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Ty Cobb

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Everything posted by Ty Cobb

  1. No it doesn’t, at least not for the liberal media.
  2. Why isn’t this belong labeled as a hate crime by the media?
  3. Yes, I’m sick of hearing how bad white people are because they owned slaves. It’s about time to hear how bad black people are for selling their own kind.
  4. No “wokeism” at all. Good storyline tying the original to this one. Very clean movie. No sex scenes and very few bad words. There would be a lot more of them if I was in one of those jets. There’s even some comedic relief thrown into this emotional movie. I found myself fighting back tears on multiple occasions.
  5. If you haven’t seen it yet, you need to. Very good movie. The writers did a good job of keeping the original movie and it’s characters yet moving to the next generation. Very emotional movie.
  6. I found this on another website. Just wanted to share. We defend our president with guns We defend congressmen with guns We defend governors with guns We defend celebrities with guns We defend sports events with guns We defend banks with guns We defend our courts with guns But we defend our children with a sign that reads “this is a gun free zone “ and then call someone with guns when there’s an emergency.
  7. Better than a teacher without a .380
  8. What kind of person shoots up an elementary school? Must have been one sick individual.
  9. biden, his administration and the entire DEMONcrat party all suck. They are an embarrassment to the United States Of America!!!
  10. I’m not from this area, who is Carrol “Butch” Thomas and why should the stadium be named after him?
  11. I see Rusk has their magic quarter working again this season.😁
  12. I don't understand how anyone voted for this administration or how anyone can defend what they have done/are doing.
  13. Just wait, the masks are going to make a comeback around September. Just in time for midterms. Thank a DEMONcrat for this BS.
  14. The so called President of The United States of America was just told to stop talking by the Easter Bunny. I'll say it again. He's such a joke that someone, fbi agent or secret service agent, dressed as the Easter Bunny made him stop talking. 81 million people voted for this moron? Never in my lifetime will you convince me that biden really won the election. The Easter Bunny shut him down. Stop talking and walk this way. 🤣
  15. The taxpayers are. Normally I'm upset about my taxes paying for illegals, but I will make an exception for this. Get these illegal aliens away from TEXAS!!!
  16. I wasn't at the game so I don't know what went on but I assure you Lumberton is not the only school in the area that does this. Not sure when it became acceptable but it's done very often and I hate it!!! It's even worse with it comes from the stands. At least the players have the balls to go out and compete. The cowards in the stands talk but can run and hide when things don't go their way. I have no problem if a team wants to be loud and support their own, but attacking the opposing team while using every line out of the "little league/select ball crap talking manual" is childish. Grow up, play the game the right way, and respect your opponents!!!
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