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Everything posted by Hooohead.com

  1. They were on the schedule I seen today and picked up from the game.
  2. BU won 1st 20 minutes vs Summer Creek, played next 20 minutes vs Manvel and lost and played....took a break and played Summer Creek 20 more minutes and lost that 1 and played Manvel 20 more minutes and won that 1....The question I have is BU only suited 7 and only 6 played last 2 games due to injury...Is that all they have and that was with Porschia playing?
  3. I heard it never was PA....Dekaney backed out...Covid
  4. Correction...BU hosted Manvel and Summer Creek
  5. Just found out theres gonna be some descent scrimmage games on Saturday at BU starting at 10 with Summer Creek, Manvel and PA....I know its Scrimmages so I dont expect to see much but would rather watch Basketball then Football right now.
  6. After watching a couple different games this year the same question I've had came up again. Do they still have live practices where full contact is allowed except for the QB. It seemed to me BU doesnt tackle in practice cause they looked confused . They also need to work on pursuit drill.
  7. I've heard BU is letting fans in and since they sound like the hot ticket I'll have to check them out.
  8. I picked Central in the late 80's into 90's.....won more than I lost being I moved away.
  9. I dont believe Kountze gets in this year. I'll eat crow again as in lastyear when I said it then.
  10. I'm gonna dress like an official and enter early as if I'm doing a sub varsity game....lol
  11. I was asking why a Coach and a father give up his best player and from reading the earlier post I truly understand and goodluck but if nothing else I will be coming see this kid play.
  12. The Big Question is....if the U.I.L upholds the decision of the DEC and the kid is deemed ineligible to play Varsity at HF does he leave to go play elsewhere or does he stay and play JV and wait for Sr. year to do so? Cause if he leaves it was for athletics from my thinking but if not then he will get to play for the zoned school on Varsity 1 year. Either way he gets to play for zoned school with 1 year as a JV player and 1 as a Varsity player. And as I said in earlier post if playing scholarships that comes thru AAU ball.
  13. Still a Coach there or educator? Cause if my daughter wanted to play for me fine but if I wasnt a Coach anymore and wanted to attend school in the neighborhood where we reside i would understand that also. Just happens to have a new Coach there and has had instant success so now it looks as if it's a recruiting hotbed. Maybe the parent needs to talk to Coach Wise I think is his name at Yates Highschool...He gets it done and puts the Hammer on schools from this way unless its Silsbee of the past couple years or so.Ask HJ...they got hammered lastyear by the Boys from the Tre.....Carry On.
  14. Dad was coach there but as far as Ie heard Dad doesnt Coach there anymore.
  15. Yes they can and alot do but most JV players don't play unless game is outta hand. The only reason they cant is if a player is a transfer and had to sit out calendar year because of transfer.
  16. I'm not defending no one. Zion Williamson said it a couple years back on why he didnt go to a powerhouse prep school. Not saying that's what HF has by no means " If you can Ball...they will find you". I'll say it again school ball is for the fans and community cause scholarships are earned thru summer ball unless theres a Hot ticket at the school your attending.
  17. From what I've read on here...Dad either was a Coach or teacher at Tekoa but not sure if he is still. The kid resides in Cheeks which is about I'm guessing 30 minutes or so from there and the DEC isn't allowing the kid to play Varsity at HF but eligible to attend school and play JV. There denying residency but saying the mi e was for athletics. Who's to say but the Dad that the kid would have been on Varsity since Basketball season just officially started Wednesday. Theres something spoiled in the fridge and DEC says it's not the fridge but something on the inside so instead we will throw it all out to stop the smell and refill the fridge nextyear If you get my drift cause 4 neighbors downwind smell it but 3 neighbors upwind dont.
  18. Even if the kid doesn't get a scholarship doesnt mean he doesnt want to play. Playing is on the court and not just being on the team. Theres only so many scholarships available every year. 13 in whole on the D1 level and being Beaumont is considered the greater Houston area of teams it only averages about 28 D1 scholarships a year. Theres alot more D2 , D3 and so forth scholarships available that require more money than some parents have the tendency to pay for so most end up at local colleges or go the other route and end up home in less than a year or a year at the most. Think about it...In the last 5 years how many D1 scholarships were awarded to kids in the Golden Triangle alone that doesnt have academic ties to them which is the way you would want for your child cause they understand the commitment to the studies that goes along with wanting to bounce a ball.
  19. Yes I do but I said an earlier post that it happens and I know it's against the rules and glad my babygirl is thru with UIL and all this. I'm just someone who loves sports.
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