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Boyz N Da Hood

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  1. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Unwoke in BREAKING: Former Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook testified in court that Hillary Clinton personally approved the dissemination of Trump-Russian bank allegations to the media.   
    Amazing….This thread has been up for almost a week an I don’t see any of the Trump haters flapping their their soup blowers. Orange Man was right about Hillary, the FBI, the DOJ, and Media. An when it’s all said an done he’ll be right about the Fraudulent Election of 2020. Trump Won!
  2. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in CRT Hoopla   
    No compassion here.
  3. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Ad Hominem   
    I'm neither of these parties... to far right and to far left
    And 45th did suck, only a handful of 1 term presidents LMAO

  4. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in CRT Hoopla   
    Get ready, folks. I know this is gonna explode some heads, but I done said on here when I see something I perceive as racist, I’m speaking out. Following is the text of a letter I wrote to the Houston Chronicle, and was published last Saturday:
    All the white people who are made “uncomfortable” hearing about what our ancestors did to African Americans during our country’s history are snowflakes to the tenth magnitude.  I’m going to spit if I hear another one say ”my daddy didn’t own slaves, or my granddaddy. Why should I be made to feel guilty?”
    I have only this to say to that convoluted self-absolving logic:  Your daddy and granddaddy didn’t fight in the American Revolution either. What right have you to celebrate the Fourth of July? You had nothing to do with the the battles or the other trials concomitant to the struggle.
    Until we whites as a group understand that generation after generation, throughout history, have not only benefitted from the trials of the fathers, they have also unwaveringly had to pay for the sins of the fathers, not much progress will be made. It’s on us.
    We have to live together. To did that we must understand one another.  Forbidding our children to discuss race in an educational setting is such a giant step back, such a closing of minds, it makes me fear for the world my grandchildren will inherit. For what sins will they have to pay?
    I close with a quote from somewhere in the past:  The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it’s open.
  5. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Ad Hominem   
    Republicans would never cut their own throat 
  6. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Unwoke in An update on the Fraudulent Election.   
    Great interview of the investigator and founder of True the Vote about the behind the scenes making of 2000 miles. A must Watch.
  7. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust in Trump’s Truth Social to Launch “Non-Woke” Streaming Competitor to Netflix!   
    Poor dengleberryt is having a meltdown right now 
  8. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust in Ad Hominem   
    I personally know quite a few die hard trumpers who constantly rail against socialism.. but literally live off the government lol.. I’m not mad at them, because obviously living off the government and being poor isn’t exactly living the high life, but sometimes I can’t help but chuckle at the irony of it all 
  9. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Ad Hominem   
    If you vote red chances are slim, that's all they do! At least most of the ones I know do
    Ppl complain cause they come across the border and do the jobs lazy Americans don't want to do... more power to em
  10. Thanks
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust in Ad Hominem   
    Spot on. The outsourcing of decently paying jobs is the obvious eventual result of capitalism. Consumers get cheap products, and corporate shareholders benefit from increased profits. 
    I go back and forth on being sympathetic to the people here who are struggling financially, after for so many years y’all have used the whole “pull up your bootstraps and WORK” retort. Personally, I pulled up my bootstraps and WORKED rather than sitting around complaining and crying about immigrants, black people, liberals, the media, etc  
  11. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust in Trump’s Truth Social to Launch “Non-Woke” Streaming Competitor to Netflix!   
    This kook might legitimately come try and shoot me one of these days.. seems unhinged and obsessed with “one-upping” people. He might try and one-up the buffalo shooter 
  12. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust in Get Woke About It!   
    I’ll ask again.. serious question
    How on earth do you miraculously manage to reply to every single one of my posts near instantaneously?
    No hobbies.. job.. girlfriend? Bless your heart. One day I hope you realize the cult you got tricked into is consuming (and ruining) your life.
  13. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust in Get Woke About It!   
    Dengleberryt loves derailing topics with his multi-page essays about how how “libs” are still in grade school, while he barely got his GED. Dude pulls out the thesaurus trying to sound as smart as possible to cope with the pain of knowing he’s low IQ and got tricked into a cult.  
    It’s the highlight of his sad and lonely life. No point in trying to actually have a meaningful conversation with the guy
  14. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in Ad Hominem   
    Yeah, Hagar, I didn’t mean to lump you in, either.  I don’t call individuals racist, but I will call it out when I see what I believe to be it. That’s what my little Get Woke About It ditty was about.  The ones who deny its existence are the ones I watch out for.
  15. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust in Get Woke About It!   
    He’s been single and lonely for years, maybe forever, and needs someone/something to take his anger out on. The typical profile of a person who falls into these cults in the first place
  16. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in Get Woke About It!   
    First off, my parents are dead a-hole. Second off, my wife was the woman in the union. She was the second woman admitted into the apprentice program in the Dallas carpenters local. She joined because she could quit a minimum wage job wearing a skirt behind a desk and make $12.50 an hour learning a trade.  She endured three years of sexual harassment on the job site, discrimination, and was even sexually harassed by the union lawyer who was supposed to be on her side. Where did she fail? Third off, the African American in the song is based on a friend of mine who is a sportswriter.  One night he was in Hollywood after a game he covered and was walking with five other people, all white and they all crossed the street between lights. A cop whirled up out of nowhere and started harassing him, hands on the car and all that, for jaywalking all the while saying nothing to the white people standing agape at what they were seeing. If not for their protestations that if he was breaking the law, then they all were, he probably would have gone to jail. Where did he fail? Fourth off, where do you get I called everyone racist? If you read what I wrote with even a hairsbreadth width of an open mind, you’d see I said “chances are” the white man would say kiss my whatever.  That’s elementary arithmetic, Engelbert. “Chances are” means greater than 50/50, not “all”. And in my experience as a white man growing up and dwelling in southeast Texas all my life, more than 50% of the white people I’ve ever known would make that retort.
    I posted this mainly to test a hypothesis.  I don’t think you MAGA heads have a sense of humor.  You only laugh at people when you do laugh, not with them unless they’re all in agreement with you laughing at the ones you don’t like. That’s not humor. That’s a circle jerk.
    The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it’s open.
  17. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust in Ad Hominem   
    lol come on man, you don’t know what you’re talking about
    trillion dollar deficit - fine because trump
    covid bailout - fine because trump
    PPP scams - fine because trump
    trump bucks - fine because trump
    biden bucks - oh no that’s where you draw the line 
  18. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Unwoke in An update on the Fraudulent Election.   
    Anybody that sees the great new documentary , “2000 Mules”, who doesn’t believe the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen, is either a fool, very corrupt, or stupid. Republican “leadership” should act now and do something. Our Country is going to Hell!
    - Donald J. Trump 
  19. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in Get Woke About It!   
    Ad hominem. That’s all you know. And I told you, my parents are both dead. I’d appreciate you leaving them be. You’re an insensitive ass.
  20. Thanks
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from InMAGAWeTrust in Get Woke About It!   
    I was raised different I guess! You do you, I'd bet you wouldn't repeat that parent line to someone's face after they told you they're dead! I wouldn't, but after reading your posts on here your part of the cult and can't stay off your knees 
  21. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust in Ad Hominem   
    Gramps, please re-read my post as it looks like we’re in agreement re: government spending. 
    Where we disagree is who is to blame. I blame both team democrat and team republican. You only blame team democrat, from what I’ve seen. You’ve drank the Kool aid. 
  22. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in Ad Hominem   
    I may trash conservatives as a group, but I try not to attack the person I’m debating with. That’s ad hominem. You don’t argue the subject, you trash the one you’re arguing against. I can’t say much to defend Biden at the moment, though I think we’ll be surprised be the economy in two years. I will say the deficit has shrunk sizeably this year. Trump has all the earmarks of an authoritarian ruler, and that’s not what I want for a leader.  I watched the Capitol riot from start to finish, and I want a leader who immediately jumps on such an affront, not wait four hours then say go home (but we wuz still robbed). He’s a coward. 
  23. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to bullets13 in Joe Biden is a great American President   
    Where do you think he lands on the scale of great presidents?  There's not been a president in the history of our country who's generated such a rabid fanbase.  There are plenty of folks out there who believe that, will say that, and will argue with you if you don't agree.  Your picture on here is a trump hat.  There are flags and signs everywhere, a year later.  It's weird, man.  It's even weirder because he's a moderate democrat, and his strongest fans are the ultraconservative right.  
  24. Thanks
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to BADSANTA in Joe Biden is a great American President   
    45 is the absolute worst President this country every saw. The man is a complete loser!!! 
  25. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to BADSANTA in Joe Biden is a great American President   
    Joe Biden is a great man. He is having to sift three the mess that was left before him. Are you one of the ones who stormed the White House last year? 
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