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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. It's because they are losing the hispanic vote! No principles involved here!
  2. WHAT FRAUD? Racine, Wisconsin Rolls Out Its Mobile Home Voting Station on Wheels – Paid for Exclusively with Zuckerbucks! [Hidden Content]
  3. Ol' Bobby was supposed to be an offensive genius!
  4. D.C. Mayor Complains Of ‘Tipping Point’ With 4,000 Illegal Immigrants. Cruz Fires: What The Hell Do You Call 3.5 Million At The Border! [Hidden Content]
  5. From the article: "Biden issued Executive Order in March 2021, only a few days after stealing the 2020 Election, to steal elections into the future. One section in the order dealt with allowing third-party organizations (like Zuckerbucks) to infiltrate elections like they did in 2020. Rep. Claudia Tenney talked about Biden taking a backdoor approach to manipulate votes in upcoming elections. TRENDING: IT'S OFFICIAL: Second Quarter GDP Comes In at Negative 0.9 Percent -- US OFFICIALLY ENTERS BIDEN RECESSION (Video) A U.S. congresswoman said on Tuesday that a Biden executive order could potentially use taxpayer dollars to fund the use of ballot harvesting, which could include the use of unsupervised ballot drop boxes, in U.S. elections — leaving election integrity experts highly concerned about how this could lead to potential voter fraud." [Hidden Content]
  6. I understand that Todd Dodge will be advising the new PNG coach. Maybe Nederland can do the same by having Bobby August advise the Nederland coach!
  7. Her evil Demoncratic philosophy wasn't a problem until it arrived on her doorstep! Laws For Thee -- but NOT for me! [Hidden Content]
  8. @CardinalBacker @45thAND46thSucks President should be judged on his virtues NOT his tweets. Don't you think? People are realizing that Trump put America first. At this point, others can only say it. Trump actually did it! [Hidden Content]
  9. But I bet none of those stating this will give up car ownership. Policy for thee -- but NOT for me!! [Hidden Content]
  10. My friend, the mere fact that the Dims started attacking Trump even before he was inaugurated and continued throughout his Presidency and even still attacking him to this day, tells me they DO NOT agree with your assessment! If they did, then there would be no reason to make these continued phony attacks. Oh, BTW, the fact that you share this opinion about Trump with these sick commie libs ought to give you pause to reconsider who/what you are siding with!
  11. Turning Point USA Poll Shows President Trump Crushing the GOP Field in 2024 Presidential Race! [Hidden Content]
  12. Demoncrats declare needles emergencies to grab power! [Hidden Content]
  13. Brit Hume exposes Jan 6 panel Republicans, citing Pentagon memo proving Trump wanted ‘safe event’! [Hidden Content]
  14. The mere fact that the Dems are still after Trump, tells me something. If they thought they could cheat again and get away with it they would totally ignore Trump because they've got nothing to worry about. Personally, I think we'll be ready for their cheating!
  15. Hagar, my friend: She took an oath to uphold the Constitution. If she is admitting that she is not going to uphold the Constitution, is this an impeachable offense? There's no doubt that Sodomayor and that other clown just put on the court has the same attitude.
  16. Heat Decreases Solar Panel Efficiency, Experts Say; ‘Too Hot’ for Solar Panels to Handle! LOL!!!! [Hidden Content]
  17. Actually, it is higher. I heard the the upper end of the CPI Index is over 11% inflation!
  18. WOW! From the article: "Dr. Deborah Birx: I knew shots would not prevent COVID infection! 'I think we overplayed the vaccines'" [Hidden Content]
  19. What normal, Constitutional-loving American would not like to see this happen?! An over sized government becomes an out of control government and becomes less accountable to the citizenry. This is when tyranny takes over! [Hidden Content]
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