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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Ex-FBI Official: Search Warrant’s ‘Stunningly Broad Scope’ Gives Trump Room For Legal Challenge! [Hidden Content]
  2. Why would differing opinions be called hate?
  3. The ERA of Bush and Cheney is officially over!
  4. All Trump has to do is endorse Rubio and campaign with him and it's instantly won by Rubio! Take it to the bank!
  5. You are entitled to you own opinion -- but NOT your on facts!
  6. Adam Kinzinger? Seriously!? Kinzinger, in an interview with MSLSD -- that's all you need to know! Come on, CB, you are going to have to get better running buddies. You know, BigGirl, 45thand46thsucks, MSLSD and now Kinzinger!
  7. Mar-a-Lago Raid Backfiring Big Time! [Hidden Content]
  8. Just like when Port Arthur used to charge to park at the stadium. SMH. The best thing to do, unfortunately, is not show up! It's not the cost, but the principle of the thing. If no one showed up, they'll change that policy!
  9. He had a lawyer dealing with the Gestapo at Trump's home. He has lawyers! BTW -- where are you getting this info? From the Commie News Network or MSLSD? LOL!
  10. Cheney got spanked BIG time! ANOTHER Trump endorsement won! [Hidden Content]
  11. From the article: "The U.S. has identified intensifying technological competition with China as a top national-security threat. But a Commerce Department-led process that reviews U.S. tech exports to the country approves almost all requests and has overseen an increase in sales of some particularly important technologies, according to an analysis of trade data." [Hidden Content]
  12. While “Fact-checkers” Play Defense For Obama… Here’s The Truth About 30 Million Pages of His Regime’s Records that Were “Trucked to Chicago”! @biggirl You paying attention?! [Hidden Content]
  13. Postal Service Institutionalizes Ballot Interference Scheme with New Mail-in Ballot Division! [Hidden Content]
  14. In bold, I'm sure some do. Wouldn't say it's the majority. Remember -- the same accusations were thrown at John F. Kennedy when he was running. During his time in office, everything he did, was it at the behest of the Pope? Personally, I don't think so.
  15. Unwoke, I bet BigGirl doesn't even realize that the Justice Dept. violated the 4th Amendment! This is the reason the Justice Dept doesn't want the "affidavit" released for the public to see how many times the 4th Amendment was actually violated.
  16. DOJ Admits It Acted Outside Scope ‘Authorized’ By Court When Seizing Trump Passports! Lock um up, Lock um up! [Hidden Content]
  17. Geez! First the other side steals the election, then the other side steals his passports! SMH!
  18. President Trump Says FBI Seized His Three Passports in Mar-a-Lago Raid! Hummmm! I wonder if this was in the affidavit? 4th Amendment!!!! [Hidden Content]
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