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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. You think? "Probably" biased? LOL, that is one of the biggest understatements ever made in these forums.
  2. I think the Tribe stays hot, as the Pirates head for the lower decks of their ship.
  3. I thought it was Chance-Loeb High School or CLISD. I didn't think they split from Silsbee.
  4. If Nederland and Lumberton win this week, it won't be decided until then.
  5. Let's see, 11 straight years in the playoffs, and 15 years since a losing season. Let's see, this will make... one year in a row that Lumberton hasn't had a losing season. Yeah, I can see where a fan from a team that has never made the playoffs thinks that is a funny statement. :
  6. LOL.. well, they won. Maybe he calls that a blowout.
  7. I think that a majority of fans would like to see Lumberton get into the playoffs as long it is not at the expense of their team. I will bet that no PN-G fans would be willing to give up a playoff spot to Lumberton.
  8. That pretty much sums it up. The top four still control their own playoff hopes.
  9. "Ourselves", for the most part, no. I don't call children with their maturity "ourselves". I am assuming that if you don't think children do need protecting from themselves, then there is no need for a drinking age, a smoking age, an age to consent to medical care, etc. After all, they are only hurting themselves. If the state wanted to test you or me to protect you us from "ourselves", I would be very much against it and I don't fear any drug screen. I don't consider us to the be the same as a 15 or 16 year old child.
  10. That is about 30 cents per citizen for an entire year, so yes, it is worth it. I have a quarter and a nickel in my pocket they can have right now for my share and I will pledge to give that amount each year after this year. If they double it to 60,000 athletes, I will toss in my 60 cents.
  11. I doubt that there is a high percentage but you can bet that it is being done. If anything is available, there will always be someone that will do it whether it is steriods, alcohol, illegal drugs, etc.
  12. IF Nederland beats LC-M this week, Lumberton is just about in a must win situation anyway.
  13. You can slice and dice all you want. Steroid testing or any other program has absolutely nothing to do with teacher's salaries. Why not build less roads and give teachers better salaries? Why not advertise less for Texas tourism and give teachers better salaries? You could go on and on with many government programs but the testing program did not come from teacher's salaries. It was not a tradeoff. If you are against testing then just say so but it is a lame argument to not test because teachers aren't paid enough. That is about the equivalent of saying let's stop trying to get drunk drivers off of the road because the cops aren't paid enough. By the way, I didn't start with the political stance, LSU did. Check out the posts that quoted.
  14. I am very conservative and I don't agree at all with your former statement. I don't think testing athletes for steroids is a liberal cradle to the grave big government program.
  15. Hopefully they are correct. It would be nice for a change to see Lamar at the top of the heap again. I saw about 75 of their 80 straight home court wins and a few of the road games during that stretch. What a great time that was.
  16. Isn't Thomas the one that assigns the principals?
  17. "Nederland" hasn't said anything. Some fans made some predictions much as some Dayton fans made before the Lumberton game. I was talking about Nederland has beaten Stewart and his Broncos before so there is nothing new in beating Datyon.
  18. The problem seems a lot to do with district size. I saw some districts with as few as five teams and then you have districts with nine. Three or even four teams making the playoffs in an eight or nine team district will usually produce good and qualified playoff teams. Try getting four teams from a district with five or six teams total and it will take one win to qualify for the playoffs.
  19. No and probably not in the next realignment either.
  20. It's a good thing you only bet two cents on it. ;D
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