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Everything posted by stangchain

  1. There wouldn't be anything to apologize for. If he wins, he wins. If we win, we win. Bottom line.
  2. There you go JF. Another good post. And questions we'd like answered as well.
  3. I had to pay for mine!!!!! LOL...it was worth it, though!!!!! Good mag, hoopcoop!!!
  4. Look, Irish. If you're scared, say you're scared. Don't schedule WOS then. But for crying out loud, don't schedule them and then back out. It has cost both school districts a LOT of money!!!!
  5. I guess the gate will increase on this one since the Mustangs won't be playing.
  6. Look, irish.....you new poster, you....The LCM kids play WOS hard every single year....year in and year out. Don't come on here single posting to say your peace just to agitate and then leave!
  7. I agree, Scooter. Maybe the WOS school district can send Moody a bill for the lost revenue?
  8. B4L, I appreciate your post and totally understand what you are saying but YOU are getting to play your scheduled game. If noone else were playing their game, there'd be no problems. We'd all be disappointed and talking about storm damage. But we are the ONLY teams not playing and the UIL (according to the article posted) is leaving it up to the school district's to determine if it is a forfet or not. How fair is that? The UIL needs to step it up a bit regarding this matter too. Everybody's kids got ready to play faster than this after Rita hit. It just isn't right. But I appreciate your concern.
  9. I was told today that someone at the WOS/Ned game last Friday overheard Moody making the statement that if that storm came anywhere close to us, he was cancelling the game. What's up with that?
  10. I picked up my copy of the football preview from the Examiner the other day and just now had a chance to read it. I'd like to quote Todd Moody from the article posted in The Examiner. "I define competitive as the chance to win every game," he said. "We were competitive in all but two games last year. We were one catch away from the playoffs in 2006, and injuries got us last year. Bottom line is, we are just going to have to do it. The only way to convince people is to win." The only way to win is to PLAY! You can't win if you don't play!
  11. I'll sing the national anthem and I can't sing worth a flip!
  12. Oh, we believed you all right! We just needed to see the quotations around his name!!!! I'm just having a hard time with the statement "it is about us" that Moody made. How can a team pick and choose who they want to play on their schedule? Why schedule the game if you don't think you want to play it?
  13. This has nothing to do with the game being against West Orange,†Moody said. “If we played on Saturday it would give us a short week to prepare for Bridge City. People are saying we would have two days to prepare. It really is one day of full practice on Thursday and Friday is pre-game. I would like our team to be prepared. We cannot afford to get someone injured. It is about us and getting better for district. I didn’t think playing Saturday was best for us and that is what it is all about.†And there you have it!!!!
  14. Same with cutter.....all 36 of his posts have been spent defending the forfeiture of the game. He couldn't even spell Moody in one of his first posts and now he wants to come on here saying we're all bashing him! Hrumph! My feelings are STILL hurt!!!!
  15. I've kind of gotten my feelings hurt over being called blood thirsty!
  16. Because, as you say, they have only had TWO days of practice? You're full of it! You are trying to justify your h/c's decision by calling all of us bloodthirsty. Bottom line is, they went to the Ned game and saw a different team than in the "scrimmages". I'll say it again, "If you're scared, say you're scared".
  17. YOU don't know anything about me, casual....you don't know what I want. All I want is for the two teams to play. There has been a long-standing rivalry in the community with these two teams and there has been a lot of smack talk going both ways. What YOU are assuming, sir, is that it WILL be a bloodbath. We are all football fans and I have even seen some of the LCM fans on here stating that they want the game to be played, too. By the way, LCM has NOT had only two days to prepare. They had the entire week to prepare last week, or was he hoping for something like this? That's all we ask...and you seem to know a lot!
  18. Whatever, casual. Character assault? We see what kind of character Moody has by this gesture....ALL of it!
  19. "Thurst"? Maybe you mean "thirst". You are observing only what you WANT to see. How do you know that the game would be a....what did you call it? A "bloodbath". That's bogus and THAT, sir, is a character assault to say that the Mustangs would go after it with intent to do bodily harm. If you are speaking for your head coach, then we hear you loud and clear with that last post. If you're scared, say you're scared, but don't use the puff of wind and the water hose sprinkle that we got as an excuse!
  20. Baloney! You are a coach who is trying to defend your HC's decision. You haven't been on this board under THAT name, so you were sent here to defend him. Well guess what? He has no defense. I think we should go ahead and contact UIL to see if he can legally cancel the game without a forfeit, since every other team seems to be playing!
  21. You said, "Moody would not have backed down without the storm." Well, duh? That's what we're all talking about....it looked like a good excuse for him! Are you observing how all of us feel?
  22. I like the idea that they could keep defenses off balance not knowing what could be run!!!! Sounds like a pretty good scheme to me, if the kids can handle it!
  23. How do you know that Hooks agreed, have you talked to him or someone on the coaching staff yourself? Or have you just heard that he agreed? well if he didnt agreed, it would be a forfeit, and wos would get the win, but that hasnt happen has it? logic doesn't seem to work on this board Cutter, nice try. And you aren't as "casual" an observer as your name suggests, are you? You are like the sneaky guy....sent here to try to smoothe things over....Funny how you showed up just when this subject comes up!!!!
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