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Posts posted by Tigers2010

  1. 5 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    If all it takes is to have a talented QB, even though their are 21 other positions, then why didn't PN-G win State the past 2 years?  If Westerberg was their coach, going by what you are implying, he would have coaching PN-G.

    RJ is good. Kyler Murray is a 1st round draft pick. There is a difference. Nobody said that's all it takes.

    You continue implying that it all takes is a great coach. It doesn't. It takes superior coaching and significant talent. Both. Period. This is a dead horse conversation.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    I have another one for you, and the forum:  I watched Liberty Hill play.  You look at their kids and they look no different than the kids at Vidor.  Vidor and Liberty Hill run the same offense.  One played for the State Championship and one didn't even make it out of the district.  Coaching or players?

    Just because they are white don't mean a thing. That is kinda an ignorant thing to say.

    Funny how you ignored everything I said, to respond with that.

  3. Look at it like this Reagan. Coaches get the GOAT stigma for winning multiple titles. Many coaches around the State win 1 title. Hell, the WB coach, in his 2nd year almost got one at the highest level (lost by 1 point). So the premise is multiple titles would make you elite.

    TW, in 9 years, at the largest school in the State, with all the built in advantages, and got . He got his "multiple titles", which made him elite by running of 3 years in a row. Did he magically become the greatest coach in the State?

    No, he got a 1st round NFL QB to come play at his school. (Murray was a move in). He's a great coach, that just so happened to be at the largest school in the State. And he also just so happened to have a once in a generational player "move in", to catapult his career into the "elite" status by winning multiple titles in a row.

    BH can be good under TW. They can compete for district sometimes. They should be in the playoffs every year. But, did you watch the 5A State Championships? Unless they get some kids move in, BH can't compete with that. 

    How long does TW have to go without even winning the district before you would say "yeah, he just don't have the same talent"?

  4. 6 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Nothing is 100%.  Plus i don't deal in speculation.  With these being championship coaches -- are you 100% sure that they couldn't. 

    Yup, I would bet my life on it. Without move ins, Warren does not produce the talent to win a State Championship at their current classification., no offense Warren peeps. 

    TW won 3 titles in a row once he got Kyler Murray. A Heisman winner and likely 1st round draft pick.

    How come he only won 1 in the other 9 years? Could it possibly be he needed a Kyler Murray type talent?

  5. 7 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    I see it a hair different.  One gets compensated for a job well done.  I'm sure Surratt didn't start off making that much.  I'm sure he was compensated after each State Championship.  Now, if you are saying you dangle $154,000 out there and then you will get a State Championship caliber coach, well, that's possible!

    Surely you don't believe that Surratt or TW or Bill Belichek can roll into Hardin and in 5-10 years have a State Championship, barring move ins who come wanting to play for them?

  6. 1 hour ago, Reagan said:

    I appreciate your comment.  But let's example what you are attempting to imply about Allen when Westerberg was there. Before Westerberg, Allen had NEVER won a State Championship.  Westerberg got there in 2004.  It took him 5 years to win State.  He won State in 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014.  Between 2006 and 2015, Westerberg won 10 or more games.  So, the salient question is:  Was Kyler Murrey there for ALL of the State Championships?  I don't think so.  Anyway, one player does not make a team.  Not doubt this one player helped.  But, if one good player at QB is all it takes -- then PN-G is two-time State Champions!  Oh wait...

    Allen won State after TW left as well. So the salient question is: did Allen need TW to win State or the right group of kids to come along?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    I see your point.  But -- has any mid-county coach won 6 State Championships like Surratt has?  Has any mid-county coach won 1?  It's like anything else in life -- production equals value!

    You get what you pay for, like anything else. Want better quality (anything) pay more money. Would a guy like Surratt or TW ever think about coming to Nederland?

    The answer is no. They do not pay well and there facilities are a absolute embarrassment. They like to pretend they take football seriously, but in the grand scheme of the State, they don't. Which is okay. Not every school has to go all out for football and build nice facilities and unload a BRINKS truck for a coach, just don't complain when you don't get the Grand Prize.

  8. 1 hour ago, Reagan said:

    I appreciate your comment.  But let's example what you are attempting to imply about Allen when Westerberg was there. Before Westerberg, Allen had NEVER won a State Championship.  Westerberg got there in 2004.  It took him 5 years to win State.  He won State in 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014.  Between 2006 and 2015, Westerberg won 10 or more games.  So, the salient question is:  Was Kyler Murrey there for ALL of the State Championships?  I don't think so.  Anyway, one player does not make a team.  Not doubt this one player helped.  But, if one good player at QB is all it takes -- then PN-G is two-time State Champions!  Oh wait...

    Again, any mid-county school paying 154K for a Head Football Coach?

  9. 16 minutes ago, Whoopi Goldberg's Lips said:


    The best season he had at Alabama, he threw for half the amount of yards as Murray just did. 2K yards less. In his best rushing season he rushed for less yards than Murray did this year. He won't have the Bama defense to relieve the pressure of having to score so much. Again, I think he is a good player, but he is light years away from what OU has trotted out there the last 3 years.

  10. 4 minutes ago, About a week ago said:

    I think he will be successful! He looked to be a better passer in his appearances this past season. Then give him this spring and summer with Lincoln Riley. He will only get better. 

    No doubt. That is a good pick up for them. He won't be able to match near the level of production Murray or Mayfield gave them, but he will be solid.

  11. 20 hours ago, Reagan said:

    Scott Surratt at Carthage:  It took him only 1 year to win State.  In his 12 years there, Scott has won 6 State Championships.  Carthage had NOT won State before Surratt got there.  Again, no "move-ins" before he got there.  Only "good move-ins" since he's been there?  I think not.  It was his coaching that done it!

    Surratt makes 154K. Any mid-county school paying that?

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