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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. It doesn't matter anyway what the offenses look like. It matter how you execute the offense that you have installed. The fanciest offense in the world is no good if you can't execute it.
  2. There are only two people per boat. Tournaments are fished with a two man team. You can fish with a one man team but he/she will be competing with the others with two. To have three or more per boat is unfair as far as tournaments go because you are having 50% (or more) lures in the water for that team. It would be like one baseball team having 6 players on the field and the other having 9 players. It should be two people maximum per boat, at least one adult and at least one member of setxsports.com.
  3. I can see a lot of leases are now going to look at implementing MLD programs so they can get away from those regs. That will be okay also because it will cause the lease to be managed the way they should have been to begin with. When people realize that a correctly run MLD level III can gun hunt during archery season, that may tip the scale also.
  4. A new coach switching players around to find the best fit is a controversy? Sounds to me like the new coach is feeling out his personnel to find where they best help the team and is right on track.
  5. Two person team per boat although a single person in a boat can qualify as a team. One member of the team needs to be a member of setxsports.com and I would think that the boat needs at least one adult, 18 years of age or older.
  6. Everybody knows that how important they are. No one in this thread has denied it. The OP asked why it wasn't discussed. The reason is, people watch to ball handlers and the score. It would be hard for most people to have an in depth discussion on how good the line play was in the exciting game last night.
  7. : : : We can copy your post and run it again next year and then the next year and then......... ;D Vidor's football playoff futility just makes it easy to take jabs at them in fun. It was no different than Lumberton and their 40 year playoff drought. Maybe this is the year will start a long playoff run for the Pirates. Good luck to Vidor and their usually tough playing team.
  8. I likewise try to watch the play of the line. At times I have missed a handoff while watching the blocks. Even then, when you ask why we don't discuss it, it is because it would be a boring discussion for the most part. One play? Yes. WOW, did you see that pancake block? But after the game, the discussion will more likely be on the 75 yard run for the winning score or the interception runback that ended the game.
  9. That sounds good to me. If we can get enough people to fish it. If we don't get enough boats, it might ought to be the top two places. Like five boats at $25 per boat is only $125. Hard to split that three ways. Maybe $100 for the winning boat and $25 for the second. They get their entry fee back in effect, the winner gets the bigger bucks to make it worth while (at least a little bit). Then the side pot for the the biggest bass for those that wish to enter. If we could get as many as 8 boats, we might think of a third place spot. Something like: 1. $125 2. $50 3. $25
  10. Holey Moley...I've been on here for 3 yrs and never knew this fishing forum was down at the bottom! Cool...I'll be back! use both of those and they are good sites for tides...just have to pick the one nearest your fishing area and adjust for distance. Keep in mind that wind direction/speed can make a big difference in tidal flow heights, especially on Trinity Bay where I haunt. Probably not so much in Sabine I'd guess. Welcome Hillguy. This is where the normal people hide out. (Not counting me and tvc of course) We are professionally challenged.
  11. This is a privately owned site paid for with private money. The owner of the site has chosen a few moderators to help police the site. In doing so the owner has laid down rules (in this very thread) for everyone and in private discussions, rules for the moderators doing their jobs. This site is not a public service and is private. All rules and all moderators remain at the discretion of the owner. There is no right to freedom of speech on a private forum like this one. If a moderator starts deleting posts or banning members simply on a whim against the rules for moderators, that moderator will be removed by the owner.
  12. The UIL can only stop sporting events in high school, not the classes. I am pondering the fact that so many people on here and other forums are saying what a good job it is to stop the games to keep the kids safe yet are they keeping their kids out of school? I don't understand how sending a kid to play on the LCM or PNG diamond is going to put the person at great risk (anymore than simply living) yet they can go to school in closed ventilation systems. They can still travel in school events, just no sports. They will still go to the mall. The theaters will probably still be full this weekends with students taking in movies. But we had better not have them play ball in an open field or run down and open air track. So yes, I understand the extreme limitations that the UIL has. I still think it is overreacting and the people that are saying what a great job it is in the name of safety are probably going about their daily lives interacting with the public just like any other day. If it is such a great decision in some people's minds, are they staying bottled up inside of their homes? Because if they aren't, their kids playing games is not risking their health any more than any other activity and in reality, probably a lot less.
  13. You've got to feel for Vidor. It seems like every year they are mentioned as a dark horse candidate for the playoffs, only to end up a bride's maid.
  14. No rocket science here. What would there be to talk about? Everyone knows that it all starts with the lines..... but it ends in the end zone. How can you carry on a conversation about a game while talking about line play? I can remember many great games from high school to the pros. Take for instance the awesome classic game of the Houston Oilers and the Miami Dolphins on Monday Night Football. The lead changed several times and it was one of the most exciting and electric games of all time. Earl Campbell was in the shootout with Bob Griese. Campbell made the famous run almost the length of the field near the end of the game to put it on ice. That may have been the wildest crowd ever seen on MNF. The game was the talk of the town back then but I never once heard anyone talk about the line play. When Campbell made the great run to win the game, did anyone ever say, "Man, that left guard did a great job of pulling on that run"? Nope. Everyone was watching Campbell go 80+ yards. Therein lies the reason why lines are not discussed and probably never will be. They will be acknowledged from time to time by coaches and ball handlers...... but discussing them is as boring as ignoring the play on the field and watching just the left tackle to see if he gets his block in.
  15. His last name is Evans. I guess X sounds more intimidating (or stupid).
  16. The mere suggestion that this was racial profiling shows what a moron QX is. This case had absolutely nothing to do with profiling. Police brutality? Maybe. Racism? Maybe. Profiling? That is a stupid allegation. Racial profiling is the stopping of someone not based on any facts leading to reasonable suspicion but due to race. It is illegal because the standard for a police detention is reasonable suspicion and race standing alone is not and cannot be reasonable suspicion. Let's look at this case from the facts that most people would not dispute. Laday drove off of the roadway and had an accident. Why is this not disputed? His mother even claimed that she was on the phone with him after it happened. He didn't call his mother and say that he was driving down the highway minding his own business and was harassed by the cops. What are the cops supposed to do when they see a car that has wrecked into a ditch along side a highway? Maybe they should drive by and not investigate? I don't care who the driver was, what race he was or what city it was in. That is what the police do. They have to check to see if there is an injured victim, someone that needs a car towed, they might need to work an accident and they might have to make an arrest for DWI. Laday happened to have been there. What were the cops supposed to do, pass him by because he was black? Nope, no racial profiling and it just shows how far QX will go in his lies and rhetoric to try for headlines. I have no clue what the cops did or if they were justified. I do know that his isn't a case of racial profiling. Discrimination? Maybe.... but not profiling.
  17. Yeah, obviously sports is not important when you are comparing it to someone's life. What reason for no sports though? So someone's kid doesn't go out into the open air and play some kind of ball but sits for eight hours in a class room full of people with no windows? Uh huh, that makes sense. Sorry but I would rather take my chance on a baseball diamond for eight hours rather than sitting in a classroom. Think of this, those kids that aren't practicing or playing, are they cancelling their PE classes? If they don't go outside and practice for that period at school, what are they doing that is "safer" than going out into the open air? Sorry but I haven't seen anything or heard any explanation that makes me believe that you are less likely to sit in class and be more immune than running down a lane on the track or going over the bar in a pole vault. For some reason, I don't think anyone will be able to give one either. And to adminbaberuth, I will agree with your statement and have already said so earlier today. I said that the UIL might be doing this to give some teams an out by not having to forfeit when their school cancels practice or games and the other school doesn't.
  18. Out of curiosity, I am wondering what good it will do to stop sports.I guess they can still go to classes and be stuffed into rooms with 20 other people but they can't go outside into the open air and play games? It seems like if it is so bad that a baseball game is dangerous, then school should be out of the question. I am not a doctor but it seems like I would rather pitch a ball to you and see if you can hit it and run the bases and take my chances there rather than sit two feet away from you for a couple of hours in a closed room. If it gets so bad that they need to shut down schools then do it. Cancelling games while 98% of students are still in class is ridiculous.
  19. Yep. Each hunting license in those counties can kill one mature buck and one spike. Anything else is a lease restriction. It seems like leases that allowed two mature deer per gun/membership would still allow such but it would have to be from another family member's tag. It is the same number of deer so I don't see where it hurts the "per gun" rule. Each lease will have to sort that out.
  20. Here is part of my opinion on deer hunting. When you shoot a deer, you are either hunting for horns or hunting for meat. Does definitely need to be killed and they are overpopulating a lot of areas, especially in east Texas. If someone is dropping the hammer simply for meat, then kill does. If you are hunting for horns, why would you kill a deer with tiny horns? Certainly people aren't going to mount the head of a buck with a small rack. I hunt on a 970-ish acre lease in east Texas. I think our members have killed something like 65 does on that small lease in the last four years. We have seem more and killed bigger bucks than we have ever seen on this lease since we have been managing it more closely by letting the bucks grow and taking out all of the does. We are sure getting a lot of meat without having to kill baby bucks. So kill does if you want meat (or even if you don't want meat-give it away) and let the bucks grow up. Now let the baby killers start flaming me. ;D
  21. Maybe. It is going to be 10 people in five boats or is it going to be 10 posters with some bringing friends/relatives and maybe have 8 boats? I think you can have a decent tournament that is really just for fun with a few boats. A maximum of five (especially with a no show bringing it to four) may be a different issue. I have fished a tournament with seven boats and it was fun and still competitive.
  22. X2 It may come to that but for now, it seems to be overreaction. Maybe they are giving an out to schools that voluntarily don't compete in order to keep them from forfeiting.
  23. I don't officially know the answer but with LCM being 2-0 against PNG, it would seem that LCM would have to be 2nd..... assuming both win their last games which is very likely.
  24. No kidding. When someone predicts the same thing year after year and it finally happens (if ever), then the person will say, "See, I told you so". ;D
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