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Posts posted by smith

  1. Very good post.  Exactly right.

    I saw in the PA News that there was this one guy that one time went to one Lamar Football game all the while stealing time away from his family and sat by himself in section c feeling sorry for the guys playing for having no fan support back in the 50's.  (this sounds familiar from the PA News editorials)

    As I read it two thoughts came to mind.  First, what if you substituted the word Lamar Football with any other Lamar sport.  The '89 Lamar season average attendance was a mere 5999.  You don't hear the clamering from the PA News to kill any other Lamar sport because their attendance is below 5999.  And this guy would surely be stealing time away from his family to attend these games as well.  ??  This leads me into my second thought.  Why the daggers for football from these types.  These are not commercial endeavours.

    The guy that one time went to one football game didn't realize the guys he was feeling sorry for were playing a game they loved to play whether or not he had ever showed up.

  2. Oh no, I don't feel like I took the wrong deal.  That was my thought for a short while in '88.  My skin got a little thicker that season.  I'm glad I went to Lamar, enjoyed playing with the rest of the guys, and for the most part liked the coaching staff.  At that time I just said the hell with the nay sayers, I know what I can do.  I'm playing for myself and to not let the guy next to me down or the coaches.

    As time went by I gained a little perspective and can understand what some peoples angles were.  It's just as a young athlete coming in from scratch, anything said in a bad light about the team is felt as a direct attack on you.  I can see how it was probably hard for Lamar to "dig out" back then.

    I'm very excited about Lamar right now and can't wait to start a new chapter.

  3. I remember rolling into town back in '88.  I didn't know much, if anything, about Beaumont and Lamar.  I remember I wasn't here but a few weeks and hearing this guy trashing Lamar Football.  I remember I couldn't believe it.  I guess I was young and nieve but I couldn't believe the local community would tear itself down like that.  I wasn't used to that where I came from.  For a short while I was kicking myself thinking "Man I took the wrong deal".

  4. Their plan was to take "all that money" they would save by not having a football team and really pump up the basketball program bigtime.

    The "local media guy" and the other two were to busy focusing on the cost of having a program and didn't see the true cost of not having one.  Enrollment dropped by about 2 thousand over the next three years.  I think it's finally back to where it was in the late 80's and I think will keep growing.

  5. That shouldn't happen with football.  It didn't when I was there (that I know of).  It may be a different culture in football.  The recruiters basically gave a "gentleman's" agreement to you that it is a 4 year ride even though it is a 1 year renewable scholarship.  Even some of the guys that have "career ending" injuries stay on.

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