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Posts posted by TexasPanther2012

  1. 4 hours ago, idk said:

    TexasPanther, I agree with you about Shepherd. They know they do not have the athletes to run the spread. So they changed to suite the players they have. To me that is good coaching. They will do just what you said, they will pound the ball. They are not going to go out and be flashy they are just going to keep coming and coming. Will they win, only time will tell. Who knows. Liberty looks very good on film and those boys play hard. They are fast and the D-line will get after it for a while. Shepherd will have to contain the outside to win this game. The only thing on film I see as a down fall for Liberty is that after a quarter or two the d-line does not fire off the ball and pursue as hard as in the first couple quarters.


    As far as Coldspring, I will not even get into it with him. The last thing Shepherd has is a big ego. Maybe you should of keep your boys off of twitter and instagram before the Shepherd vs Coldspring game and they wouldn't have to eat so much crow. All I can say is you guys shouldn't of gotten rid of the good coach you had.


    No one over got on here and said Shepherd will win, I was just stating that who ever plays Shepherd, it will not be an easy game.

    And back to the topic of this thread, I agree with what you said about our D-Line however, our 2 best offensive linemen 62 and 64 rarely go in on defense, and they are also our best defensive linemen. I think when it comes time for district, and surely playoffs, the coaches will let their best players go both ways, but as of now the two best defensive linemen have seen limited action on that side of the ball.

  2. 4 hours ago, idk said:

    TexasPanther, I agree with you about Shepherd. They know they do not have the athletes to run the spread. So they changed to suite the players they have. To me that is good coaching. They will do just what you said, they will pound the ball. They are not going to go out and be flashy they are just going to keep coming and coming. Will they win, only time will tell. Who knows. Liberty looks very good on film and those boys play hard. They are fast and the D-line will get after it for a while. Shepherd will have to contain the outside to win this game. The only thing on film I see as a down fall for Liberty is that after a quarter or two the d-line does not fire off the ball and pursue as hard as in the first couple quarters.


    As far as Coldspring, I will not even get into it with him. The last thing Shepherd has is a big ego. Maybe you should of keep your boys off of twitter and instagram before the Shepherd vs Coldspring game and they wouldn't have to eat so much crow. All I can say is you guys shouldn't of gotten rid of the good coach you had.


    No one over got on here and said Shepherd will win, I was just stating that who ever plays Shepherd, it will not be an easy game.

    Yeah i dont know anything about Shepherd's or Coldsprings players social medias or ego's lol but I will agree that they should not have gotten rid of the coach they had. Barbay, both of them honestly, are OUTSTANDING coaches, they know how to build a program from the ground up I guess they get that from their father. Coldspring was beating liberty 63-0 from 7th grade B team all the way up to varsity for all 6 years i played football for liberty lol. And when the other Coach Barbay was at Anahuac, he had them boomin, before and after he arrived they weren't very good. Same for Coldspring aside from the early 90's i believe... Barbay had coldspring booming i was shocked when they let him go or did he leave himself? I have no idea i was just shocked that he left, as good as they were.

  3. 16 minutes ago, idk said:

    That would be my point, Liberty has a good team this year. On paper and film they should win. But I am not one to go by that at all. If you watch Shepherd on film they are not going to wow you and do not look that impressive. The just play hard and never quit. So it will be a perfect storm. Liberty players are going to watch the film, so if they think it will be a walk in the park, I can assure you it won't be. I don't get caught up in wins and losses from history. That tells me nothing about the team this year. I wish Liberty a great year and hope you guys do well and make it far into the playoffs. I just know what determination that Shepherd has and it will be a dog fight. Then again it may not be nothing but a walk in the park. We will see on Friday night.

    I agree with this post completely. And i watched the film and I wasn't entirely "unimpressed" myself, IDK what the players think, but #2 and #12 are pretty good, #2 is actually cousins with 2 of Liberty's starting running backs, and Shepherd's o-line gets down and fires off the ball pretty quick from what I seen but there wasn't a whole lot of getting in to space, just a lot of running behind those 2 H backs out of the gun in between the tackles, with the QB and the RB, the QB himself runs really hard, didn't do anything spectacular but from what I saw on film they do have the potential to pound the football. 

  4. 45 minutes ago, idk said:

    Camsdad, I will bring you one. It may have some tears on it, but it will wash. So Nice to see you got the joke.


    TexasPanthers2012, dude chill out a little bit. Why take High School football so serious? Man the first part of my post was a joke. I was not trying to be sarcastic, I am actually glad Liberty is having a good year, they deserve it. I am just saying don't sleep on shepherd cause the outcome may not be to your liking. Now what is wrong with that prediction? You think it will be a big win for the Panthers (and it very well could be) and I think that if your boys come in too confident they may get surprised. That's it!!! No one questions your man hood, so get your panties out of a bunch. The game will be played and you will either have a nice ride back to Liberty or a long one. I can't decide that and you can't either. Those Players and Coaches will make that decision. So come on down Friday enjoy the game (oh and please don't get too worked up). The sun will come up on Sat. morning and all will again be right in Panther land. :)

    And as far as the players coming in too confident.. I don't think the panther fans post on here has any correlation at all with how confident the players will be going in to this game or any game lol. Even if they get on here and read that Liberty is 9-1 all time against Shepherd outscoring them 326-144 and this has been all in the last 10 years, where we have only had a handful of playoff teams in that span, and now we have one of the best teams of that entire 10 year period, so please give my fellow panther posters some slack for predicting lopsided scores they've had reason to not be worried about Shepherd so I don't think now that we have our best team in along time they're going to suddenly predict a close game with a team that we have dominated over the past decade with sub par, non-playoff teams.

  5. 26 minutes ago, JasperDAWG said:

    to give a little insight about the alexandria university academy lions that the Dawgs will play this week. they are a 4a school that went 1-10 last year(a big drop from the 12-2 record they had in 2014). their record so far this season is 1-2 with their win being against a team in their district and also a team jasper will play later this season( scheduled in the middle of our district games which i dislike very much). Slaughter Community Charter that is located on the outskirts of Baton Rouge.

    sept. 2 alexandria aca 38 Slaughter community charter (slaughter,la) 34   win

    sept 9 @ Avoyelles (Moreauvill,la) 84-6 loss

    sept 16 @ D'Arbonne Woods (Farmerville, la)  46-6 loss



    Is there a specific reason why Jasper is playing Louisiana schools in non district play?

  6. 4 minutes ago, idk said:

    Camsdad, I will bring you one. It may have some tears on it, but it will wash. So Nice to see you got the joke.


    TexasPanthers2012, dude chill out a little bit. Why take High School football so serious? Man the first part of my post was a joke. I was not trying to be sarcastic, I am actually glad Liberty is having a good year, they deserve it. I am just saying don't sleep on shepherd cause the outcome may not be to your liking. Now what is wrong with that prediction? You think it will be a big win for the Panthers (and it very well could be) and I think that if your boys come in too confident they may get surprised. That's it!!! No one questions your man hood, so get your panties out of a bunch. The game will be played and you will either have a nice ride back to Liberty or a long one. I can't decide that and you can't either. Those Players and Coaches will make that decision. So come on down Friday enjoy the game (oh and please don't get too worked up). The sun will come up on Sat. morning and all will again be right in Panther land. :)

    I like this post a lil better than your first one. This might of been what your were thinking and had you said this i would not have reacted the way i did, but you said what you said and yes i took offense, but not at the fact that you think it will be a close game, you are entitled to your opinion i was reacting to your statement which almost sounded like we weren't entitled to ours as well. Or maybe we were entitled to it but you deemed it offensive that we thought we would win by a lot, well maybe you didn't think it was offensive but you definitely had a negative reaction to our predictions and i just wanted to clarify that my negative reaction to you was not because of your different prediction, but because of your insinuation that our heads are too big or that we weren't supporting our guys who are taking us on this ride, or that somehow we were bashing shepherd because we posted a lopsided prediction. And none of that is the case here and i was simply saying i don't think anything we have posted would make it even look like that, i felt like you thought all of that about us just because we predicted a lopsided score, not because anyone from liberty made degrading statements towards anyone from shepherd had we done that it would be a different story but you reacted as if we were just bashing shepherd.

  7. 2 hours ago, WOSgrad said:

    That is not due to obsession over high school sports.  That is simply someone who doesn't have the good sense to conduct themselves in public and probably conduct themselves in that way in other facets of their life.

    Yeah I would have to agree. Football is football. Some people enjoy following and watching the NCAA more than the NFL or vice versa, and I think high school fits right in there with that and there's nothing wrong with that in my opinion some people just enjoy watching and keeping up with high school football I don't think you have to actually still be in high school for this to be normal lol. A lot of times people on here when they are in a debate about teams will result to that line when they can't think of anything else they'll just say "well your an old man following high school football" , yes and ??? what is wrong with that lol for someone to be on this site in the first place they must be following high school sports, those old man obsession comments get old, pretty much everyone on here is 18+ and interested in one high school sport or another or you wouldn't be on the site

  8. 58 minutes ago, idk said:

    I hope you fine folks know that the players read what is said. My son came home from practice last night and told me that "we have no chance against the Mighty Panthers, so why are we even going to play the game". Then he went straight to bed without dinner and cried himself to sleep holding a little panther stuffed animal. So the game this week is cancelled!!!! The Pirates do not want all those folks to waste their time and money to travel all the way to Shepherd for nothing. The outcome has been decided, so stay home and do something worth wild.

    I sure hope you folks think that is ridiculous as some of the post on here. Liberty is a good football team and if they play the way they are capable of then on paper they should win. Liberty finally has a good team and now we have to hear the "go undefeated" comments. Why can't you folks just be happy for these players and enjoy the ride they are taking you on? OH AND I WOULD NOT SLEEP ON SHEPHERD if I was you. Good coaching with a bunch of overachieving players just might come back to bite you in the "Well You Know"!!! Yea the shepherd players have heard all year about loosing 26 sr. and there is nothing left. Well those boys play hard every play and never quit. So If I were you Liberty fans just don't look too far past the next few games.

    You are trippin. ONLY ONE poster from liberty on any of these threads said anything about going undefeated and he said something along the lines of , he predicted liberty to get 2nd in district, and his next question was but does anyone else think the panthers could actually go undefeated ? And I myself, along with every other panther poster on here said NO we do not think we can go undefeated, WOS will beat us. So your ENTIRE post was ridiculous. We are happy for our players, our brothers, our kids, our friends. Don't question that. I can't believe that you are so offended by us predicting 30-12 type scores.. unbelievable you'd question our support of our kids because we are predicting the have a big season? That doesn't even make any logical sense. THATS WHAT THE THREAD IS FOR, Liberty vs Shepherd PREDICTIONS,, so we come on here and yes we predict a score and we engage in conversation on why we think we will win or lose by how much ever we predict. So you're first little sarcastic post was ridiculous as well, just because we all gave personal opinions on the game, like you are suppose to on this website on this thread, you went all out with that sarcastic crap. No one said the game didn't need to be played no one ever predicted a score that would suggest that the game not even be played, almost all of the poster predicted fairly reasonable  outcomes, and you come on here and bash them sarcastically saying we think we are all and mighty, just because we finally are having a good year? No. we are on here simply predicting we will win against our current opponent.

  9. I know I did this last week so sorry to bother you guys again about it, but if it's possible I would like to change my pick from Deweyville to HD, I caught a practice and talked to some locals they look nice and the community is excited. If it's too much trouble don't even worry about it i'll be more careful with my picks in the future before i submit them, my apologies. 

  10. On 9/19/2016 at 1:17 PM, Eazy said:

    This game is realistically a toss-up.  However, all the overconfidence on this board call for me to pick Shepherd.  Should be a good one. 

    How is this game "realistically" a toss up. Watch the film you'll change your stance on that one real quick. Just because both teams are undefeated does not mean it's a "toss up".  Shepherd is pretty good though, I might need to give them a little more credit but Liberty should win handily. And do you really make your game predictions based on which team's fan base appears "overconfident" ? That doesn't make much sense. And how are we "overconfident" for predicting the game to be 35-12 or 35-7 I mean it's an honest prediction based on what some of these posters have seen from both teams this season. This post that I'm currently typing is probably the only posts on this thread that can be considered "overconfident". We didn't say Shepherd was trash, we know they have some guys, but we have more guys and we are a better team from what I've seen. I predicted 28-14 against Woodville last week and got called "overconfident" and now the same thing is happening this week. I guess it's because Liberty isn't getting any credit from some of you. If a WOS poster says I predict we beat Silsbee 60-0 no one says he's "overconfident" and Silsbee guys won't get offended , now I know WOS is 100x better than liberty so its more reasonable to predict that, but none of us predicted we'd beat woodville or shepherd 60-0, we gave realistic predictions and still keep getting called "overconfident" for predicting our panthers will win. 

  11. 5 hours ago, WildcatBacker said:

    Woodville will beat Coldspring easily, and give Kirbyville all we can handle. The 3 & 4 spots will go to Coldspring and Buna. The top 2 will be a knock down drag out in Woodville in 2 weeks. Mark my word. I can see into the future. Lol

    After watching Liberty play both Woodville and Coldspring i have to go with Woodville. For 2 reasons. 1 Coldspring didn't seem to have the guys to match up with liberty overall on either side of the ball, and I at least feel like Woodville gave us some problems, but against coldspring it was more of liberty creating their own problems. The only weapon coldspring had offensively that game was chunking the ball up deep in the air to #3 and they were only able to complete that only once all game. Reason 2 is actually my main reason and that is that Coldspring's coaches squandered a 33-0 lead against shepherd to lose 37-33, and even though liberty had some critical turnovers that allowed coldspring to even be in the game and go up late in the game, the coldspring coaches decided to go for it on 4th down twice on their own 30 giving liberty a chance to score and win the ball game they also threw a pass on 1st down that was incomplete on their final posession that could've ran off enough clock where liberty might not have had the chance to score. Basically those 2 things along with the very conservative play of the woodville offense and the reckless decison making from the coldspring coaches lead me to believe woodville will beat them and get 1st or 2nd in their district. I havent seen k ville play at all so idk about who gets 1st


  12. 2 minutes ago, drewlsu said:

    WOS will obviously get 1st and likely head to the state championship game. Barring some very large upset, I don't see HF winning a district game. They lost King and he was their entire team the last few years. 

    Now as far as the other three, I just don't know.

    I've been impressed with Liberty thus far. They seem to be much improved since the last couple of years. Yes, they did beat HJ last year, but HJ is much better this year than last as well. 

    I wish HJ could have played out the Coldspring game. We did lose to LCM but had some pretty big miscues that game. Our game against Jasper will hopefully give us a better idea. 

    OF has struggled at times but then also came back in the LCM game to go to OT.  OF will give you a hard game to the end and that makes them dangerous. 

    So, I think district play will be exciting this year. I don't know much about our bi-district/area matchups but it may be possible for us to have two or three teams two or three rounds deep. 

    Here's hoping!

    Good post! Yeah from what I've been told, the bi-district matchup will be the district with Bellville,Shepherd,Tarkington,Madisonville,Cleveland.

  13. 5 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    I also would stop short of saying Liberty dominated the game against Woodville. I was there, no domination.

    You simply cannot say you dominated a team when that team drove 80 yards in 17 plays, all run plays, eating up 8 1/2 minutes of clock in 3rd quarter, scoring a TD.

    Liberty was the better team, but did not dominate.

    I rephrased it. Simply believe that game wasn't as close as the scoreboard showed , and yeah they had 1 drive that accounted for half their points and yards for the entire game . But I agree I over stated when I said "dominated". But yeah I know you were there I was too and personally don't Think that game was ever in question I got a little worried when we fumbled on the 1 but other than that it was all good 

  14. 9 minutes ago, WOSgrad said:

    As I listened to the Liberty/Woodville game on Friday, I don't know that "dominated" is the correct word.  However, Liberty did well on Friday and they have impressed this season.  That, plus the struggles that Hamshire-Fannett and Orangefield have had starting out of the gate, I agree with your predictions.

    I agree "dominated" was an overstatement I was going to elaborate on that but it was off topic from the thread so i just left it at that. I mean 365 yards, to 168, we fumbled on the 1 yard line once , and let the clock run out at the end of the game on the 1, so that's 14 points left off the board , a fumble is a fumble but 7 points literally left off , 35-14 could've been the score easily , no we didn't dominate but that wasn't a good game in the panthers fans eyes we never doubted that we were going to win that game , half this website picked woodville in the pick ems so I know people would like to think that the game went as the scoreboard showed but I don't think it did, we were clearly a much better team but you're right we didn't dominate by definition of the word dominate .

  15. We are now in week 5 of the 2016-2017 football season. With 4 games behind us I would like to see everyone's thoughts and predictions on this district, here is my take. West Orange clearly remains the favorite to win district and I see them doing exactly that. Since coming into this district 2 seasons ago, the Panthers have been out scored by Hamshire-Fannet 75-14 losing both games. Liberty has also lost to Orangefield two years in a row, and split the series with HJ. However, it is a new year and it appears that a lot has changed in this district. Hamshire-Fannet is 0-4 this year, however, they have played a tougher non-district schedule than Liberty, facing off against BC & Lumberton, and they've dominated Liberty for the past two years, but their loss against an EC team that Liberty dominated in scrimmage play, and their loss to Buna, gives me confidence in predicting the Panthers will finally beat HF in district play this season. Orangefield has beat liberty two years in a row as well, however their non district play has been fairly poor and their 41-7 blowout loss to a Woodville team that liberty dominated ( I know the scoreboard did not show up but it was the SETX game of the week and the stats were posted and you can see liberty dominated) leads me to believe Orangefield won't be able to keep up with the Panthers this season. HJ's game with coldspring in week 1 was cancelled so I don't really have much of a comparison to draw between the hawks and the panthers at this point. My only take on that game is we beat them last year and we are a better team than last year but they could also be better so we will have to wait and see, but im predicting the panthers will win. And as far as West Orange Stark, they are my prediction to win the state title. They should cruise through this district, I can only hope liberty can get through the game at the end of the year with them healthy, and maybe come away with some moral victories to help their confidence going into the playoffs. So as of now I predict West Orange wins first , Liberty wins 2nd, HJ 3rd, HF and OF will battle for the 4th spot 

  16. 2 minutes ago, kicker said:

    Trust me, we have been watching. People tend to overlook Liberty being 4-0.

    Yeah well I will admit our strength of schedule hasn't had too much "strength" in it. I wouldn't ridicule anyone for not being sold on Liberty at this point in the season, but I myself am convinced we will get 2nd in our district and win our first round playoff game. However, I don't know anything about the teams we would face after that, if we were to accomplish my prediction in the first place.

  17. Liberty is never really on the playoff scene at all, but we have a pretty good team this year. Nothing like the west orange starks of the world though. I'm wondering how you guys think the panthers could fair in the playoffs. I hear the competition in 4a II isn't as stacked this year? IDK just curious as to what you guys think about a local up and coming team, with the bi-district teams being fairly weak this year I believe it would be out of shepherd tarkington cleveland madisonville and bellville, how far could the panthers go? District hasn't even started yet so im not trying to get ahead of myself, just wondering what kind of talent awaits in the 2nd round and later if liberty were to make it that far, we have a game against Shepherd friday to give us a little preview of a team out of our potential bi-district opponents but so far we haven't played anyone good, other than maybe woodville , but they were 3a.

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