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Posts posted by texbuzz

  1. 2 hours ago, RidinTheRange said:

    I think BHisd is thinking more long term than just these first few seasons.  BH was much like Allen when Coach Westerberg began there, just a little blip on a major highway with huge expectant growth and the intent to stay a one horse town for the community.  I believe they sought him out because the admin understood the commonalities of the situations and Coach Westerberg had proven that he knew how to turn it into a big time winner.  Not saying that BH will ever get as large as Allen eventually became, but the current football staff has proven it knows how turn a growing community into a powerhouse!  It would be cool if he can do it again,  and I wouldn't bet against him!

    How long does he get?  I posted the following 2 years ago:

    "Well....I think he can coach a varsity football team.  I am a big fan of what I have seen as far as the athletic department.  But...this is a different path.  TW was an offensive coordinator/assistant coach for some years at Allen until he was promoted to HC in 2004.  He was working under his mentor and then took over a position he was groomed to lead.  And he had tremendous success.  That isn't what he is doing at BH.  He is stepping into the shoes of somebody else that he probably has no connection with. (I have no idea).  This is a different process.  And at this price point, do you think there is enough patience to allow TW to figure it out?

    If BH goes 2-7 this year (a real possibility) and then 4- 6 next year (not likely) then the shine will have worn off.  Pressure may mount to see somebody else come in.

    Barbers Hill checks the boxes for resources and facilities.  No expense has been spared for the AD/Head Coach.  A professional coach is in the business of winning.  TW earned a spot at this high paying table with his past history of success.  He can't eat there forever without picking up the bill with W's.  No coach can.  

    Every team has bad breaks.  Every team has injuries, blind refs, rainstorms, broken buses, and The Flash just enrolled at your crosstown rival.  The Head Coaches employment status will be by Wins and Losses.  

    I am a wuss, I love a good turnaround story.  The more success he has then the more great experiences and life lessons those kids have.  I wish them all Good Luck and God Bless."

    BH went 8-2 in 2016, 6-3 in 2017, 6-3 in 2018 for the regular season.

    I have asked the question before and I am not trying to stir up anything,  

    How long does he get?

    Does BH need to win district this year?  Playoffs? Winning record?  

    I think the money and prestige matters.

    When do the BH faithful say "This may not be working out"?

    I have an answer in my head but I am curious of the answer of some of the BH posters.


  2. On 8/24/2019 at 12:16 PM, prepballfan said:

    Been watching him play for many years he has a great knack to run at the right time 

    I haven't seen PNG lately.  In JH there was a big kid that played RB on the A team.  He wasn't super fast but quick for his size and could score.  Should be a Soph now.  He still at RB?  JV or Varsity?

  3. Just recently moved to Huffman.  Looking at Liberty films on MaxPreps and attending the Huffman scrimmages (boy, don't take this to the bank)

    Huffman tackles a little better this year and is a bit more talented with offensive playmakers.  If Huffman can get a stop early and put up some points fast....Liberty may have a tough time slow marching back into the game.


    Wish I had some film of the Liberty scrimmages, I love that kind of offense.

  4. A lot of the comments don't seem to look at the situation comprehensively.  It is certainly not as simple as "Let them play!", "This is a conspiracy!" and "Rules are Rules!!"

    If you think of all the moving pieces and processes interacting together, you can unpack this thing a little better.

    Purpose of UIL - We seem to minimize the ultimate goal of the school system when we discuss athletics.  The schools primary mission is to educate our young people to a standard.  Academics.  Extracurricular activities/contests are educational activities that provide much needed life experience and education that the classroom cannot provide.  The UIL was formed to attempt to make these contests as fair as possible but also allowing competition.  There are winners and losers, and both experiences are important to growth and development. Are they perfect?  Nope, but there are a lot of smart people trying to accomplish this task.

    Transfers aren't positive -  Transfers suck.  You can say it is better for a person or program but I haven't seen any defense for transfers being "good".  By their very nature, one or more of the following is true:

    • Kid is leaving a crappy situation, academics, athletics or both. (sucks)
    • Somebody is shopping the talent of a child for ulterior motives. (sucks)
    • Transfers from struggling schools to good schools do even more harm to struggling schools. (sucks)
    • The upheaval of new teachers, curriculum, and standards of a new school will have challenges. (sucks)

    Sometimes it is better for the kid and sometimes it is not.  My point is, transfers aren't the magic answer and many times will cause more problems than they solve.

    Rule of Law - I am a huge opponent of "Zero Tolerance" rules and management.  It is lazy and cowardly.  While I am a bit of a stickler for rules myself, it is also intellectually dishonest to ignore the context of the individual situation.  Sometimes the answer is "Yeah, this is not going to be satisfying but we must enforce the rule".  And other times the answer is "This is a unique case and this rule will not apply."

    Motives - This rule exchanges the "sit a year for every transfer" and tries to discover the motives of people.  Motives are incredibly easy to hide and incredibly difficult to prove.  Therefore, by its very nature, the rule is going to be imperfect.  The PAPF is an attempt to discover motive.  The DEC is an attempt to discover motive.  The SEC is an attempt to discover motive.  Even with three checkpoints, there is no guarantee that this process will get it right.

    "That's an awful long post, GET TO THE POINT!"

    The UIL used an imperfect but thorough system to enforce a rule that is great in principle and extremely difficult to adjudicate.  It sucks to see a young man with obvious talent not being able to compete but the process is designed to ensure fair competition, not the satisfaction of individual programs or participants.

  5. 31 minutes ago, WOSgrad said:

    You're right coach, the right thing shouldn't be difficult to do and following the rules is the right thing to do.  However, the reaction in this very thread shows why it is the difficult thing to do.  Coach Terrell, who honestly filled out the former school version of Demas' PAPF by checking yes on not just one, but potentially 3 of the 6 questions that coaches who fill out the form are required to answer. 

    For that, he is called a "crybaby" and accused of keeping an athlete from playing because that athlete didn't want to play for him.   He gets dragged to Austin as he is preparing his team for the 2019 season.  It is easy to see why many coaches simply look the other way, as it is, to many,  not worth the trouble.

    Remember this, of the 13 people that heard Demond Demas' case (7 at the DEC level, 6 at the SEC level), including 6 that would never be across the field from him had he be cleared to play at Tomball, 12 of them agreed with Terrell.  coach bear is right, it is not about vindictiveness, it is about doing the right thing.

    Occam's Razor.  

  6. On 8/20/2019 at 6:19 PM, MrFleet23 said:

    Crosby has a lot of athletes on Defense this year. Defense will look a lot better than past years. Best in the district will be determined AT THE END of district play. Not to bash anyone but the new QB will be a huge upgrade from last years starter. QB is super athletic and fast. Looks like Prieto is more apt to put talent on the defensive side of the ball a contrast to Rio who had 4 RB's one of which could've started at LB. And the other had the fastest time in 100m in the district. Never saw the sense in him carrying that many RB and only using 2


    i know at least 2 backup WR’s receivers that should have played OLB/DB in the last 3 years.

    it just always felt like a bend/don’t break defense the last 4 years.

  7. 14 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    If the QB gets cleared expect Crosby to win the district. If not, who knows? With him clear, Crosby in all likelihood is a 40+ ppg team. Should look pretty similar to how we did before Howard got hurt last year. QB ran a 10.6 100M as a sophomore last year. Just for context, Craig Williams ran 10.3 at the state meet as a senior. Lot of speed on the field even for a Crosby team, especially at receiver. Defense should be one of the better Crosby defenses even though that’s not saying much. 

    With that being said there are still some things that need to come together to turn around last year’s train-wreck. Therefore, I really have no expectations. 


    What do you mean by "cleared"? Was there a QB transfer?  A Crosby RB transferred to King apparently.  Not sure.

  8. Sucks.  

    I saw a documentary about the increase in knee ligament tears. The interviewed a doctor that felt he could watch a player and predict if they would tear or not.  He had some data to back it up.  It also showcased a player (basketball) that had torn both of his and played through it.  No pain, no loss of movement.  He just basically didn't need them.  I am sure he is one out of a billion but everybody is different.

    Hell, I sleep awkward and my neck goes to crap.  Getting so old even the pillow kicks my butt. (stolen quote, don't remember where)

  9. Vidor - All they do is run.  And they are are pretty good at it.  Run defense is still better than last year.

    Manvel - Manvel has some beast RB's.  They also are going to put up some yards against any team in the state.  Last years defense would have gave up more.

    This is where stats matter but don't matter (but matter).  At least 150-200 yards, per game, was given up in those weird, sleepy things called 1st quarters.  So....Stats don't matter.

    (Now watch me prove myself wrong)  A good run defense doesn't give up that many yards in the first quarter.  Rushing-yards-against certainly matter.....

    However....when it was on the line, the defense was stepping up, stopping the run, tackling well in the secondary.  


    This is not a "Great" defense.  This is a "Good" defense.  Last year was a "Bad" defense.  

    I will stand by "they are way better" than last year but keep giving up that many yards on the ground and Crosby will be talking about next year's defense in about 6 weeks. 

  10. 42 minutes ago, NDNation said:

    The one thing I'm not worried about is going into "The Jungle". We travel with our own hostile environment. We make ourselves at home in every Stadium.

    We've been utilizing the RB's more this season, so RJ hasn't been on the run AS much. Now, with # 5 out, RJ may be taking off more, bad news for the Coog defense.

    Hoping Defense steps up and gets some stops. Has baby Bost ever played defense? I know his brother was a beast when switched to that side of the ball.

    Run defense - way better than last year.  The turnovers are some proof of that.  Opposing RB's are taking a beating.  

    Field position - the freshman kicker is giving the team good field position.  Nailing extra points.  He is going to win a game this year with that leg.  My middle son played with him last year, they miss him on the 9th grade team.

    Secondary tackling - There have been some brain farts and kids trying to hit instead of tackle (thats at every HS though) but this secondary tackles better than last year.  They aren't ball hawks but if the QB floats one or is inaccurate, they have the speed to get into position for interceptions.

    QB - Howard is a great kid.  This really sucks for him.  This is going to be an unpopular opinion but this team can go just as far with Coker.  My oldest played with him in jr. high.  They lost one game. And they never had a stud at any position.  It was just methodical, great decision making football.  Howard is a home run hitter.  He can run, he can throw the bomb.  That can win games.  Coker is going to spread the ball around, make fast decisions, and stay tough in the pocket.  He will throw the ball away instead of trying to make something happen.  It's just a different animal.

    Crosby 38

    PNG 34

    P.S. Wish the admins would shutdown the talk about CISD money issues on this thread.  Plenty of other places to air that one out.  

  11. Riordan preps extremely well for option and ground and pound teams.  Vidor had the talent to win that playoff game but the defensive adjustments they had to learn in a week for Vidor were enough to win.  The playoff win against Port Lavaca, same issue. Heavy, old school option team that threw maybe twice.  Had to play very disciplined defense to win.  

    That being said, Vidor is absolutely my favorite offense to watch.  I love it.  

    I get to see the 9th grade teams play on Thursday.  How is the 9th grade team doing?  I would imagine that the younger the opponent, the more the Vidor offense gets rolling

  12. After the Crosby/Manvel game, this post aged nicely. (The quote function is wonky at the moment)  

    "Agreed chorizo.  And the “heart”, I equate with tradition.  When Magnolia went up 21-0 halfway thru the 1st Qtr, I suspect, barring some freak, quick TD’s, BH was through.  It’s what happens at Schools without winning tradition (heart).  Teams with winning traditions, such as WOS, PNG, Ned, they’re bowing up and figuring out how to come back and win.  The kids believe they can win.  Call it heart, tradition, or mindset, it’s an intangible that’s almost impossible for a coach to overcome."

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