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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Maybe that was a prophetic statement by him..... as things are likely to start getting bad.
  2. This is not just a rumor but is fact. Matt Burnett has risked his coaching career and an outright district championship and possibly a run at the state title so that he could keep certain kids on the bench. Now that he has managed to risk his career, give up the playoffs (not to mention the outright championship), lose to Nederland (again) and a trip to the state championship game, he has nothing else to lose so he will show what he has been holding back. I am thinking about 68 - 14 PNG over Central as these college talent players will vent the frustration of the entire Indian Nation and wipe the floor of the new stadium with Jag blood. Another fact is that I have the Brooklyn Bridge and it is for sale at a bargain price. Email me for serious inquiries only.
  3. Tough decisions don't bring in talent unless they are out recruiting.
  4. Yep. The liberal loons now have control of both houses and the presidency. We will all have to give up our guns and tofu will be mandated as the only protein allowed. By the way, I just bought an AK47 online about 30 minutes ago. I will probably order a couple of thousand more rounds of ammo in a day or so.
  5. Just the opposite at our lease in east Texas. They are almost avoiding the feeders. I think Ike knocked down most of the acorn crop early but it will be used up quickly.... I hope.
  6. I started to ask if he got it mounted but I guess it is already mounted to his hood.
  7. Terrible as far as killing any. I usually see quite a few by this time but can't find them. The tracks, scrapes and rubs are everywhere but they have gone underground. Maybe the storm messed them up and got them out of their pattern for a time. In any case, it is still much better being in the woods and relaxing than being at work.
  8. The voice of reason on a bulletin board. That is almost as rare as snow in the Golden Triangle. Keep that up sox and we will kick you off of the board. ;D
  9. I guess they need a podiatrist if their feet are hurting bad enough to keep them awake.
  10. You made a very good observation about Nederland's offense. Lumberton might be able to shut down Nederland's offense but it will take a great effort. Vidor came into last week's game with the #2 defense in district (I think). They also planned to keep the ball away from Nederland (which they did in great fashion) while their defense tried to clamp down on the Bulldogs offense. Vidor held the edge in time of possession with 32 minutes to Nederland's 16 minutes due to great ball control by Vidor. In those mere 16 minutes Nederland put 420 yards and 35 points on the board against a good defense. Obviously a shoot-out is not the best option although Livingston pulled it off.
  11. Therein lies the problem of what I talked about in my other post. I think PNG is down in talent this year but there is no blame involved or shouldn't be. If a player is slower than his counterpart on the other team, there is no blame to be passed. It is just life. Every kid that steps onto the field and gives it his best shot carries no blame no matter the outcome of the games. I have posted it before but it bears repeating. Teddy Roosevelt's "Man In The Arena". Read it and think of the PNG players and in fact, everyone else that strives in an endeavor whether they fail or not. To say that PNG had a down year in talent does not in any way a criticism. It is the effort that counts. It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. An excerpt from a speech by Theodore Roosevelt in April 1910.
  12. I think it is a year of less talent that hampered the Indians. They have a couple of really good players that could likely play for anyone but overall they just didn't have it. Compound that with everyone knowing the PNG play calling and almost the entire defense had to be replaced. Many years that doesn't matter since PNG has the people in place to run it. This just wasn't their year. I know that some people are looking to blame someone but some years are just down as far as players with a lot of talent. Maybe some people think that it is offensive or like belittling the players if someone makes a comment about them. I see that the talent pool is coming in a strong second in the poll and yet no one will make a post about it. The fact that kids go out and strive to play the game speaks enough about their character whether they are bigger and faster than other teams or not. Each year some teams in the district are going to have better players than other teams. Next year PNG might be at the top of the heap with the same coaches and a different group of kids.
  13. No. We don't even let the visitors cheer. Back to reality. Nederland shows visitor replays.
  14. Let me end the suspense. Nederland is 4-2 in district so NDNWarrior is 2-4 in predictions.
  15. Grogan seems the obvious offensive MVP. A guy that was not a running back comes off of the defense and off of the bench after the #1 running back gets hurt and leads the district. Without him, Nederland's offense does not click. The fact that Nederland has a serious running threat has opened up the entire offense. Nederland is the #1 offense in the district and without Grogan, they drop down to the middle of the pack. If MVP actual does mean the most "valuable" player, it is Grogan.
  16. ............. after losing to Lumberton the first game.
  17. Bend but don't break usually won't work against Nederland since they don't really drive the ball. They get in a couple of plays and then score from way out. It had better be just a "don't break" defense. You are probably correct about ball control. Central's best defense against Nederland was their offense. If Vidor can keep Nederland's offense off of the field, it will go a long way to winning. I don't think they are likely to trade scores with Nederland. It should be interesting.
  18. Geez.... first you toss 'em a $10 million stadium and then they want to win also. I guess you just can't please those PNG fans. What are they, 0-2 in the "new" Reservation now?
  19. I am going to say that the winner of the Nederland/Vidor game gets the final playoff spot no matter the outcome of the last game of the season for any team. There are mathematical possibilities for other outcomes (the most likely involving Livingston) but not likely.
  20. I was hoping for a translation but I think that is stretching it.
  21. I don't know about that one. Cammack was a vacuum cleaner and if someone went up with him to fight for the ball, he would come down with it. Cardenas might be as good but better?
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