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Everything posted by TXHORN_ET

  1. You’re right about anything can happen on any given Friday night. Buna needs the win to be 1-1. It will be a tough row to hoe if they drop this one to go 0-2. I’d make sure the basketball coach hasn’t started airing up the balls just yet. Anahuac wants to go 2-0 to give them a potential leg up on a playoff spot. Like numerous districts across the Lone Star State, the final week will determine who’s in and who’s out. Good Luck to both teams.
  2. Not knocking any teams, but Buna beat Cleveland and Hemphill for their 2 wins. I’m not real sure that’s a great start. In their defense, Buna is a young team and have several players out with injuries. What’s most important is they are 0-1 in district play and can’t afford to go 0-2. Looks to me that Anahuac’s offense got rolling last week and is starting to click. Games are won upfront. We’ll see who wins the battle between the OL and DL for each team. The coaches upfront will earn their money tonight.
  3. You might be right about that. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Anahuac finish a bit higher if they get that offense going and play steady defense.
  4. Looking like I’ll need to make this game to see the Panther Phenom.
  5. My guess is as good as anyone’s. EC-Orangefield-Woodville Everybody else fighting it out for the final spot.
  6. Or what they think they’re good at.
  7. Anahuac might have a bit too much offense for Buna in this one. Plus the distraction of Homecoming Week might possibly be a factor in the outcome.
  8. Too many kids these days, especially in small schools, specialize in one sport. I’m speaking in general terms and my comment is not directed to any particular school. But I’ve seen that a great deal over the past 20 years or so.
  9. I’m afraid that’s where society is headed, or we might already be there. The everybody gets a trophy mentality. It’s too easy to whine and complain to mommy and daddy when it gets a little tough. Anyway, I’m off my soapbox now.
  10. I don’t see that fan base ever coming back down to Earth. Dak isn’t too happy about not getting paid. He needs Jimbo Fisher’s agent!!
  11. The 1-0 mentality has taken hold. There will be no let down or looking forward to blow u. That will be here soon enough. HOOK ‘EM
  12. There will be several teams battling it out for that fourth spot in district, and that final week of play will determine who is in or out. Kirbyville has as good a shot as anyone.
  13. If they don’t want to play, you don’t want them out there anyway.
  14. No telling how much Jimbo’s contract extension will be worth if he actually does something with aggie. Which at the moment isn’t looking all that good.
  15. Clemson hasn’t played like the #1 team in the nation all year seems to me. We might see a new #1 at the top of the polls real soon.
  16. Chad Morris did more with less this game than jimbo, who did less with more. Then again, aggie could have possibly been looking past arky to a future opponent.
  17. Good game. This performance by aggie gives both Mississippi schools hope.
  18. Starkel looks like he’s never lifted a weight in his life..pretty fragile.
  19. Better start twirling those towels and create some turbulence.
  20. I don’t know how the kids on either side of the call know how to play today’s game. One time it’s called and another it isn’t.
  21. This is it. Down by 4. Last drive for arky to possibly pull out the victory.
  22. ‘IF’ aggie didn’t have Smith on the receiving end of mond’s passing, they’d be in trouble. That young man is playing one heck of a game.
  23. 28-27 aggie. This next offensive possession will probably go a long way in deciding the outcome.
  24. Starkel injured on interception. Hicks in for arky. Aggie giving the hogs hope. Would like to be a fly on the wall to hear Jimbo in the locker room at the half!
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