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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. He must have Sharted on himself.😂
  2. But you don’t need a ID to purchase Crack! Just ask Hunter Biden! 🤣
  3. You obviously must be talking about DontheCon. Lol I am far from liberal, except when it comes to Bacon & Blue Bell Ice Cream.😁
  4. “Its about limiting early voting, shutting down polling locations, not letting 18+ students vote at their college locations, limiting mail-in voting (but politicians do it), etc“ This statement is all pie in the sky BS. It’s always been called Election Day not Election Month. Nobody’s trying to make it hard to vote. Our voting system is ridiculous enough as it is. There is a big chain of custody issue when you have all these different ways of voting which leads to voting fraud. You want to talk about making it hard to vote? Look at the ridiculous BS that happened in Arizona in the mid terms. I think you’ve been watching too much mainstream nonsense.
  5. The document the DOJ claims Trump has isn't among those for which they are prosecuting him. So why did they leak the tape? I’ll wait…
  6. He may understand it better if you were able to write it in crayon with pictures.
  7. Facts have zero credibility with you.
  8. Making someone verify who they say they are by presenting a ID is making it harder to vote?😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 Uh…Ok
  9. Now your playing ignorant. I know that comes natural for you.
  10. Yeah we know… You’ve been trying to undress the Emperor for many years now. You really really really really got him this time. At what point do not see this along with the other 7 years of BS for what it really is? Good grief!
  11. We just caught Joe Biden and Hunter Biden red-handed using bribery, extortion, intimidation, and committing treason. Biden's DOJ ... "QUICK, illegally leak something about Trump."….Smh
  12. I know you’re getting excited and giddy but the leaked recordings of Trump do not incriminate him, but they do suggest Trump prevented a war with Iran. Btw The document he's discussing was NOT recovered from Mar-a-Lago and is NOT in the indictment. Given Trump's penchant for exaggerating, it could've been anything. Lol
  13. What you do behind closed doors is your business but you cross the line when your party went after our children. Go back to staring at your Poster of Trump.
  14. Dang! RFK Jr. has some guns on him for his age.
  15. You can’t discuss the Pfizer Clinical Data because it proves you WRONG. You seem to be hung up on Aliens and Demon Sperm. Lol
  16. Funny but no one seems to have an answer to this treasonous fact.
  17. Bullets13 wasn’t deceived. He thinks it was safe and effective. Lol I personally smelled BS about 3 to 4 weeks into the lockdowns. Thank God for the spirit of discernment.
  18. Bullets13 feelings are hurt. He doesn’t want to discuss it no more. Did RFK Jr. say anything about aliens or demon sperm? Of course I am being facetious only because bullets had to throw that out there to protect his foolishness. Lol Read the Pfizer Clinical Data. It will blow your mind. By medical standards it flunks miserably. The damage and destruction is unmeasurable what was done to humanity over this BS vaccine.
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