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Everything posted by KDOSullivan

  1. I just looked at the 5 day forecast on KFDM? Is it going to be bad at kick-off? Or will it have settled down? Kerry?
  2. 2000 kids sick with the flu at Washington State. [Hidden Content]
  3. What if UH started playing at Reliant? Or have they too much of a commitment to Robertson?
  4. Due to Type-A flu on campus. [Hidden Content]
  5. Way to go Coogs! ;D I know they didn't get home until about 1am last night. A victory made that bus ride tolerable.
  6. We still include them. It is a +1 for us. Deweyville is closer to LCM/WOS etc than they are to the other two schools in Newton County. A large of the folks in Deweyville work in Orange Co., they do their shopping in Orange. They listen to KOGT radio and read the Orange Leader. My understanding is they are so far away from Newton, Orange Co Sheriff helps out in an emergency as does the Newton Co Sheriff in Northern Orange County. The other day when the stop light went out at Hwy 62 and Hwy 12 in Mauriceville, it was a Newton Co Deputy who was directing traffic.
  7. Is the weather going to be about the same in Trinity, TX?
  8. Yes, more dorms for the university is a positive. It will become more attractive to Houston, DFW, Austin, CC etc kids.
  9. This is not an attack on LU. I am not understanding staying home at 18 yrs old. LU however needs to recruit more kids from the Dallas, Austin, San Antonio areas. They also need to stop taking the local kids for granted... I just can't understand living at home. I really can't. Live in the dorms, get an apartment to live in. Make new friends. Living away from home teaches responsibility like you wouldn't believe. If you are on your on, and when you earn your degree, it is that much sweeter. In the 70s and 80s the local schools hired other college graduates over Lamar grads. The most notorious was BISD. If you wanted a Master's in those days, they wanted their teachers/future administrators to go to UH or McNeese or USL. They were hiring Sam and SFA and East Texas State people over LU grads. They said " We have too many Lamar grads." " We want different education philosophies." I had to go to Ft Worth to find a job. They hired me in a heartbeat. At the time, they loved Lamar grads in the DFW area. ( They still do.) I know there is now a shortage of teachers in areas such as math and they are glad to have Lamar math people, but there are still people who want graduates other than Lamar alumni in this area. My graduate work from a DFW institution is probably the only reason why I was able to move back home. They just didn't want another LU degree, and told me so.
  10. Free rent, free food, stay close to friends and family, get a great education... What more could you want? Free rent, free food.....My Pop would call that being "a ^%$% bum."
  11. As Cotton Hill from KOTH would say..." I Likes it!"
  12. I can't understand why anyone at 18 yrs old would want to stay home? Man, times have changed. There is nothing wrong with Lamar, really there isn't. I was in grad school in Ft Worth before I found that out. The worst critics of Lamar have been alumni and the people in this area. I still think the Recession has something to do with the increase.
  13. The Recession has a great deal to do with this. Kids want to leave and go to Sam, or UT, or A&M, or SFA. They, nor their parents can no longer afford the kids going away. Trust me, 18 yr old kids are not thrilled living under their parent's roof. They want to spread their wings and who can blame them.....
  14. I am really surprised this doesn't happen more.....Coaches are so much under pressure you don't want to think about. When you are at church Sunday morning and everyone wants to either praise or criticize Friday night's performance, it makes many of these guys wonder if it is worth it.
  15. Let's see, in 1977 it snowed during a biology lab, and we had to walk to our cars afterward, does that count? ;D Only if it was uphill!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D I think it was somehow both-ways. :
  16. Let's see, in 1977 it snowed during a biology lab, and we had to walk to our cars afterward, does that count? ;D
  17. See there you go LFAN making an underhanded personal attack saying my education from the 70s wasn't that good. It was plenty good. We didn't have grade inflation. We didn't have student loans as such. Most LU students had jobs to support themselves. ( And I know plenty have them today.) Is it a good school still? Sure. Can it be better? Of course. Are there good graduates from out there? Sure. Are they as good as they were in the past? No.
  18. Trust me, I see( work with) what is coming out of there. It isn't better. It may look good on paper, but it isn't....and it makes me sort of sad.
  19. Here we go make personal attacks. Attack me because I played in the band, attack me because I see what is coming in a few years, attack me and make off the wall allegations that I was attacked by some football player is why I do not like football at Lamar. No, it is going to be a rat hole. Football is going to be a novelty just like everything else around here for a few years. It will draw at first,but then why drive to Lamar when I can go to Houston and see the Texans or UT/A&M if they are in town playing Rice. Lamar is a local school. Always has been, always will be. The area kids don't go to school for football. They go to become teachers or engineers or nurses. If you really want to know what I think about Lamar, ask me about how watered down academics has become out there in the last 10 years. I doubt there will be very few kids come to Lamar because " we now how football." Sure it looks good, but in the over all picture, does a kid really come to a college because they have football? And if that is the real reason they are coming, do you REALLY want that kid. As far as the 2% comment, every time someone has idea to think about at A&M they call them a 2%er. It is sort of like calling someone a Nazi or a Communist.
  20. Shame on you! Why? Because I see the money going for something better like...ACADEMICS?
  21. As I have said for years.....A waste of money at the university. You can't even get students to go to the basketball games. And no, LUFAN, I am not going away.
  22. Still not going. Will spend my dollar on something else...and while I may have other problems, I am not crazy. : Seriously, I am an alumnus of Lamar, B.A.,Class of '80, played in band when Jimmy Simmons was director....I just can't get excited about this whole Lamar football deal. And it is not just me, I work with other Lamar Alumni and they could care less too......
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