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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. no more in the last 4 yrs than normal, I just can't agree, my wife's insurance hasn't went up at all....because of pre-existing conditions my brother couldn't get insurance at all until obamacare....it was to expensive before obamacare
  2. cutting the debt in half while still making payments on two wars............I guess at least the housing crisis is over and the automakers and banks no longer need a bailout....my healthcare has been on a steady incline for the last 15 years [Hidden Content]
  3. Your presidential candidate would like to send them back to mexico and build a wall. which nothing that trump says or does is never condemned by the good conservative christians on this board
  4. hispanics will soon be the majority in texas, do they want secession. maybe conservative texans need to take lousiana
  5. I dont' mind good people with guns, they help protect me from bad people with guns(sometimes i can't tell them apart though) Im just commenting on the last 5 or 6 years the scare tactics, that someone would take your guns......this will never happen......but it sells lots of guns and ammo
  6. when smitty does it you never complain
  7. this year I would take kasich on the republican side and none on the dem side
  8. [Hidden Content] republicans believe anything their talk radio people tell them
  9. where would smitty find facts!
  10. Mr Obama won the last two elections, because of this years republican circus the dems could win the senate, its too bad our only choice for pres may be hillary and donald , I know you guys love anyone under the republican ticket. but i cant vote for either
  11. TED CRUZ WILL NEVER BE POTUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. the united states debt was in better shape while Bill was on orgy island, if Bill could run in 2016 we know who would win President Bill Clinton(had the most fun in the oval office)
  13. I would like to nominate Cruz for dog catcher in my town
  14. maybe every january i will check back and see if someone has taken your guns yet.....a mind is a terrible thing to waste
  15. If clinton wins the dems will probably win the senate also and clinton will nominate someone thats not as neutral as Merrick garland
  16. Donald Trump doesn't even believe half the things he says, he knows that average people are easily convinced of things when they want to believe them
  17. If Hillary Clinton wins the white house, republicans will regret not voting on merrik garland
  18. he went hunting with Dick Cheney
  19. If I wanted to run for office as a republican i would say the same thing, obama and hillary wants your guns people, I would get on the board of the nra, wear a nra t-shirt and a make america great again cap. I would just preach on my hate of the obamas and clintons and win in a landslide
  20. cut the puppet strings.....no one will take your guns people
  21. Can you guys put Palin back on her leash
  22. Donald Trump(christian conservative) has outsmarted the entire republican establishment by telling them what they want to hear. He has already transitioned from Obama is coming for your gums to Hillary is coming for your guns. Lets keep hispanics out and muslims out. The blacks did't sneak in, we went and offered them a ride in, we needed them to do our work for free back in the day.....lets make america great again......coincidence, we wouldn't allow the blacks to open carry either.
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