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Everything posted by videoguy

  1. [videoguy: will you be taping the pro bowl?  If so, are the tapes $30?  My son is on the pro bowl and you know me, I want a video of it if I can get it!  Let me know okay?  Thanks [/quote] Hey Queenb, thanks for asking.  Yes, we are taping all 7 games;  including the cheerleaders halftimes and the tribute during the 7:00PM Sr. Super Bowl game.  Our duplication station will be in the brick building to your right after you enter the main gate.    All DVDs are $30 and will be made available ASAP after each game.  Some parents have been asking about previous years DVDs.  Ask one of our ladies about purchasing a game from years past and they will make a copy for you to take home that day.      KOAB  television station will also be there talking to STJFL officials and team moms.  Think dry thoughts-  see ya on the field, videoguy
  2. Yes, the field is nice, but the idea of predictiing rain 7 days away is a riot in South East Texas.  Anyone notice the predicted chances and actually showers the past few days?   Anyway, the Res had the game last year but the videoboard was not part of the package.  Ned allows STJFL to use the board and Sheffield Productions camera views will be displayed on the "Tron" along with all replays by our very experienced camera crew.  We also have permission to use the video board at the Super Bowl and Pro Bowl games this Sat.  Thank you NISD for allowing this and sharing the video view with the fans and parents.    Wannna watch a future star light up?  Watch him as he sees himself or his team displayed on the board after a big play.    Good luck to all the teams tomorrow.  see ya on the field and on the video board, videoguy
  3. people still have rabbit ears???? [/quote]   Hey, I know its in good fun and LOL about the rabbit ears, but the point is a local station is going to put the 2nd round and Super Bowl weekend games on TV in their entirety.  Was it just last week readers were complaining about local stations not covering the games.  KOAB isn't doing some 60 -30 second interview with a coach or team. . . they are broadcasting the WHOLE game.  All the play off games.    Am I the only one excited abou this fine gesture?   The Nielsen Ratings show that 48% of the Golden Triangle and surrounding area is on Time Warner Cable.  17% is on Dish, Direct TV or similiar and the remaining 37% of the homes in the area receive their tv signal over the air; meaning outside antenna or rabbit ears.      Life has been good over here and we are fortunate enough to afford cable.  This Sat I'm looking at investing in an antenna and watching games we taped of local teams air on local TV.  Thank you KAOB.    videoguy  
  4.   A local tv station has stepped up for those fans and parents asking about local sports coverage on STJFL games.  KAOB  out of Vidor will be airing all of the games taped by Sheffield Productions at the WOS site this past Sat.  KOAB, for those not familiar with the station, is an independent station with it's tower in Vidor.  The station is not on Time Warner, but can be picked up over the air on 27.3 digitial.  The station owners tell me that their channel can be viewed using rabbit ears for viewers in the Vidor area and with the aid of an outside antenna for those in Bmt. South and Mid-County.    This week the station will also air the Vidor Homecoming Parade taped from last week.  Check the Vidor paper for viewing times on the parade. I hope to post viewing times on the games as soon as they are announced.  The station is also interested in airing the Super Bowl games the week after they are played.   Hats off to the staff and management of KAOB for this gesture of airing these games.  see ya on the field and on tv, videoguy
  5.   Congrats to all teams advancing to Super Bowl this weekend.  I look foward to meeting and taping your teams again as this past weekend was so much fun.   Thanks to all the teams that supplied us with the rosters we requested.  A complete roster really helps our announcers and adds to the game.  Well,  actually thanks to all the teams except the one that didn't sent a roster untill halftime OF THEIR GAME and only one copy at that.  I will not embarrass the team by naming them, but you know who you are and the parents that bought the DVD that only have their sons announced by numbers certainly know who you are.  This is the same team that one of my cameraman asked the coach if he had sent up a roster yet ( this was during the second quarter, during a timeout) and the coach told him to " get out of my face".    Hey, no problem, my cameraguy got the message.    But message or not, it still isn't fair to these young atheletes to not praise them and be able to call them by name during the game.      Those that sent rosters Sat, we kept yours and will use them again.  Thank you.  Teams that will be there Sat, that we haven't taped yet-  please send rosters as requested in first post of this topic.    Bulldog Stadium Saturday ,  se ya on the field, videoguy
  6. [quote name="CH96" post="895891" timestamp="1288827816"] How much are the dvd's?? [/quote]   DVDs are $30 and include our standard 4 camera shoot, two announcers, multi-replay and DVDs ready ASAP after the game.    see ya on the field, videoguy
  7.   Congrats to all teams and players advancing to the second round of SJFL play offs.    Now coaches, down to business.    Sheffield Productions needs rosters for all teams playing at WOS Dan Hook's Stadium this Sat.  Actually 3 rosters, typed, players in numerical order and phonetic pronunications on any names you think could go in different directions.  I know how to say Hebert, but you can help our announcers tremendously if you spell phonetically that it is pronunced "a-bear" by this family.  Another example: my neighbor is Guiterrez .  Saying "Goo-tier-ez" is correct as is "Goo-tear-ez  .; but my friend prefers and uses the latter.      We ask for 3 copies to be sent to the pressbox before your kickoff.  The stadium announcer gets one while the other two are for our play by play and color announcers.  We don't have a copier,  The stadium announcer is not in the same room as our announcers and even our two announcers find it hard to "share" a roster" when both are scrambling to find a number ( numerical order is a lifesaver ), check proper pronunication and say it all before our replay rolls.  Please - 3 copies.    We are in cahoots with the stadium announcer.  If you hear a name mishandled, its probably said the same way on the DVD.  Please send someone to the pressbox or our production trailer with the correct pronunication.  Some of you are reading this and wondering why we make this appeal every year.  We think its only fair that these future stars with all their hard work have their names said correctly on a DVD that they will watch and listen to repeatedly.  Thank all of you for your help in making this happen.    Now the good news.  Sheffield Productions full crew, multi camera, multi replay capability and professional announcers will again produce a DVD that will be a family keepsake for years to come.  DVDs can be paid for before the matchups and picked up ASAP after the game.    Thanks to STJFL for the faith and the booking.  see ya on the field, videoguy
  8. [quote name="GetSome" post="874331" timestamp="1287026592"] I would like to comment on the quality but the one I ordered at last years' Superbowl has never been delivered.  My son played in the WOS vs Lum Red Flag.  Paid for it at the table and that's all she wrote.  Any chance I can get a copy still? [/quote]   You certainly may still get a DVD copy  of WOS vs Lum Red Flag.  I am embarrassed that a customer has not received a DVD that they paid for.  A small handful of customers paid extra and asked for us to mail their DVD instead of picking up after the game.  I had thought we mailed all these out immediiately.  I will pm you my phone # and ask you to call so I might deliver your DVD with an apology.  I feel bad that you have gone this long without receiving your copy.  see ya on the field , videoguy
  9. [quote name="queenb77630" post="873880" timestamp="1286985165"] Gary, Jr. and I watched his DVD from last year again just last night.  My heart swelled with pride just like it did the first time I saw him introduce himself. Videoguy: think you will be able to do that again?  I mean let the players introduce themselves?  That was so classy. [/quote] Queenbee,  when we can;  we love to have the players introduce themselves.  It doesn't matter what age level, flag to High School - this is enjoyed by all.    Timing and teams being ready at an all day tournment dictate whether we are able to do it for each team.  At the SETJFL tourneys, as two teams exit the next are practically taking the field for kickoff.  Its pretty hard getting the teams lined up, doing introductions and then sending them back on the field for kickoffs and keeping the schedule on time for all of the the starting times.    If any of the coaches or fans have a solution or idea to help us with this logistics problem,  I'm all ears.    We want the introductions on there, but not at the expense of holding up the game to do it.  Remember, we are treating the DVDs as a "live" event and have neither the available crew or time to do this ahead of time and edit it in.    Live events are tough when we are honoring a tight schedule.    Tough but fun.  Let us know of any solutions.    see ya on the field, videoguy 
  10.   STJFL has again booked our crew for the playoff rounds and we are excited to be asked back.  The 2nd round playoffs At Dan Hook Stadium and Superbowl games at Bulldog Stadium will be recorded with DVDs for sale and available for pickup at the games.  Our standard multi-camera production, featuring our announcers and replays will be on hand for both of these rounds.  The following weekend we will be there for the Jr MidCounty Madness at Bulldog Stadium.  We are working on having something available for the first round, but that hasn't been decided yet.    Even though this has been a busy season with our crew taping games for Fox 4, KFDM and Time Warner;  we still have a few weekends open for bookings.  If your league or team needs a full video crew with onsite DVD sales please contact us.    Lone Star are your teams interested?  Operators standing by. . . or just pm me.    Thanks again STJFL for the faith and the booking.    see 'ya on the field, videoguy
  11. I think KOGT always has a photographer at the games Stelly covers.  Check the KOGT site.  We were there early shooting for KFDM and I so impressed and moved to see the sea of red shirts on the Kirbyville side:  each and everyone of them had the tribute to WOS's #12 on the back of their shirts.    If you missed WOS's first play of the game or didn't read about it in the papers you need to know that WOS started with 10 players as a tribute and took the penalty for the 25 second play clock as they did not snap the ball.  Kirbyville REFUSED the penalty.  A class opening by both teams and very moving to all that witnessed the play.    see ya on the field, videoguy
  12. [quote name="9Doggies" post="853503" timestamp="1285163312"] Example: Linemen tells Quarterback we need to talk, Linemen locks door to Locker Room, Linemen and Quarterback " talk ". Winner gets to unlock door, loser sweeps up. No Coaches, Parents, Administrators, Media involved. Done, over with. [/quote]   I can't believe that 9Doggies had to explain what he meant by "taking care of business behind locked doors'. It doesn't even have to be behind locked doors: try behind the field house: try in the huddle, try anything but whinning to the coach or the friend of the athlete in question, who's going to go whinning/crying to the coach.      In today's paper it talks of the Dallas Cowboys having players meetings behind closed ( locked ) doors with NO coaches.  It works for them, it worked in the past on teams I played on.  Let the players take care of business among themselves without coaches interfering or sports writers interviewing.    Yeah, I know so of you are goin to be super offended by this approach, but it works and none of these threads would be here now if business had been handled this way.  see 'ya on the field, videoguy
  13. [quote name="whambulance" post="854074" timestamp="1285212757"] I've seen a couple of the parades in the area, Vidor and Evadale...and if you've seen the Evadale parade, you probably agree it's really second to none.  Those people are nuts.  OMG, the man hours that they put into the floats is crazy.  Lots of em have moving parts and all are covered with those terry-cloth flowers, it's really too much to describe. Always a bonfire, community pep really and of course, a victory on the battlefield. [/quote] Our crew will be taping a game for one of the local stations that night and can't attend Vidor homecoming this year,  but we will be taping the parade and Vidor TV station KAOB will be airing it on a delayed broadcast.  The station is not on cable and you need an outside antenna to receive it.  Those in Vidor will be able to receive KAOB on rabbit ears and others in the area will need an outside antenna.  see 'ya on the field, videoguy
  14.   Nederland has keep the traditions of homecomming in place for all the years I can remember.  Parade, bonfire, dance after the game and of course crowning ceremonies at the field during halftime.  As much as I appreciate the our traditions;  they don't seem to even come close to what Vidor does at their homecomming game.  Several times over the years we have been fortunate enough to be able to tape and broadcast the VHS homecomming.  At halftime; fans packed shoulder to shoulder in seats and aisles, witnessed and enjoyed with our crew every thing from skydivers landing on the field to fireworks and lights out as the band marches with lights and the twirlers perform with flamming batons.  Wow, if you haven't seen a Vidor homecomming halftime- go this year,  as they do it like no other school around here.  see 'ya on the field, videoguy  
  15. [quote name="mfd814" post="853886" timestamp="1285195565"] Thank you for this Gary. I do not know you, but I would hug you.  [/quote] Yes, thank you for this Gary.  Because I know you;  there is no way I would hug you. ;D You have the gift for the written word and with the microphone and on that day you shared and reached out to a community and family that really needed your gift.  Your friend videoguy
  16.   Sabine Pass hosting Legacy Christian airs Tues on Time Warner 18 at 7:00PM.  Full game including Sabine Pass homecoming.  see 'ya on the field, videoguy
  17. [quote name="bh89-2" post="848651" timestamp="1284667710"] Tyrone, They are asking about the football team silly! Sorry about that PNG Fan, he is from Dayton and very slow: Livingston Offense has 11 players Livingston Defence has 11 players  Livingston has 11 on Special Teams   This board is soooo over due on postings like the one above and Livingston's pine trees and GPS location.  Thats for starting my morning with a chuckle guys.  see 'ya on the field , videoguy Hope that helps.   ;D [/quote]
  18. Second game in our schedule and its a primo matchup.  KFDM's Mike Friedman, SETXsports' Mike Sanchez and Sheffield Productions again team up for a live television and internet broadcast.  Producer Lance Edwards and director John Cain will be on hand early as two state ranked teams match up at Da Butch.  Cain't wait and it's only 6 days away.  see 'ya on the field, videoguy
  19. Wow, What an experience:   broadcasting a LIVE high school game in SETX on television and the net.   Thanks so much to KFDM and SETXsports for bringing this about and making it happen.   As we left the stadium last night the crew was still pumped and already talking about the great matchup next Sat with Katy coming in to challenge West Brook.  That game will be our next broadcast.   Check KFDM.com for the complete schedule.   Thank you to the many BISD fans that came up to us last night and thanked us for being there and all the positive emails, texts and calls about the dual telecast. It was a hoot having Mike and Mike and well: Mike in the booth.   For anyone that missed the live shoot, check out the game here on SETXsports.   see 'ya on the field, videoguy
  20. Sheffield Productions is still seeking high schools for telecasting on Time Warner 18.    I think most followers of this board realize we are taping games for two local television stations,  and we still have some Fridays open for our own tapings.    The next game that we are doing independent of the stations is Sabine Pass hosting Legacy for SP homecoming.  The package Sabine Pass optioned for gives 50 DVDs to them for booking our crew.  These DVDs are complete with all the football action and full halftime loaded with the sponsors and commercials that helped fund the production.    All this and a delayed airing on Time Warner the following week followed by a posting of the game on SETXsports.  thank you SETX for supporting Sabine Pass with this gesture.   4 cameras, multi-replay, DVDs, cable airing, internet posting-  why isn't your school on our schedule?  PM me for details.  see 'ya on the field, videoguy
  21. [quote name="raideroldtimer" post="843080" timestamp="1284140983"] This is great, every Friday in Louisiana you can watch High School football, it's about time we got the chance in southeast Texas. [/quote]   You are sooooo right about every Friday in Louisiana.  There is an Istrouma fan on this board that has pointed this out for several seasons.    Every week a La high school matchup gets featured live, then shown again on  delayed broadcast several times along with LSU games.  In Texas there is a little detail called the "UIL".  UIL rulings govern what Texas HS sports can and can not do on live tv.  LA does not have the UIL riding herd over them and making rules on Friday nite telecasts.  If I understand right:; these Texas airings are being permitted because they are on Sat and UIL rules are somewhat different for Sat matchups being broadcast.  Notice that some of the high schools in upcoming broadcasts moved their games to Sat so this would be legal with the UIL.  What a commitment from the schools and fans!   There was a lot of preparation and groundwork this summer in order to make that happen.  If your school isn't on this season,  ask your coach or AD to contact KFDM to be considered for next year.  Hopefully,  this season will be well received and maybethere will be a full 10 games broadcast next year.        Everyone liking the idea of local HS games being broadcast live need to send their thanks to KFDM, SETXsports and show appreciation to sponsors that are helping bring this about.  I know I am going to.  see 'ya on the field, videoguy
  22.   High School Football televised Live in Southeast Texas!!!!!  Central fans are you excited?  SE Texas high school football fans are you excited?  Everyone should be-  this being the first of 6 games to be shown live on KFDM and SETXsports.    I've got a whole crew chomping at the bit after learning that Channel 6 called us to help make this telecast happen.  Our crew's excitement level has gone up several LED levels once we found out that we would be working with journeymen announcers Mike Friedman and Mike Sanchez.      Big Kudos to all at KFDM and SETXsports for putting this together for the fans, parents and players in the area.  Whether you see it live on the CW, live or delayed posting on the SETXsite;  this game is a must watch event in a series of 5 more to follow.    Check the listings and find out if your team or one you want to watch is coming up for viewing.  see 'ya on the field, videoguy  
  23. The West Brook and Ozen game will air on KBTV Fox 4 immediately following the 10:30 sports.  Sheffield Productions is excited to again team with Fox 4 to bring you high school football.  Look for James, Brooke, Nick and the full multi-camera crew of Sheffield Productions to televise the first game at BISD's new stadium.  see ya on the field, videoguy
  24. [quote name="dailygrowler" post="703052" timestamp="1257819801"] videoguy--How do we get you the rosters you need for the MCM game?  Can we bring it game day or do you need it before Sat.  Thanks!! [/quote]   Game day will be fine.  Just have someone bring them to our trailer and we will run the rosters up to the booth.  Thanks and good luck on your game.  videoguy
  25.   A quick thank you to all customers that enjoyed , purchased and praised our tapings of your favorite teams the past few Saturdays.   Sheffield Productions has been invited to tape the Jr. Mid-County matchups and we are so pleased to be invited back and enjoy taping youth football one more time.    By this time most of you know what I am about to request:  yes, please continue to bring those 3 rosters to the booth.  1 roster for each; for our two announcers and one for the PA announcer.  Numerical order, with first and last names.  A special thanks to those of you that "spotted" us with phonetic pronunciations on names we weren't use to saying.    We are looking forward to featuring these young athletes for one more Saturday and welcome any praise, critiques and or questions on what we are trying to do.    Thanks again for to STJFL for booking us and supporting us like they do.                                                                      see 'ya on the field, videoguy      
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