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Everything posted by xLmCoog88

  1. Back in '95 we ran into two tough foes on our way to a state championship...one being C.E.King (7-0 score) and the next was WOS (18-7 score). Those earlier round games for us were far tougher then the teams on the road thereafter. Other than those 2 games the lowest point total allowed from an opposing defense was 29 points the entire season. I think both WOS or C.E. King could have won the title that year!
  2. Good, true post. Last night he was making the plays even when we had pressure, he was on and picked apart is good way to describe it. I'm curious to know what kinda defense you guys were running to defend the pass? How good is your secondaries coverage abilities? Did you guys run tight man off the line to prevent the hot passes/quick slants? Did you run a zone and he found his receivers in the seams? Tight man is the way to go to utilize your speed vs. him as when he doesn't have the quick slants he has to check up to his wide outs who if are covered well will allow your speed to have him running for his life and either forcing passes or tallying up your sack totals? Also, did one of your LB's account for the running back coming out the backfield because they love the short dumps if it's available?
  3. It's real hard to be honest being that we have unknowns in our district with Pearland Dawson and Manvel starting their varsity programs but I'd say we could end up 4-3 or 3-4, either way? I expect a thrashing next week at the hands of Northshore but to what extent I'm not sure because they beat Katy who in turn got whooped by the Woodlands big time but nevertheless, we will no doubt start off 0-3. There's a slight chance we can squeak in in the 4th playoff spot they implemented this year but it will be to no avail as we just don't have the talent and experience as years past to make a serious run. Da wood and the Stings will battle for the crown but I think it's finally the time for Da wood to stop being the brides maid as they seem to be more consistent overall?
  4. Karam is a stud and if you give him the time he will pick you apart. When I say time, I don't mean he needs to drop back, survey the field then pick a target. He already knows what his plan is before the ball is snapped and will nickle and dime you down the field if you let him. I am in no way bashing Dayton or da Wood so please don't take my post as being arrogant. The kid knows his offense like you and I know the back of our hands as he is as savvy as they come. I'm not including this link to brag, boast or rekindle LM's past achievements but instead to show you how you can beat Karam. In our meetings this young man hasn't ever beat us however the factor that allowed us to be victorious vs. him was to constantly put pressure on this kid as soon as the ball is snapped (it's very likely he will do so this year though). You can't use your gun if it's still in it's holster and if you stuff the hot passes then have Karam scramble he's less likely to be successful down the field and will try and force passes. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth...good luck to the team you support but remember, support them with class above all else!
  5. We straight-up got our *sses handed to us by a very good Ball High Team, no excuses! I would say they have a good chance of going places this year if something doesn't end up screwing them up on the administration level as before. They are fast and big on defense, same on offense (variation of the option) and they have some running backs (200lbs. & 250lbs.) that are big, as well as fast and will make you stop the run before ever even throwing the ball. Granted we are young and inexperienced this year but make no mistake about it, the score could have been even worse if not for a goal line stand and TD called back on an illegal block. The only real weakness in their team is their stupid, bone head penalties that happen if you get them frustrated. Stop the run and you succeed but if you don't look for a long night of smash mouth ground gainers with an occasional long run if the situation presents itself. Well wishes for your team Central vs. the Tors!
  6. Surely you jest or either you are looking for a response as ludicrous as the above statement. I'd say that the fact that Dayton rolled over the Raiders easily (scrimmage) that perhaps they have far more pressing issues to be concerned with than the Coogs? One victory over LM and one playoff appearance doesn't make Lumberton a legitimate threat for LM to be shaking in their boots about! I'd like to say that the Raiders vs. Cougars might meet up once again in the playoffs but I'm not quite sure that will come to fruition for an obvious reason which I'll let you figure out on your own? Good luck in your season though so perhaps we can tangle once again this year. P.S. How long is Lumberton going to use last years victory over LM as a kickstand in an attempt to prop up their supposed powerhouse status?
  7. So true! That's why Erwin left LaMarque, he saw what was coming up! It's apparent you have no idea what you're talking about...get a clue fella! Where did ya grab that one from...just sounded like a good thing to say to make you look like you know what you're talking about...uninformed is more like it? On another note, to make an overall evaluation of ANY team based on a scrimmage of all things only shows a clear lack of knowledge of football...it's controlled practice...nothing more and I wouldn't look too far into it otherwise you're just grasping at straws! Let's get off that high horse, xLmCoog88. The fall will be more painful from that height. I'm on no high horse nor am I overly concerned with the near/future of the success of La Marque Football as some of your posters are as they take swipes when the chance arises. Our reputation as a power in region 3 speaks for itself and if you think LM football is going to the dumps then perhaps it's just wishful thinking on your part? Also, I merely confronted the original poster as to his knowledge of him knowing the real reason(s) as to why Erwin left La Marque. I don't pretend to have in depth knowledge of the inner workings of triangle programs so you will rarely see me throw out a guess such as to why a coach may have left a program to avoid making myself look foolish by guessing. Facts are hard to come by on some of these boards it's seem as of late and that's unfortunate...don't you agree? I don't see anyone taking swipes at LMarque. And no one thinks Central is the next state champ based on one scrimmage. It does mean that Central was competitive against a traditional powerhouse(it's a compliment to LaMarque when we gauge the status of our programs by our competitiveness against yours ) and for Central, that is a step in the right direction. Do you have a problem with that, Coog? Oh no, I have nothing bad to say in regards to Central as they have a fine football program and has been a good competitor when we have tangled in the playoffs. I merely had a problem with the original poster stating that Erwin left La Marque because he saw what was coming up, that's simply not the case and to assume so is ridiculous! As for swipes being taken at La Marque, trust me they exist on this board as well as others as I've seen them myself. I never said Central or LM would be state champs based on this scrimmage alone, I simply stated that if you think ANY teams future lies solely on the basis of a controlled scrimmage then perhaps you're not as knowledgeable as you might think about football. For some reason one of your moderators equates my original post as being on a high horse which is simply not so?
  8. So true! That's why Erwin left LaMarque, he saw what was coming up! It's apparent you have no idea what you're talking about...get a clue fella! Where did ya grab that one from...just sounded like a good thing to say to make you look like you know what you're talking about...uninformed is more like it? On another note, to make an overall evaluation of ANY team based on a scrimmage of all things only shows a clear lack of knowledge of football...it's controlled practice...nothing more and I wouldn't look too far into it otherwise you're just grasping at straws! Let's get off that high horse, xLmCoog88. The fall will be more painful from that height. I'm on no high horse nor am I overly concerned with the near/future of the success of La Marque Football as some of your posters are as they take swipes when the chance arises. Our reputation as a power in region 3 speaks for itself and if you think LM football is going to the dumps then perhaps it's just wishful thinking on your part? Also, I merely confronted the original poster as to his knowledge of him knowing the real reason(s) as to why Erwin left La Marque. I don't pretend to have in depth knowledge of the inner workings of triangle programs so you will rarely see me throw out a guess such as to why a coach may have left a program to avoid making myself look foolish by guessing. Facts are hard to come by on some of these boards it's seem as of late and that's unfortunate...don't you agree?
  9. Are you kidding me? Why are you the only one that can't take some lil'ol trash talkn on a public forum. Every time I was on the forum last year all I had to read was that freakn'score from the Dayton/Lumberton game and all the trash talkn'about the loss that Dayton took, just a lil'payback from last year is all, not that I have to explain myself but apparently I have done well in striking a nerve. Gotta'love Texas High School Football. By the way the Lake Travis game wasn't a fluke like the Lumberton game was against Dayton (hitn'that nerve again huh?). Dayton was playing at the top of their game when they played Lake Travis and the BETTER team won and Lake Travis will probably win the state title again this year. Choo Choo ha ha ha ha ha ha.......see ya'll saturday morning again, how was this a fluke? never understood that? so it was only a fluke when we beat every beaumont team, NEDERLAND (11 year playoff streak SNAPPED) oh wait, not to mention.. LAMARQUE. can't it be that our team was better on that night? instead of a fluke.. give it up.. if y'all "win" this scrimmage, it will NOT make up for the fact that we handed ya'll ya'lls only district loss in 2 years! ;D ;D regardless of how you look at it! It always makes me giggle when you triangle folks use La Marque as a prop to bolster your programs but that's cool as it only assures me that you guys use our program as a measuring stick to gauge where you guys are in comparison.
  10. So true! That's why Erwin left LaMarque, he saw what was coming up! It's apparent you have no idea what you're talking about...get a clue fella! Where did ya grab that one from...just sounded like a good thing to say to make you look like you know what you're talking about...uninformed is more like it? On another note, to make an overall evaluation of ANY team based on a scrimmage of all things only shows a clear lack of knowledge of football...it's controlled practice...nothing more and I wouldn't look too far into it otherwise you're just grasping at straws!
  11. I doubt that very seriously as his track record at getting the most out of his players is good. After listening to the man in person while he was giving his acceptance speech it was quite evident he's a man of integrity and a disciplinarian who knows how to handle his own. As for him leaving on his own in 2 years I have to disagree as the typical tenure for LM coaches that handle their responsibilities probably averages 4-5 years (+/- of 1) and the ones that leave either take higher coaching positions in 5-A (Erwin) schools or at college coaching positions (Weddell). Chris Jones was an exception to the rule as he clearly couldn't balance the tasks expected of him by Burley which involved success on the field and in the classroom. While I'll give credit where it's due as Jones did an excellent job with grades and although our record wasn't horrific quite a few of those W's were dramatic comebacks which involved a specific few (players) using their athleticism to help eek out victories (Kerligan's legs especially). I'm not sure of how much you know about our district but to give an indication of how poorly coaching was at times LM trailed Santa Fe (bottom feeder in what was 23-4a) 14-0 at halftime. One of my friends who played on the '97 State championship team once told me of a story of one of his coaches telling them if they lose to Santa Fe then they may as well shut football down in LM altogether and start over next year...get the picture? Jones was in way over his head as his lack of discipline was quite evident in some of the antics that took place on the field (numerous personal fouls & unsportsmanlike penalties) as well as on the sidelines (players throwing helmets down after bad plays on the field). It was embarrassing at times last year as those types of things weren't tolerated PERIOD with Weddell or Erwin and to see our reputation tarnished was pathetic! Some say that our talent level was down last year and to a certain degree that is true but you take what you have and make adjustments which was rarely done. You don't make 9 title game appearances and win 5 titles on athleticism alone...you have to coach well! There were a few marquee players left over from the '06 State Championship team that I was sure would have great seasons in '07 but they were either underutilized or just plain used in the wrong manner. With exception of the Friendswood game I never saw a complete coaching job from start to finish of a football game in '07. Expectations are high in LM and if you're a coach that plans on being the head Coogah then it's not too difficult to figure that out before coming here. Jones was clearly overwhelmed and used his wife as a scapegoat to resign after throwing up smoke and mirrors with his power point presentation and not delivering. In the end, I'm quite happy with our choice and look forward to the '08 season!
  12. Oh yea, I forgot to mention that I used the Paint Shop Pro file in conjunction with Paint Shop Pro but I'd imagine you can get the same results or close to the same using paint? Also, I can get rid of those tiny imperfections inside of the stars which appear as white specks but since I use this pic as an avatar there really is no need to do so in my situation.
  13. I'm not sure if this will be of any help to this endeavor but if you cant find those helmets he can try this idea...How to make a helmet or if he uses paint shop pro instead he can download this file Paint Shop Pro Helmet File from the same site and create his own from scratch. It doesn't take too long at all to do as I made this one in about 15-20 minutes on my first go around...
  14. Smiley 100 (Final) La Marque 80 Smiley proves way too much for LM! Smiley player was ejected and escorted by police off the court for throwing a punch.
  15. I was thinking that this might be a close one and it appears to be a nail biter!
  16. Np...I'll post 2 more updates as I get them at the end of the 3rd as well as at games end.
  17. That's fricking horrible! If they had a chance to kick a FG it wasn't the QB's fault. I understand there is always a chance of a botched snap on a FG but I think it may have been a better idea with only 8 ticks on the clock?
  18. Nope, 1 year doesn't make a program but you gotta start somewhere. On the other hand, it's a tough road to hoe getting to the title game much less winning 1 championship. Luckily, down in La Marque we've been blessed with the chance 9 times and have came away with 5 Championships. No offense towards Lumberton however, you guys only made it 3 games deep...can you imagine having to go through the emotions of 3 more games?
  19. Congrats. to Lumberton on a great season...better luck next time around!
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