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Everything posted by Aces_Full

  1. Why do you arbitrarily pick the last 30 games? Because it fits your argument? How about the last game played? That was a sweet one.
  2. I said NON-CONFERENCE schedule. You know the part the coach can control. Here is a list for you. LSU has the 97th toughest non conference schedule. [Hidden Content]
  3. Serious question. Who plays a tougher non conference schedule? LSU Tigers or the Katy HS Tigers?
  4. Eastern Washington??? Damn, Lamar would be embarrassed scheduling that game.
  5. Yes them too. That 's a childish argument though. "Well they did it too."
  6. LSU should be embarrassed playing that weak of a non conference schedule.
  7. lost 2 tough games on fluke special teams plays. Playing the 3rd most freshmen in the country. It is what it is. Gonna be some growing pains. At least they're not afraid to schedule out of conference games. (Talking to you LSU).
  8. I would have thought Legacy Christian would have been a good alternative to Kelly. They have a nice school, very student oriented, and a very knowledgeable basketball staff. Sounded like the perfect fit.
  9. It DOES have to do with the transfer. The first thing stated on this lengthy thread was that he was going to Kelly because of their ability to provide a quality education. Education first. When that fell through, the guardians decide the next best educational experience would be Central? What about West Brook or Ozen? They are BISD. You stated that you can pick your home school in 9th grade, or when you move into the district? Why Central over Ozen or West Brook? Just curious.
  10. Won't happen. Plan on being at the gym at 6:00 pm if you want to see him play this year. The UIL has rules for a reason.
  11. Oh, so now he got "zoned" to Central HS. Got ya. Now I understand. Wait I thought kids in Beaumont ISD could choose their HS going to the 9th grade? Is that incorrect? Didn't the Boyd kid from Ozen and the Pearson kid from Central play at the same Jr. high??? Thought I heard that here a while back?
  12. Obama is embarrassing. The sooner he leaves office the better. Time for real leadership, one with a moral compass.
  13. Little brother always gonna troll. Whoop
  14. AAW - Your questions are valid. There were a lot of issues that aren't appropriate to discuss on an Internet forum. But there are circumstances that may work in their favor with the UIL. We shall see. Regardless, they are getting good experience practicing at Central which should help them in their goals. So when the student was being steered to Kelly it was about education. Now that he has been steered to Central HS it's about basketball. Which is it???
  15. Who cares? Because adults in this AAU stuff seem to forget it's about the kid and not about themselves. If they had the kid's best interest at heart, he would be going to a good academic school like someone mentioned previously. There are plenty of local schools with open enrollment and better academic standing that this kid could be "steered" to. One AAU coach handed off this prized recruit to another AAU coaching friend. That's how he made if from Atlanta to little old SETX. This has nothing to do with what's best for the kid. It's about stacking a team. Team A fell through, so now its on to Team B.
  16. Let me see. The other district coaches get to decide whether Central gets a 7'3 post for this season. Let me save you the suspense...NOPE. All about the academics...LOL.
  17. All guys injured coming back except Scandrick. Romo, Dez, Hardy, McClain, Gregory, Leary...Dang, they gonna be loaded when they all get back. Good luck beating that team.
  18. I be here. I congratulate you if you can pull the big upset. Gonna have to play better than you played last 2 weeks.
  19. Who chants SEC SEC! last in this one? Have to say it's probably the sheep herders. Arky seems to be dropping like a stone.
  20. Squad looking good...haven't lost to any teams from the MAC! SEC SEC!!!!
  21. There you go...when the present is this bleak, better to remember the days of yesteryear...
  22. Yep...vs worst QB in Div 1 history. But that's in the past. How's it hanging this season for the ole Razorbacks????
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