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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. I would like to say something good about Ted................He's gone ...good
  2. They could have just done their job and voted, didn't have to vote to accept, just vote. The republicans hate for Obama outweighs the love of the country.
  3. They don't have a problem with the Redskins, but they want to do away with the Cowboys and Texans
  4. Nobody"s coming for yall's guns, stop spending all your money on guns and ammo. Take a vacation instead!
  5. Obama two term United States President, will be President Obama for the rest of his life whether you guys like it or not.
  6. It's basically ok to lie if the person is republican. Donald trump has lied, is lying about things now and will lie in the future. (And so will Hillary) but you guys have someone on your side that can match any bad thing that you talk about on this board. I really don't have a side, just seems that i'm defending dems because of all the republican propaganda on this board. This is just a message board, a place to air your frustrations.
  7. What if she refused to show her tax returns, what would you guys be saying right now. What if she made claims of weapons of mass destruction and we found that to be a lie.
  8. it amazes me about people in the country worried so much about one women lying, this country just passed the voting right act in August of 1965, in politics we have had some of the most lying, cheating stealing political people in the word. We have stopped minorties and women from voting, there was a time when The people in the good ole south would punish negros fro reading, but we are so worried about Hillary's emails. The Clintons are great people compared to some of the elected officials from the past. The conservatives claim to be so christian, but so did the Klan.
  9. Obama ought to be pretty happy, Hill or donald will make him look pretty damn good, and he faced the worst congress in history
  10. Why not cut all restrictions and let anyone buy whatever gun or ammo that want at anytime. Lets stop inspecting planes and food products, drinking water and medical facilities also. Since chemical plants and refinerys are supplying good jobs, let them do whatever they want without any government restrictions, lets not hold them back. Lets not take away any rights from anybody.
  11. you mean the free Reagan phones, do you guys care about facts at all
  12. be careful, Mitt was so confident that he didn't write a concession speech......as long as Trump doesn't pick palin for vp it will be close
  13. Hillary and Donald are the bottom of the freakin barrels!!!!!!!!!!!!But it beats having Ted or Sarah!
  14. Yobama probably would have no problem whipping trump or hillary if he could run for a third term, By the way Republicans were the ones that passed the law for presidential term limits, they tried to reverse it when mr ronnie reagan was in office though
  15. As long as Cruz and Palin are kept out of the white house, Im happy
  16. the 2020 election belongs to the party that loses in 2016, no doubt
  17. Republicans lied to using 2012 when they said they would move if obama was re -elected
  18. Fox news poll had Mitt leading also. But at least the Donald is smarter than the republican nut job leaders
  19. I think as long as trump keeps his taxes secret from the american people he will be ok. After that whatever lying crooked candidate that raises the most mudslinging money will win
  20. If they go by birth certificate, is it ok for a women that looks like a man to be in the women's restroom with your girls and is it ok for a man that looks like a women to be in the restroom with your boys? just saying
  21. When Obama was elected in 2008 the republican congressman had a meeting and agreed that they would not support anything that he proposed or tried to do, even the things that they previously agreed upon and liked, if he proposed some of there ideas they would block it. These votes do not care about the country only their own agendas, and looking at the dems, they are the evil twin of your republicans. All of these folks congressman will get paid for life after 8yrs of service, they will get pay and healthcare for doing absolutely nothing(thats welfare and free stuff folks) They argue and fight in dc and keep the dumb..... arguing and fighting so that they may keep getting elected to their cush free stuff jobs. Congress has a lower approval rating than the president. Just wait for Hill or Donald, I predict that either four year stint will be worse than Obama. These to can't even speak well when they lie to us. 2016 election will be a joke either way.
  22. agree on clinton, but trump is lying cheating scum also . Mr go bankrupt and don't pay his bills, but trump is 100 times better than lying ted
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