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Boyz N Da Hood

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Everything posted by Boyz N Da Hood

  1. Tulsi gabbard a D? But the right wants her to switch parties You truly are a 🤡
  2. I've neen here now and then just not posting, found this topic rather humorous... "plead the fifth" lol.... it'll be used against him now 🤡
  3. Conald posted this on "lie social" and like a good puppet you run with it as facts? And were dumb SMH
  4. We'll see who's Dumb soon enough DeSantis barely leading the D front runner right now lol
  5. Never said that, yall are the ones wanting it knowing the last dude got out voted both times by millions of folks... take your chances a 3rd time I'll say it AGAIN DeSantis will beat any D they nominate, instead yall want to keep harping over a 1 term circus show... get what you deserve is how I see it
  6. All brought upon himself.... DeSantis ain't being investigated, why is that?
  7. I answered it... Biden was elected to get rid of the last dude, nothing bout biden screams he's the man.... I don't defend biden, don't care for him, but I'm glad he won fair and square! Folks don't like the D's well nominate someone who can win
  8. What? When AOC defeats your boy Yall gone look real silly pretty soon
  9. Pressuring elected officials to overturn election... that alone should be alarming. But of course it gets a pass
  10. Back on topic, 🤣 dude going to spend the rest of his miserable life in court fighting his shenanigans he use to get away with before he ran for office
  11. Rather be stupid than tote a 1 terms jock around on a daily basis... 🤣
  12. Didn't expect you to approve it.. mission accomplished "lock him up"! "Lock him up"! 🤣😭
  13. Dude was acquitted by a senate full of his own ppl SMFH.. definition of a cult
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