Right wingers are strong on laws in general and especially drug laws. Liberals are against drugs laws in general. The liberals want to do away with any substance abuse laws. A liberal view would be the ones on here that think if a kid tests positive, it is the government's responsibility to pay for counciling and/or rehab. Held accountable for your actions? Conservative. Pat little Johnny on the back since it isn't his fault and pay for anything he needs? Liberal. You have your political beliefs confused.
  5. I can head to the deer lease without having to worry about making the playoff games for a change.
  6. You don't know. Maybe someone just doesn't like the name NDN.
  7. The money isn't spent to "catch" students. The money is spent to "deter" students from using drugs.
  8. Some people don't want the testing because they think it is a waste of money. If they do go ahead with the tests however and tell a school and parents that a kid is doing drugs, you think the state should have to pay for his counciling and rehab? You complain that it is going to cost $3 million a year for the tests but you are willing to spend way more than that for state funded counciling. Hmmmm........ By the way, $3 million comes out to about one penny per month per every person in Texas. That big waste of money comes to about 12 cents per year per person. If roughly a dime per person is too much for us to spend to the testing for drugs, then we are in trouble.
  9. All Shimano's are over priced and other brands seem to be following. I love Shimano's. I just hate paying for them. Lately I have bought two Pinnacle reels. Both have been very smooth and I love fishing with them. They cost about 30-50% of what a similar Shimano costs.
  10. Schools might merge within a district. School districts rarely merge and only do so if one or both of them is in deep financial trouble.
  11. I see LC-M fans are still trying to find a way to beat Nederland and PN-G consistently. Maybe if we just combine with another school........... ;D
  12. BISD of today was a merger of Beaumont ISD with South Park ISD. They each had three high schools (French, Beaumont High, Charlton Pollard, South Park High, Forest Park and Hebert) which eventually combined into two schools after the merger. They had steps along the way. Beaumont HS combined with Charlton Pollard High School to make Beaumont Charlton Pollard HS (BCP). After a few years of that, they combined French into BCP to form what is now Central. Then they combined the other schools to make West Brook for two high schools. Not to be outdone, they added back to a third HS, Ozen. So I think they went from two different ISD's with six high schools to 5 high schools to four high schools to two high schools and then back up to three high schools. Who knows what they will come up with next.
  13. We've been seeing more big deer than usual and have a lot of them on camera. Maybe it will be a good year.
  14. Type II is the way to go if you don't have a lease. Typical day/trophy hunts are way too expensive unless you just have a few thousand dollars laying around not doing anything.
  15. Didn't GP come into the Nederland playoff game last year at 10-0?
  16. Right. The parents that allow their kids to drink are the responsible ones and their kids don't get in trouble. If you believe that, I still have the London Bridge for sale......... I believe that children are going to learn most of what they are taught but they are also going to push the limit in some areas. Go for it, just be prepared to pay the price when you get caught. If getting arrested will get you kicked off the team and you are willing to risk that penalty , then drink away. Just don't complain and have mommy and daddy threaten to sue when you get caught.
  17. The problem is, when I am on the stand for opening day of gun season, it will probably be in short pants, a t-shirt and flip-flops.
  18. It makes me feel like going to football games.... and hunting.
  19. That is laughable or at least it would be if it wasn't such a serious subject. Teaching a child how to drink responsibly? There is nothing responsible in teaching a child how to drink. Jhsbulldogs solution to the drug problem? Teach them to drink responsibly instead.
  20. Good thing this isn't for the district track meet then. Brenham was too big and fast. Central and Ozen were too fast for Nederland also. If all you had to do to win a football game was to be faster, why not just line up each position at the goal line and do a 100 yard dash. The winner of a majority of the races wins the game.
  21. Opinions are a dime a dozen, no matter how silly they seem.
  22. How is it racist? A black guy that is criticizing some current black athletes for the way he perceives their antics is hardly racism. That is just an opinion. If he would have said that all blacks are stupid or all blacks bring the game down, then you could say it was racist. He brought up who he thought was great black athletes by the way they carried themselves and the way they protested. He looks up to the way they acted. Is that racist? He then brought up other black athletes, mentioned their stupid behavior and said that is why he didn't like them. Racism? Just because race is mentioned in an opinion does not automatically mean that it is racism. Everyone has the right to agree or disagree with Whitlock's opinion but don't try to make it more than that, just an opinion. I don't think the guy is a racist.
  23. I can't remember exactly what year it was but I think WO-S was knocked out of the playoffs one year like that. Nederland would have lost on the point spread and there was some controversy over the method but the district board stuck with head-to-head first. What happened (if I remember correctly) was that Nederland, WO-S and another school (PN-G?) were tied at 6-2 in district and tied for second place. Nederland had beaten both other schools but had been upset by another team (much like Vidor last year) that wasn't in the playoff picture. If it went purely by point spread, Nederland would have stayed home BUT, having beaten both other schools they were tied with, they were awarded the first spot. That left the other two teams and since it was just two teams now, it was again head-to-head. Maybe someone from WO-S can remember how it went down. I think it was them as the odd man out.
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