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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. I know this is very serious business but it is also a tad comical. We can't order a mandatory due to resources but we are going to order it anyway after we are saying that we can't but we can't get every out but we.......... Geez. I do have a question though. Other than a news flash on KFDM, who ordered it and if it was ordered, what are the plans, if any? I am hoping that at least maybe this will get the people off of work that need to leave if they wish to or can.
  2. And speaking of post counts, this thread has made it all the way to #5 all time on setxsports.com for total posts and #3 all time for most views. That is quite an accomplishment in a few days..... and there is still time for more.
  3. If I remember after reading the state Government Code under Emergency Management, if an entity calls for a mandatory evacuation, then they must provide transportation out for those that need it. The problem with buses is that it is not like the storm is now heading for us and no one else needs them. The rest of the Texas coast needs them also. They are still needed where they were sent also. Sure they could drive here by daylight. What do you tell the people that are waiting at the predicted landfall? So what you said, we're on our own.... IMO. They can call for an evacuation. To make it mandatory however might be out of the question if there is no transportation out. It doesn't matter who the elected officials are of this county. If the resources were sent elsewhere (as with Rita), there simply is no option.
  4. Well FINALLY!!! Somebody bent over and pulled their head out of their.........never mind! Don't count your chickens.
  5. Again...... If meteorologists knew when, where and how strong a storm was going to be when it hit, there would be no debate. There are no computer models, hunches, guesses or anything else that can tell when, where and how hard a hurricane is going to strike. Educated guesses can be made on current data but even that is subject to change ever couple of hours. This is not an exact science.
  6. That's bull.. I'd be in my car and gone. They aren't saying that you can't leave. They aren't going to lock the gates to the city. It just will not be mandatory. I would be on the move also.
  7. I don't watch the weather channel. If it isn't on KFDM, then it doesn't need to be known locally.
  8. What? A major city that is 75 miles closer than we are and they aren't running for the hills?
  9. The Rita evacuation was called on the same timeline as this. There is still time to start the evacuation and get everyone out of here before landfall. As I said last Sunday, Thursday morning at 6:00AM is what to look for. The eye will come ashore on early Saturday morning. There is no way they would have called for the evacuation on Wednesday and have everyone out up to two days before landfall.
  10. They are waiting to keep people from spending money and having their lives displaced for a few days without cause. As far as criticism, they are going to get that no matter what happens. No matter what a public official decides, it will be criticized by someone. That is part of the job. The emergency management officials are given information from the national weather service. They will base their decision on what is told to them at the briefing. It will not be based on opinions from bulletin boards or junior metorologists who are workers during the day and become weather experts when they read webpages. As far as the current briefing, it is still in progress after two hours. Apparently they are deciding something.
  11. I take it by the tone of this forum, a lot of people are.
  12. Yes, the plans have been in place just for this evacuation since last weekend. They are just waiting for them to be implemented, if they think it is needed.
  13. This is my post from last Sunday. I said then what I knew and I will say it again. If they call for an evacuation, it will be at 6:00AM on Thursday morning. They will make the decision this afternoon. I was not making it up then and I am not making it up now. Even my Sunday post was based on us getting hit, much less it going south of here. There is no way they would call for one before then. Hopefully they will finish their meeting soon (if not already) and we will find out. Likely Thursday morning at 6:00AM .... ....IF it stays on its current track and IF it maintains speed.
  14. if those effects are 70 mph winds and several inches of rain, and that without the very possible eastward shift, i think it's time to go. Then leave. I'm not being flip about it. If you think it is not worth staying and getting into the crowd, go now.
  15. Its always better to be safe than sorry... This storm is right on our butts and could do anything! If it stays the course we could be greatly effected! If they continue to wait how would the elderly and special needs have time to do anything???? C'mon tvc,youre a cop,you know their job as elected officials is to protect the citizens of their counties and I think as of now theyre failing miserably! Yes and they did exactly that a few days ago for Gustav and everyone was up in arms because we didn't get hit. Gustav was very close. We got some heavy rains and some fairly strong winds out of it in parts of this area. That didn't matter. Many people seemed to be angry that their homes were still standing and they left "for no reason". AGAIN, if anyone wants to leave, then do so. There is no permission needed to evacuate. This isn't China where you need papers to authorize someone to leave the county. If they call an evacuation this afternoon for tomorrow morning and it hits near Corpus Christi, the exact same people that are complaining now, will complain again that we didn't get hit again.
  16. There will be major traffic problems no matter when it is called. There is not much of a way to avoid it. They do try to stagger the people leaving but that is a joke. Sabine Pass and Port Arthur at 6:00AM, Mid-County at 8:00AM, Beaumont at 10:00AM, etc. That is yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded movie house and asking the first row to sit down for 2 minutes and wait their turn. It all makes sense but no one goes by it and everyone rushes for the exit. That always will happen with evacuations whether they call it for this afternoon or tomorrow morning.
  17. If you want to leave, then do so. No one needs permission to get out of the area. They aren't going to call for an evacuation unless there is a good chance of major damage to the area. That may be the decision shortly but as of yet, that is not the predictions.
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