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Everything posted by ThrillHill80LHS

  1. I am not saying anything negative about Toby just tell me where has gained the experience to handle that job. Sometimes it seems different as an assistant position coach than being the one who has to handle the heat.
  2. Toby left on his own and what has he done to deserve the opportunity to call the plays? What was his job description in Baytown? Let him earn his stripes and then give him a shot! Remember the old saying offense wins games, defense wins championships
  3. I hope you don't think were going to blowout Dayton, cause its not going to happen like that, just like they won't blow us out, were too good of teams for that to happen!!!
  4. Yes i know i already said yall are a different team than we faced earlier in the season, but im not discarding the loss yall suffered earlier due to injuries, injuries are a part of the game, and i could argue, yes we won, but it wasn't our best game either. you see what i mean.
  5. So yall give us no respect because yall were having personnel problems, our guys played tough for 4 qtrs and that has to amount for something.
  6. Scores from other games do not mean a thing, for instance, look at Lumberton 8-7 over Dayton, you guys would say that doesn't matter.. Right??
  7. I'm not taking anything from Dayton, those guys are great, but i'm damn sure not taking anything from our guys either.
  8. Lumberton takes care of Waller, Livingston takes care of Dayton, and all of this is for not.
  9. The only differance being that Lumberton has done it the same way all year, and coming up in 8 days if Lumberton and Dayton do get to play again, Lumberton win or lose will once again do it like they've done it all year!!!
  10. Lumberton fans need to realize one thing, and I am a Lumberton alumni, and fan. Dayton's QB was hurt the first time we faced them, and since then, they've found them a great QB, It's not going to be the same team we faced earlier in the year, and to our credit were not the same either, were better just like them. If this is a rematch game, I think it will be an awesome one.
  11. You make an excellent point, however, I'm talking about the notch below the Texas recruits, and so on, the ones i'm talking about are the ones that would fit perfectly at LU the ones who might not be starters for texas could play every down here. just some thought!
  12. It just seems to me that if my best friend, or my ex-teammate, was playing every other saturday in Beaumont, I would want to go and watch him play. Along with a bunch of other family members, tickets would get sold even if LU didn't win a game all year.
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